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Melissa Louise

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Everything posted by Melissa Louise

  1. It's not just the US. There really aren't many nations who do a great job of the above. ~ I've got to admit, the first thing I thought when thinking about AU taking Palestinian refugees is that women and children under 12, OK, with a right of return, but that it's going to be a hard sell to the public on teens and men. It's not race, it's not religion, it's the (potential) radicalisation. The second thing I thought is that we can't even house all our citizens or current asylum.seekers, so we are in no place to to take in more people. It's complex. Morally simple, yes. But pragmatically extremely complex. And not just a US sin.
  2. I remember AU took Bosnian refugees who did return - and that was the plan all along.
  3. Yes, many, but they don't really fit the tone of the thread. I don't have a lot of longings for things - clothes, mostly. $ ones.
  4. My kid has a tattoo. Him and all his friends! It's the fashion.
  5. Yep. But sorry, also, for the need. I cried too. Better to let it spill over sometimes. It does reduce stress a little.
  6. Failure of emotional regulation in two parts - first, externalizing inner bad feeling by starting the argument; then, belatedly realizing they've done that, not being able to acknowledge it, but needing to walk away from the failure in order to save self from shame/blame.
  7. A new coffee shop just opened up right where I get off the bus to work - I have a loyalty card already 🙂
  8. It's not just coffee, some of us are pre-occupied with our morning (before and after breakfast, mid morning, noon, mid afternoon, pre-dinner, post-dinner, before bed) cup of English Breakfast tea 🙂 I actually ruminate on how life would be if the tea supply disappeared, and it isn't good.
  9. Listening to national broadcaster - source of hospital blast unknown as both sides blame each other. It is not known whether it is a failed Hamas strike or an Israeli strike. Terrible, horrible either way.
  10. From what you've written, it seems (understandably) that contact with this person is triggering the old wounds. I don't really know what I would do here. But it might be useful to separate the two things? First, there is your re-triggered trauma. You deserve not to have that constantly re-triggered. That would be where your boundaries come in. Do you have a trusted person/therapist to work through this with? Secondly, there is the person and what they do/what is going on with them and for them. It will be easier to think through a plan of action here when you are not being constantly re-triggered. So I guess my advice, such as it is, is to spend time thinking about and then acting upon what you need. It's not selfish, because you can't even start to think about/deal with the person until you are feeling as emotionally safe as possible.
  11. This may or may not be related to the topic. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/13/france-on-high-alert-after-suspected-radical-islamist-kills-teacher
  12. Thank you. We can all only do and say what we feel inside is right, whether that pleases others or not. This is one of several links to the disputed story about Nazis in front of the Jewish Museum. I am glad we have racial vilification laws and a law against displaying Nazi imagery. It serves no-one for Nazis to be on the street. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/13/nazi-salute-arrest-sydney-jewish-museum-men
  13. Yeah, I marched against the Iraq War etc. I have never been to a single pro-Israel rally but plenty of Free Palestine rallies when I was younger. I feel consistent on not wanting to see what is happening now, happen. Civilians should be spared, as much as is humanly possible, from war. This tweet (Canadian author I follow) spoke to me: As I've gotten older, I think on many issues (not all) I want to substitute a 'but' for an 'and'. Not 'Israeli Jews were massacred but this is a war crime'. Instead, 'Israeli Jews were massacred, and the military response of the Netanyahu government risks unacceptable civilian deaths in Gaza.' Let each horror have its tragic weight. without making one carry the denial of the other.
  14. I think all the discussions at my work about manicures should be phased out. I think paying for public transit should be phased out. I think having to ride your bike on the road and not the footpath should be phased out, and also bike helmets when you are just cycling aesthetically to the local shops. On the now legal footpath. I think tea served in coffee cups at cafes should be phased out. Pretty sure lawns should go. Certain breeds of dogs - phased out. Allergies should be phased out immediately. Password scolding when you put in the only password you'll remember and the site says 'this password is weak' - phased out - I KNOW! Cameras at the self service checkout so now you are bagging carrots and dealing with 'oh god, do I look like that?' dramas at the same time - get rid.
  15. One last thought - I think I'd encourage my teen to think. 'But I thought she liked it!' isn't thinking. Encourage him to see there are multiple perspectives on any action, and to experiment with thinking it through from a variety of perspectives.
  16. Agreed. Just as the massacre of Jews was a war crime, full of hatred and lack of morals. Crime on crime.
  17. Not the internet, but social media capacity on the internet.
  18. Regarding education itself and leaving aside non-educational abuse, I'd like to see the focus in general shift here. How can we, as societies, best serve students across a variety of educational settings - schools, homes etc. Not this pitting of one against another - individualized education will always have to exist because institutional learning can't adequately cater for every student.
  19. Not just you. I'd have been mortified if my son was making this kind of joke over and over. It's just not funny. Actually, scrap that - I wouldn't be mortified but I would use it as a heads-up that my teen might have some social skill gaps I could help him remediate.
  20. A good rule of thumb, regardless of the wrongs and rights, is don't make the same edgy joke more than once. Get your laugh, move on.
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