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Everything posted by KSera

  1. This. None of mine were the kind who would nap at someone else’s house unless held in arms.
  2. I can totally see this as well. My dc is in gender inclusive housing next year and they were just telling me about someone who had a straight cis guy as a roommate last year in the gender inclusive housing, and everything was cool and no problem, but that they thought it was funny they requested gender inclusive and wondered why. I suggested like you say, that maybe they wanted to indicate they were an ally. It is true there’s nothing to stop someone with other motives, but unless they pick a certain roommate (who has to also pick them), they would have no idea who they would end up with. It would be equally likely they would be with a trans woman male-bodied roommate who likes guys. Which probably wouldn’t be their goal. I do have concerns about the boyfriend-girlfriend aspect causing awkwardness, as my dc is rooming with two trans students, male and female, and doesn’t know if they are romantically involved or just friends.
  3. Thanks for linking. How so do you mean Page 12 suggests otherwise? I do think it would be very helpful to know the demographics of those who have died. From the little information on that I have seen reported, it suggests that the people who are becoming very ill and those dying from Covid after being fully vaccinated, are particularly elderly or otherwise in poor health. Given that, the numbers would make more sense. If most of the people becoming ill with Covid after being vaccinated are those that are already at high risk, they are more likely to succumb than healthier people. The part on Delta outbreaks in schools is unfortunately confounded. It’s very clear that school outbreaks have exploded in the UK, but it’s hard to know if that’s more due to Delta or due to the fact that they removed masking in schools when kids returned from their break, which happened to be at the same time the Delta hit there. Really bad timing.
  4. Oh, I don't think we have been infiltrated on this thread or anything on this topic at this point. I just mean in general. There have been some weird patterns lately that indicate this forum must be coming up more often in people's search results when they search for random things. And there have been a number of new accounts that post in a random thread with a profile picture of a guy's headshot, and each is a different guy, but the kind of picture is so similar that it's weird to me. Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed that 🤷‍♀️. In any case, nothing to do with this topic, just saying I do feel like the chances of someone stumbling across it is higher now than it used to be.
  5. I think it's great that we have been able to have it here. It's an important conversation. Besides doxxing and harassment, there are many online forums where any discussions like these have been shut down and the channels banned as hate speech. Detransitioners trying to talk about their experiences have had their spaces shut down. In many places, the range of what opinion is allowed in order to not be considered hate speech is extremely narrow. And it frustrates the heck out of me, because that's not not for the benefit of trans-identifying people (particularly young people) at all. To be all hoo-yah! about instant hormones and function-impairing surgeries for any young people that request it is not coming from a place of genuinely caring about those young people, it's all about appearances and thinking the "right" thing without any significant thought or research into what that actually is and what effect it is having.
  6. Yep. I have almost come back and deleted all my posts in this and the related topic for this reason. I tend to stay away from reading general discusisions on this topic online, but came across a discussion somewhere and it reminded me how totally ugly and scary it can get and I almost deleted everything--and that's with me having pretty middle of the road, protective of trans people opinions, but the fact I also have concerns makes me a target. (And we have had an unusual pattern of brand new posters who don't seem to be here for anything to do with homeschooling on this forum the last couple months, which makes me even more concerned that TWTM is coming up in more people's search results.)
  7. No, no, you came off fine. I probably came off a little brusque in my reply, and didn't intend it that way either. I just sound that way when I type 😂. We're all good 😊.
  8. Thanks. They seem on a good track right now. I think it was all exacerbated by a bad therapist who thought dc needed to put more distance between themself and us and be more independent (without therapist having any clue why we were still needed to the degree we are). Failing classes was a wake up call and dc has fired that therapist and is doing much better than they were under her care. Why do so many therapists think they know better than the parents who have known the kid their whole life?
  9. Protecting The Immuno-Compromised Against COVID Could Be Key To Ending The Pandemic
  10. I think it’s understandable that a large number of people would have interpreted this to mean that the no clothing allowed places were separated by sex. I know it says gender, but it’s still a pretty recent change that sex and gender didn’t meant the same thing in this context, and I would expect a lot of people who aren’t up on these things would have had a reasonable expectation they were sharing the space with people with the same general body configuration as themself. Now it’s clear that’s not how they meant it, but I do think it’s understandable up until the point of this episode that women would have expected not to see male genitals in that area. Now they know (and it will mean a lot of women no longer feel comfortable there—society will have to decide how much that matters and what to do about it).
  11. I agree, but circumstances dictate that I be as hands off as is prudent (which is now clear is less hands off than I had been this past 6 months). 21 is a different stage than 18, and dc wouldn’t even be living at home right now if not for Covid. They will be on campus in the Fall. This was an issue not of forgetting, but of dc being worried about getting addicted to the medications and wanting to keep going off them to show themself they weren’t addicted. Possibly a bit of an OCD related issue. My 18 yo is an entirely different issue and I hold and administer all of that dc’s meds.
