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  1. I don't really care what people think of me of an individual. The only reason I'm not jumping gleefully into sidewalk catfights is that it's not in my family's interest. What you're saying is the equivalent to saying "Why do you care if some people cut their baby formula with coke? Stop judging." That isn't honest at all. He's not ever going to school because I'm adamantly opposed to public education on every level
  2. Why lie though? But I am not insecure about our decision at all I'm trying to formulate one! Because we have to live with the consequences of each other's parenting
  3. I'm mostly fine with that, which is why I assume people's kids are publicly schooled and don't bring the topic up, so I'm kind of off-put when people bring it up to me, especially when my son is only 3 (and a young 3 at that). Regarding covid and social distancing in school, I would argue that is literally a child abuse issue moreso than a political issue. Pretty hard to not have strong opinions on that.
  4. But if you give a reason like "We want academic rigour" that strongly implies public school does NOT have academic rigour. BTW one of my "questioners" is a middle school math teacher, so I would assume she is hyper sensitive to criticism, although I know there are many former public school teachers who homeschool.
  5. I kind of am though. I was very anti-public school before and now with covid I can't believe people are queuing to put their kids into social distancing dystopian nightmare school in fall. I think it's going to psychologically damage kids, some of them permanently. On the other hand, it doesn't benefit my family to gain a reputation as the blow hard right wing b*tch mom. lol
  6. I don't know how far that will get me in the community where I live. My midwife looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said I'm still home with my son. Pretty much everybody here puts their kid in daycare while still in diapers so they can work. I'm in Canada so it is subsidized here.
  7. That's what I thought, so I don't want to get in a huge argument with random people!
  8. "Bookshark E, Saxon 6/5, Spelling You See E, and The Good and the Beautiful handwriting" sounds like a great start to me. I believe bookshark is only 4 days a week so do a unit study on the states on the 5th day. Mama she's only 10 and you said yourself not 100% at grade level, so take it a little easy! Have her look at Muzzy, Dino Lingo or Rosetta Stone for French and pick one. Also keep in mind nobody is publishing their bad hair days on the internet, so take all the self publicity with a grain of salt.
  9. My son just turned three but I have been getting questions about school when he was only two, partially because "junior kindergarten" here starts at only age 4 and because he is tall and acts old for his age. Strangely, the two most recent inquiries happened while school and daycares are shut down due to covid. The truth of the matter is I think public school is vastly inferior and just about any blunt answer I have to the "When will your kid start school" could cause offence in someone who is publicly educating their child ("Well actually I care about my child's education..." "I'm not comfortable with the sex education curriculum that was promoted by the pedophile education minister" "We're not communists at our house.") but obviously I don't want to start off the conversation with "fighting words". On the other hand, I don't want to give a mealy mouthed response that invites an argument/criticism/etc and if I happen to be speaking to someone genuinely curious or considering homeschooling themselves, I would like to leave the door open to that conversation (so that rules out white lies). I have thought about saying "He's allergic to everything but peanuts and shellfish, so never" but I suspect that would just fly over most people's heads.
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