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Melissa Louise

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Everything posted by Melissa Louise

  1. Oh Lord, the shame...I sent dd's lunch (she did a day a week Steiner preschool the year she was three) in a basket with linen cloth....and I liked it! I totally agree that plastic lunchboxes are far more sensible. But baskets are more pleasing to my eye. It's probably good for us that dd's Steiner school went bankrupt and shut down after the first year. Clearly I am v easily seduced by aesthetic (the play silks!) I wasn't hardline on the wood toys, but I did prefer them. Ds had kilos of Lego, so no-one was seriously deprived.
  2. I told you when I'd reconsider my pov, and it's when the UK case is overturned. I just found out the jury in this case was not sequestered. Unbelievable. There is no epidemic of men being seriously and dangerously abused by women, despite many people seeming to wish for a #mentoo movement.
  3. Plastic toys are kinda gross though. I hated plastic before, during and after Waldorf. Wooden toys last a lot better and can be recycled through multiple families/generations. The creepy thing we were exposed to in our one day a week year in the cult, was that dolls weren't supposed to have faces. And they were anti sunscreen, which was weird. Other than that, it was a lot of wet on wet painting, beeswax modelling, fairy tales, songs, and lute music.
  4. You can do the felt craft and storytelling without vibing with white supremacy.
  5. https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/domestic-abuse-is-a-gendered-crime/
  6. Sure, when we live in a world where love pays the rent.
  7. One post in and we're at breastfeeding Nazis. No, we can't discuss this issue. Because of inflammatory language like that.
  8. I doubt it. My ex would charm you. Until he got sick, he was incredibly charming and plausible to others. He'd have you believing I was a sick woman with a psych diagnosis who was trying to destroy his life in about three seconds flat. Anyway, Marilyn Manson up next, another woman to destroy in court. Should be fun.
  9. I'm talking about IRL. IRL, my ex was right when he threatened me that 'I wouldn't like the outcome' if we went to court. He was right that his lawyer cousin 'would destroy me'. He was right when he said no-one would give a shit about his drinking. He was right when he said if I went to therapy, that also wouldn't go well for me - nobody believes a crazy woman. He was right that he would be able to bring character witnesses who would swear blind he was a wonderful husband and father. I am so thankful I listened to his warnings. He did me a favour.
  10. It's just yet another volley in the anti breastfeeding wars. Breast milk should be counted in GDP. Women should be compensated for their breastfeeding labour. It isn't free.
  11. Having seen the utter vitriol in this thread, I am convinced I did the right thing by never sharing, IRL, about my exes abuse. I have no difficulty imagining being torn apart and diagnosed by strangers now. My instincts, to avoid angering my ex by leaving, to.play nice, to stay far away from court, were right. Congratulations. Please don't at me.
  12. Anecdotally, we continue to have abnormal numbers of students off, but 90% aren't testing.
  13. It's the UK judgement. You should be able to Google it.
  14. I don't know. But the texts, the diary, therapy, witness statements and AU hospital evidence re finger were seen in the UK case. The rape allegation was heard in private and not detailed in the findings.
  15. I went and read the UK findings. Instructive. Contemporaneous texts from JD's staff telling AH that JD feels terrible for kicking her on the plane while in a drug fuelled rage. Contemporaneous diary, therapy and witness evidence of AH having hair ripped from her head, and being hit by JD on a staircase, again, while JD was in a drug fuelled rage. Texts between staff members detailing further instances of JD in drug fuelled rages, including one in which he headbutted AH. Medical evidence from hospital in AU where he was treated that the injury to his finger did not happen via a thrown bottle. Evidence that all instances of violence were precipitated by drug taking + JD's pathological jealousy. (I wonder if ppl know that paranoid jealousy is a form of emotional abuse?) Before I read the UK findings, I was unsure of the relative levels of responsibility, even though JD lost his case and appeals. After reading it, I think you are all being played. AH is a messy, imperfect victim. She also took drugs sometimes ( though does not have a chronic substance abuse problem like JD), clearly has major attachment difficulties, and responded to JD's verbal, emotional and physical violence with her own at times, in a not uncommon pattern. But that's not what the trial is about. It's about whether JD was defamed. Look at the contemporaneous texts from staff to AH and about JD, and it's pretty clear that the claim AH survived abuse (implied from JD) is substantiated. (Not part of the trial but it's clear he also bullies his staff). JD has a massive social media campaign going on around this trial, and it's achieved its aims. He's got his preferred story out there, and it will likely influence the trial outcome. He's tapped into a rich vein of 'men are the real victims!' Imo, there is no excuse for the televising of this case, in particular the part of the trial dealing with the rape allegation.
  16. If you read the link, you'd see it doesn't so much defend Heard as it does discuss how harmful the circus is.
  17. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-29/johnny-depp-amber-heard-domestic-violence/101093294
  18. Genitals? Seriously. On the basis that in the UK, it is legally substantiated to call Depp a wife beater.
  19. I just found out that I can now get another booster - yay! Eligibility expanded to include those with chronic disease.
  20. Yes! Anecdotal, and I don't want to curse myself, but so far, the four staff at school who regularly mask in P2 masks are the only staff not to have had Covid yet.
  21. It is substantially more difficult in the UK for a paper to win a case like this, which they did, given 12 out of 14 instances of abuse were proven. When that case is overturned*, then I'll revisit my opinion that JD has already been judged to be a wife beater. *already denied an appeal in a higher court. The perjury claim is unrelated to the proven instances of abuse. If ppl think the UK courts, all the way to the top, are corrupt, they might need to provide evidence of that. I'd suggest that the US style of court as circus doesn't give anyone the cultural high ground here.
  22. It's worrisome. 1/3 of most classes away with confirmed or suspected Covid today at school. And yet, we are having whole school assemblies in the hall.
  23. Bitter + disturbed + alcoholic + drug use = a pretty high chance of behaving abusively. Manipulative abusers often sound calm and collected to an outsider, and the other person sounds crazy. That's an abuse dynamic.
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