  12. Nothing about any of this is good 😞. Obviously the violent counter protestors are a bad thing, and, while totally within their rights, the protestors protesting the policy on the basis of obeying Jesus are doing more harm than good to highlighting the actual issues with the current policy. We don’t legislate or make policies for public places based on religious beliefs, so that’s not a compelling reason and now it looks like the concern is only a matter of religious bigotry (and makes the religion look bad to boot).
  13. Starting dose was 5mg for the first month. It’s been probably 18 months since they first started it. We do use a psychiatric NP, and we like her and have good rapport. She takes time with the kids. My dc was not just taking the adderall sporadically, but doing the same with the lexapro and also her thyroid meds 🤦‍♀️. It actually makes me feel better realizing it’s been not yet a month since they resumed lexapro after being sporadic and then taking a couple weeks off. They might not be back to fully medicated baseline yet
  14. Thanks. Your whole post is very helpful. This is an interesting thought I hadn’t considered. I feel like it’s a bigger deal going up in lexapro than adderall, but given all the sleeping and the decrease in mood and function the last couple months, maybe that would be good to consider. It’s all their choice at this point, but they still look to me for help in these kinds of things and they have a history of being fairly medication averse, so increasing dosage is likely to make them nervous (they were apparently going on and off their medication all quarter “to know they could” 🤦‍♀️, so that absolutely wouldn’t have been helping their functioning. It’s still not been a month back fully on the lexapro, so we’ll let that kick in fully first.)
  15. My 21 yo was diagnosed ADHD (inattentive-impulsive) at 18. They didn’t start taking medication regularly until a year or two later. They found the IR adderall super helpful. It reduced anxiety and allowed them to get things done in more normal amounts of time. They take 10mg 1-2x a day, depending on the demands of the day. It doesn’t seem to be sufficient anymore. Dc has bad task avoidance and failed two college classes due to apparently just not doing any assignments all quarter and not telling me until finals week (they have been a Dean’s list student up to this point). They can take their adderall and then go to sleep. It just doesn’t seem to do much anymore. I’m wondering if trying something else would be better than increasing the adderall. They are on lexapro for anxiety as well, so it needs to be compatible.
  16. I posted in your SSI thread, and now I see this one is even more applicable. How does one begin to get hooked in with VR? So far what I’m seeing from my state looks like my dd would be on a very long wait list because she probably only qualifies as two areas of impairment, and they are currently only open for those with three or more. Are there other options than state programs?
  17. I just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I came to ask questions about vocational rehab for an 18 yo in similar circumstances, and this thread was helpful. She used to work, but now says she can’t and she won’t talk about making steps toward it. She’s very demand avoidant and prefers to just be on discord on her phone all day and not deal with anything else. Meanwhile, we are now paying the monthly bills for a monthly expense she took on at 15 with the understanding she was responsible for working and covering that expense. Which she did until 8 months ago, and now we’ve been paying it ever since. I think the situation works for her. She no longer has any desire to get back to independence and eventually move out. Which totally doesn’t work for us.
  18. Have you looked at what high school completion services your local community college offers? A lot of CCs offer classes online, especially right now.
  19. I think for Australia, and other countries where there is not nearly enough vaccine, and all adults haven’t had the opportunity yet, this definitely makes sense. If all the adults in the US who could be vaccinated were, it might make sense here as well. The amount of vaccine hesitancy we have is going to prevent kids from being protected by adults, even though we have more than enough vaccine to do it. I am in favor of the US diverting extra vaccine supplies to other countries who need them. I wish people would take the opportunity we have to crush the virus here in this country by getting everybody vaccinated, but since they’re apparently not going to, let’s at least help make that happen in other countries.
  20. This is sooo sweet. I enjoyed the other videos of him with the cats as well ❤️. My dad adores his cats he “doesn’t like” as well (actually, he doesn’t even pretend anymore).
  21. In positive Australia news, NSW is finally acknowledging Covid is airborne, which is great news for healthcare workers.
  22. Ah. Okay, I misunderstood and thought you meant they were going to stop trying to completely suppress the current outbreak.
  23. I apologize that I get confused which states are having what in Aus, but can you clarify for me which state you’re in that is changing plans?
  24. I’ve heard there’s one of these in a nearby town, but I have yet to see it. Seems like a weird place to go to a bar, but 🤷‍♀️. And like a really bad idea for pandemic times.
  25. Costco is where I’ve been shopping and trying to choose between, so this is very helpful. Is there any compelling reason to have two nozzles? That’s one of the things I’m stuck on between models. Since the nozzles move, I can’t decide if it matters for there to be two.
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