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  1. I opened my bedside drawer today where private items for sex are kept and could tell that someone aside from me and my husband had moved things around. I was (& still am) horrified at the thought of either of my kids looking in there, but especially my 12 year old. I asked him if he had been in my room and opened any of my drawers and he of course said no. I also asked my 9 year old, and he said no, as well. I could tell my 9 year old was clueless and am pretty sure it wasn't him. I feel like my 12 year old is afraid of getting in trouble, but I really would like to confront the issue while trying to avoid making him feel bad, but it is a privacy issue, as well as not wanting him to see those kinds of things. Not sure how to handle this. Anyone ever run into this issue and have advice? TYIA
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