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Posts posted by Tokyomarie

  1. 4KookieKids,

    I made a separate post about NILD Educational Therapy because the topic does come up periodically. Please see that post for more about NILD. Usually students start the full NILD Educational Therapy program at age 8-ish, but many 7yos are very successful. The key is individualizing to the child's developmental and achievement levels. 

  2. Hi Pen, 

    Within the regular NILD Educational Therapy framework, the various executive functions are addressed by the way we interact with our students- the type of questioning we do and the feedback we give the student- throughout the different activities we do. We are intentional about helping our students recognize opportunities for goal setting, planning, organizing their thinking, initiating tasks, sustaining engagement in the learning task even when the task is not one of their preferred activities, and being flexible in thinking. But this is all integrated into our responses to the student during each of the activities we do with them. The NILD session is a fast-paced session, with activities changing frequently, so students rarely spend more than 10 minutes in a single activity, which helps with student engagement. 

    NILD does have a workshop which helps ETs build an EF coaching program which can address certain specific areas like organizing binders and backpacks, dealing with schedules, etc. This is separate from the NILD Educational Therapy framework. 

    Regarding the Buzzer technique, I'll defer on further description since specific instructional routines are proprietary. Rhythmic Writing addresses fine motor control in handwriting as well as working memory (amongst other abilities) through tracing the eights, writing motifs, and learning cursive writing. The Blue Book, Dictation & Copy, and all other related techniques address the basics of reading (including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, & comprehension), spelling, and written expression. Math Block addresses both fluency and problem-solving in math.   

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi all, I just read through the thread titled "Dyslexia help." In it, the OP asks about how O-G and NILD are related. I didn't want a post describing NILD to get lost in the already very long thread, so I've created a separate post. 

    Before I talk about NILD, I want to do some introduction for those who do not recognize my username. I was a homeschooling parent to three children for many, many years. I started by afterschooling my older two when they attended public school in the Japanese system. Later I homeschooled full-time. I've been on TWTM boards for many, many years now (about 20yrs). My younger two children have dyslexia and related learning challenges. Both children worked with professionals at various points, but I did the lion's share of their instruction over the long haul. In 2013, when my son was in the upper high school years, I started training to learn both traditional O-G and NILD Educational Therapy. I am now a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist (PCET) with NILD and hold IDA's Certified Dyslexia Therapist (CDT) designation. In May, I graduated with an M.Ed. in Exceptional Student Education from Southeastern University. I did the NILD concentration and the regular ESE courses. I am also an Associate Member of the Association of Educational Therapists (AET) and am working toward the next level of certification. Why do I do all this? Because I want to have the tools in my toolbox to work with students who have more complex profiles than many students with a "garden variety" version of dyslexia. Many students respond quickly to basic O-G instruction; others don't for a variety of reasons. My own son has a complex profile and I struggled to meet his needs effectively. I knew that I wanted to serve other students like him. Because I am now working full-time, I don't actively participate on the boards anymore, but I pop in to read every so often. 

    Now for NILD: NILD Educational Therapy is an intervention which can address the reading and writing challenges our children with dyslexia have, but also addresses many of the underlying cognitive, perceptual, and emotional challenges. NILD is not necessarily one-stop shopping for all of the needs students with complex profiles have. However, through an individually designed program (based on the component techniques), NILD addresses all the major aspects of reading, writing, and math plus helps students with thinking skills, memory, visual and auditory processing, executive functions, and their mindset and emotional responses to learning in general and learning tasks/routines, specifically. All of the instructional strategies we use are thoroughly research-based and in line with the multisensory, structured learning principles listed in the IDA Fact Sheet that was linked. NILD's reading instruction is considered to be a modified O-G approach. Anna Gillingham and June Orton were involved in the early development. NILD Educational Therapy does not follow the typical O-G lesson plan, but it does address all the concepts present in O-G style reading instruction. NILD uses diagnostic and prescriptive teaching using those O-G principles. It should pinpoint students' current level of skill and move them on from there.

    Training/education in NILD theory, principles, and methods requires a minimum of the 3 graduate level NILD courses spaced out over a minimum of 3 summers, several hundred hours of working with students, attendance at conferences and webinars, and working with a mentor to reach full certification. To maintain certification, an NILD Educational Therapist must continue to accrue 200 hours of student work/year plus engagement in professional development activities. NILD strongly encourages therapists to complete a master's degree in an education-related field. There are two degree programs that incorporate the 3 NILD courses. 

