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10 Good
  1. my kids would hate me for it (It remains to be seen if it is a permanent condition.) That you can't teach someone not willing to learn.
  2. you get over it. DH and I haven't vacationed together since I was preggers with DS18. There was the time I had to chase DS (he was 2) into the men's room on the NJ turnpike. When DS was 12, he had to check our bags at the curb and keep an eye on his sister (7) at the airport because I needed to return the rental car and we were running late. We nearly didn't make the plane, because I couldn't find the arrivals area and I forgot to empty my pockets of change and keys and security couldn't figure out that the wand was beeping whenever it passed over my hands (which were holding the stuff I (under orders) had removed from my pockets and which I was told not to put down). Or walking on the Golden Gate Bridge holding onto DD7 for dear life because she likes to run "away" - and I'm afraid of heights... Triple checking the locks on the hotel doors, and losing the rental car in the parking lot... teaching the kids to read a road map so we'd get lost less often... Ah the memories
  3. they are lots of work. Lots of joy, but lots of work. If you want one for security, who is going to train it? Do you just want it to bark (deterrence)? I repeat, you don't have experience - who is going to train it? I always wanted a dog. Never could have one as a child. Got one shortly after we got married. Never could go anywhere after that without DH being concerned about how long we had been gone (got to get home to walk the dog), or being unable to go anywhere (the kennel cost more that most of our accommodations on vacations). One of our dogs died while we were on vacation - in the kennel - talk about sad! When the second dog died, DH and the kids wanted another dog. I love the new dog (not so new anymore) and he is well behaved and tolerant of DD, but we're back in the same boat - someone has to be home to take care of the dog - I can't tell you how many times we've left events early to get home to walk the dog, get the dog out before bed... I want to go on a cruise with my BFF and DH is worried about who will take care of the dog while *I'm* gone. You know the dog he and the kids wanted? No you don't want a dog. If you want something that barks when the doorbell rings, get a a tape recorder.
  4. Soothe - anything that will soothe the savage beast. If I can get her to laugh, that works every time. Trouble is, sometimes I can't find the right humor for her at the time... If my DH gets in on the act, the whole situation escalates, so I have to keep him our of the fray... Why he can't figure it out I don't know, it is so obvious to ME! (and anyone else within a 2-block radius). Maybe because I entered menopause so early, and didn't get hormonal like DD does. Even when I tell him what the problem is, he doesn't "get it". Maybe because DD is a mean-hormonal? I think that it is harder to e "nice" at home than it is to be "nice" around friends, so she dumps when shes home. When she's rational again, I let her know that mean-hormonal is unacceptable - period.
  5. I'm no fashionista - but I liked the parade dress (lemongrass?) but with two different shades of green as accessories (gloves and shoes)?? - I liked the ball gown. I didn't like the dress she wore to the prayer service though.
  6. I especially love mine for cheese - wow does it keep longer! I don't use it for veggies (freezing) though. Blanching and then individually freezing then vacuuming - too much effort for someone within walking distance of a produce-rich grocery store. My biggest problem with it is that it seems the only one in the house to use it - is me. DH has never touched it, and the kids can and do - but rarely, so I periodically go through the fridge and pack stuff. DH commented that his premium Swiss cheese sure kept a long time, to which I brightly replied, "It really makes a difference when you use the foodsaver!" when I really wanted to say - yeah - vacuum it next time you cut a chunk off instead of leaving it on the counter for me to put away! BTW - it doesn't work on individual chocolates/truffles - they squash. And I find meat hard to do without freezing it first.
  7. I-95 keeps getting closer and closer. DH simply won't move, so I imagine that we'll eventually be forced to move (easier to move people out of condemned homes than the railroad right of way on the other side of the interstate). We just went through years of widening and interchange work - and now the High Occupancy Toll lanes are going in. DH is oblivious to the noise level, the dirt and the lowering property values - because of his OCD he won't/can't consider moving.... believe me I've tried. You have my sympathy, but I've nothing to offer in the way of advice. I wouldn't buy the other property though.
  8. 1. Are your ear lobes free or fused?:bigear: free 2. Do you have dimples or not? no 3. Do you have a crease in your chin or not? no 4. Can you fold the tip of your tongue backward?:tongue_smilie: yes 5. Can you roll your tongue from the sides into a roll? yes I can also taste avacados (DS can't), whistle (DH can't) and roll Rs (DH can't) are those genetic too?:confused:
  9. Happy Thanksgiving!


  10. You did it! High-five! :thumbup:

  11. I used to crochet, but my hands won't let me anymore, and I used to cross-stitch but my eyes are too bad. I don't know what I'll do when I can't see to accurately cut paper.... BMC bernadettecurry.myctmh.com (under construction)
  12. I try and buy fresh items when possible - or frozen (rarely canned - except for tomatoes) simply put veggies, fruits, lean meats, sustainable fishes ( http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/cr_seafoodwatch/download.asp ), whole grains But sadly, DH and the kids bring in their other foods. If they (he) were not in the house, there would be no junk food either. No I'm not a saint, but I would buy a single serving so as not to have it around. :lol:
  13. with the neighbors that speak English. We live in a townhouse on a 12-unit courtyard, and you'd be amazed how little we see of the neighbors - especially those without kids. Before the newest set of neighbors moved in, or the old ones moved out, we were quite friendly. I was greeted with baked goods, we had "happy hour" every Wednesday if the weather was nice, twice yearly courtyard BBQ/potlucks, congregated outside for Halloween, set off fireworks on the 4th etc. That lasted about 10 years, then they all moved except us. I miss the old days. Now I would call us cordial with the neighbors, not friends. Most are immigrants and are more into staying with their ethnic group. DH has been promising that we'd move in 5 years since 1984 when we moved to this area. We moved once in 1994 from a small condo to a small townhouse where we still remain - though all our neighbors (condo and townhouse) have all moved up in the real estate market lol. He does still talk about moving when we retire, but I'm not counting on it. IF we do, I hope I can find real neighbors, I can't imagine feeling this isolated when I'm old. :lol:
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