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Everything posted by Ditto

  1. I'm very sorry for your loss. This is such a sweet obituary. I'm glad you shared about her with us.
  2. Ditto

    High B12?

    What kind doctor you have to e-mail you back so promptly. We need more drs like that. I'm glad there is a plan in place and that he is on top of things. I also hope you start feeling better as your level drops.
  3. I fully agree with you, they should be personalized.
  4. I "knew" Margaret far better through the breast cancer site. Her knowledge, warmth, compassion, and willingness to help out her fellow breast cancer siblings was amazing. She fought with all her might to remain here longer. She was quite open about how metastatic breast cancer isn't the flowery picture that is presented in commercials and was equally open that more needed to be done to help the folks dealing with metastatic breast cancer. The online memorial created by her family is just filled with love. Margaret is smiling at her family, they have accomplished her wishes extraordinarily well. I am distraught at the loss of this wonderful lady (as so many of us are). There is most definitely a hole left in the world without her in it.
  5. I haven't been on the board in a long time. But this seemed like the perfect thread to jump back in on. It has been a very long and very crappy few months. Running away sounds like heaven. I will bring brownies and pizza for us. Edit: oops, I see someone is already bringing brownies. So I will bring chocolate chip cookies!
  6. I have not been good about posting but I am working consistently on my goals. Of course, as with most things, it is mixed progress. Overall though I feel very positive that I am moving in the right direction. I now do a small workout most days of the week. My eating got off track for a few days during January but is now solidly back where it should be, and I have lost about 3 pounds since Jan 1st. Of course, I wish that I had lost more, but moving the scale down is good and I will take it. This year I am prioritizing self-care and rest (rest is my WOTY). Each morning I start my day deciding 1 thing I will do for self-care. Exercise is one of those things and that is definitely helping me get into the workout routine. Another thing I am working on is positive thinking. With my marriage falling apart, and the abandonment of, yet having to continue to live in the same space, it is very easy to get/stay angry and bitter. I do not want to be a constantly angry bitter person. By focusing on positivity and self-care it is helping me reframe my thinking. I gave my marriage my all and tried desperately to save it. While I wasn't able to save it, I can save myself, and that is what I am working on now. I am also working on building a life outside of this house and my marriage. That is hard and definitely slow going, but it is going and that is what is important. Yes! 2022 is our year!
  7. Thank you for posting this. I knew there was another thread I was hoping for a good update on but couldn't remember which one. @Mrs Tiggywinkle, I do hope there is good news.
  8. I have been checking for updates. I do hope surgery happened and that she is continuing to do well and improve. Prayers are ongoing for her.
  9. Camilla has worked hard and been a great support for both Prince Charles and the royal family, I'm glad she will be crowned Queen Consort. She has earned it. I'm also happy that the Queen endorsed this officially.
  10. We have not received our tests yet. I did get a confirmation e-mail from the postal service but it didn't have tracking and I have received no further e-mails from them. Hopefully we receive them soon.
  11. I am thinking about her and sending lots of healing positive thoughts. Thank goodness she is at a major medical center now.
  12. Sending you lots of healing thoughts. I hope the time before surgery goes quickly and that surgery and recovery are complication free.
  13. Do you have/know of a light box that isn't sky high expensive but is effective?
  14. I hear you @Jenny in Florida. I feel this all in my bones.
  15. Well isn't that the truth! I never thought of it that way but you are spot on.
  16. What a nice story! Also, these are just as cute as I hoped they would be.
  17. We got 2 notices as well. The amount is correct for our family but it is split between us.
  18. This made me tear up. How incredibly sweet. Truly, everything about this is lovely. Thank you for sharing it.
  19. Okay, I am a huge cold weather fan, but this is too cold even for me. I feel awful that the schools are open. I hope everyone is managing to stay relatively warm. What is this? I am trying to picture it and am coming up blank. What a nice thing to do for the kids though.
  20. To the bolded: I just posted (before I saw your post) that I am not complaining now either. To me, it just feels like a pile on to people that are already getting beaten down in every way now. Your example just further proves my point. While I am always nice, I have tried hard to make sure I am nicer than usual and have something nice to say to the employee helping me/waiting on me. This does sometimes mean that I am nice despite the employee not being very nice (happened at the dermatology office last week as I was checking out). As to my second bolded, your husband is awesome! I love this idea! I really appreciate how he truly goes over and beyond to show his appreciation, especially in a way that the person can look back on it later as a reminder that there are good people out there.
  21. I hope she is able to keep her business afloat. It makes me sick to see how many restaurants have gone out of business since the pandemic started.
  22. I agree with you. There is no way I would complain about customer service right now. I feel just awful for the employees. I would just quietly take my business elsewhere.
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