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  1. Hi there! I'm a long time lurker. I have a 17 year old for whom I am out of ideas. We homeschooled her until high school. There were a variety of reasons for that but a few of the biggest were her sensory issues and getting very overwhelmed, as well as a significant anxiety and depression when her sensory issues were triggered. She did great in 9th grade. She had a 504 place and was able to take more time with tests, and move when she needed to, etc. The public school here was good for her. She loved being with her friends and aside from a few anxious/depressed episodes she was great. !0th grade she was already struggling before COVID. It was too intense, too overwhelming. When school went online in March she just was done. This year I tried getting her going with all virtual school for her junior year. It still felt too much and too overwhelming. In addition, horses have always been her true love. When covid started she began going to her barn 4 or 5 times a week. She is now second in command there, teaches, trains horses, and does barn things to pay for board for the horse she finally bought and her care. She stopped school after about 6 weeks. She was just falling apart. She still goes 4 times a week to the barn and spend most of the day there. This will be her life and vocation in some form. There are 2 year Ag/Tech degrees in horse management that she is interested in. She doesn't mind "graduating" late. I don't know what to do with her. I don't know how to help her graduate in any form. She has never fit the mold AT ALL (unlike my other daughter who is thriving as a sophomore) and nothing I can think of seems to fit the mold. She has this full life with no school in it but I know that we will all regret it if we can't get her graduated. Can anyone help me? Thanks. Buz
  2. Hi there! I'm a long time lurker. I have a 17 year old for whom I am out of ideas. We homeschooled her until high school. There were a variety of reasons for that but a few of the biggest were her sensory issues and getting very overwhelmed, as well as a significant anxiety and depression when her sensory issues were triggered. She did great in 9th grade. She had a 504 place and was able to take more time with tests, and move when she needed to, etc. The public school here was good for her. She loved being with her friends and aside from a few anxious/depressed episodes she was great. !0th grade she was already struggling before COVID. It was too intense, too overwhelming. When school went online in March she just was done. This year I tried getting her going with all virtual school for her junior year. It still felt too much and too overwhelming. In addition, horses have always been her true love. When covid started she began going to her barn 4 or 5 times a week. She is now second in command there, teaches, trains horses, and does barn things to pay for board for the horse she finally bought and her care. She stopped school after about 6 weeks. She was just falling apart. She still goes 4 times a week to the barn and spend most of the day there. This will be her life and vocation in some form. There are 2 year Ag/Tech degrees in horse management that she is interested in. She doesn't mind "graduating" late. I don't know what to do with her. I don't know how to help her graduate in any form. She has never fit the mold AT ALL (unlike my other daughter who is thriving as a sophomore) and nothing I can think of seems to fit the mold. She has this full life with no school in it but I know that we will all regret it if we can't get her graduated. Can anyone help me? Thanks. Buz
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