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    Virginia Beach
  1. Thanks for that link! I just got the Bob books and will be adding those in...I am glad to see they are so highly recommended.
  2. Okay, sorry it took me so long but now that dinner time is over I have it up!
  3. A continuation from another thread (ETC Book 4 question). For those who use Explode the Code--Do you supplement with any other phonics programs? If so, which ones work well? I have just begun using ETC with my 5yo son and look forward to hearing any feedback on the program and its use in conjunction with other programs. Thanks, Sara
  4. I'd love to hear responses to this, too, as I have just started ETC with my son. Actually, I think I will start a new thread if that is okay with selh09.
  5. I just read A High Wind in Jamaica last month, quite liked it. I also recently finished A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines and The Road by Cormac McCarthy both of which are the types of books that stay with you. Currently reading (for me): The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan, Food, Inc., and am about to start another of Cormac McCarthy's books. Currently reading to DS: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  6. Thank you all so very much. I think we are going to go ahead and start with ETC book 1 and will just move through what he knows as review. I am very excited about the online recommendations because writing can be tedious. I had not considered letting him dictate and me doing the writing, so thank you for including that--I know it will be helpful. He knows his letters, we practice writing every morning (he has afternoon kindergarten), but his will to write gives out before his interest to learn. I have also ordered OPGTR and will dive into that once it's in my hands. Sincerely, thank you for being so willing to share your advice.
  7. Thanks so much. I am not homeschooling, yet. He has attended preschool since he was almost 3 and now we have him in traditional kindergarten. We read everyday. I have been reading him chapter books since he was tiny and he is reading pre-readers and level one books with help. I feel like he is capable of learning so much and I want to make sure he has a firm foundation for it. I guess I am looking for structure...I just don't want to miss anything, especially since he's just learning how to put it all together. I hope that makes sense. I am very much in awe of all of you who home school.
  8. I would love to hear your thoughts on the Explode the Code series. I am considering it for my 5yo son. I want him to grow into being a strong reader and would be supplementing his traditional kindergarten (1/2 days) work with this set. I am a total newbie here, and have been reading reading reading, but wanted to get some opinions before I purchased the books. Thanks so much. Sara
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