    Regarding the Associative Keyword Approach: Traditional O-G instruction does use associative keywords to cue students for letter sounds and spelling, but frequently these keywords are limited to the short vowel sounds and any other patterns that students are having particular difficulty learning. NILD extends that to include keywords for the vast majority of English spelling patterns. We use the keywords to cue students in decoding and spelling, but our work with the Blue Book Method also addresses thinking and memory strategies and helping students to identify and verbalize patterns.

    There are 5 Core Techniques in NILD: Rhythmic Writing, Blue Book, Buzzer, Dictation and Copy, and Math Block. There are many others (including various visual puzzles) that address a variety of needs. The Buzzer technique is where the Morse Code card comes in. Buzzer incorporates auditory processing, memory, and visual processing using Morse Code; it also addresses spelling analysis (using Blue Book keywords), vocabulary development, parts of speech, and sentence level oral and written production. 

    Prior to beginning instruction, the student should have an assessment that includes IQ, visual-motor integration (VMI), standardized academic achievement, an informal reading inventory, and other informal tests to assist in the development of their program. If a student comes to the educational therapist with the standardized testing complete, then the therapist only needs to do the informal assessments. If a student does not have the standardized testing on file, then the family will need to work with the educational therapist and a psychologist to complete that testing.

    The average age for students to begin NILD Educational Therapy is about 8-10. However, many students who are 7yo are very successful. NILD can be used even with adults at the other end of the age range. NILD also has an intervention called Search & Teach that is used with K-1 or K-2 students who are at risk for learning difficulties. The average length of time students continue in NILD is about 3 years. Some will finish in 2 years, others take longer. Our goal is for most students to be able to navigate the grade level classroom and curriculum independently or with a minimum of accommodation. This goal often takes longer to reach than the goal of bringing basic decoding skills up to grade level. However, it is totally dependent on a number of factors, such as both student and parent participation, faithfulness in practice at home, the student's profile at the beginning of educational therapy, and whether there are significant behavioral or emotional roadblocks in learning that require remediation as well.

    If you have questions, feel free to post. If you have very specific questions feel free to PM me or contact me through my FB business page: https://www.facebook.com/3clearning/


    • Like 7
  4. I'll have to check out Using the Standards! Discovery is an important part of my work. I've used a few things from TPT for reading, but that site is overwhelming and I prefer to have personal recommendations from people who have used a resource. 


    Thanks for reminding me of Ronit Bird. I've never managed to spend any time with her stuff. But I actually own at least one of her resources.  I'll check out the FB page. 

    • Like 1
  5. How long has he been home and what grade is he in now? Has he ever had a private educational or neuropsychological evaluation to more closely identify his strengths and challenges in learning? Especially what information processing weaknesses underlie his difficulty? If not, that would be one good step you could take.


    Behavior is communication. When a child is acting out, it usually means there is something or several somethings that are creating stress for him. Cognitively, it can be information processing differences or a mismatch between content and/or teaching style and the child. There can be biological stresses such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise routines. Social communication difficulties can lead to stress, as can emotional regulation challenges. Finding some way to get  a deeper understanding of what is behind the behavior would be a high priority. It doesn't seem like this developmental pediatrician understands the need to look holistically at the child before drawing conclusions about how to handle challenging behaviors. Sometimes working with a behavior analyst can be part of the solution- OhElizabeth can tell you more about her experience. 



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  6. The Sonday System is definitely O-G! Arlene Sonday was one of the first Orton Gillingham fellows and the first president of the academy. A number of the tutors in my tutor group were trained on the Sonday System years ago through the school district where they taught. I have seen the materials but do not own them myself. 



    My child is in a Special Day Class for students with language-based learning disabilities. They are using the SonDay system, which claims to be an Orton-Gillingham based multi-sensory program. The school also has the kids doing the Lexia software, which is also O-G based.



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    I don't know why I don't remember the name of that math site. I'm silly. Maybe I'll remember. :D



    If you remember in the next couple of days, let me know! 


    I'm looking not only for games, curriculum, and worksheets but also for websites with "how to teach" resources. 


    I intend to include resources for multiple platforms. Some of the apps are on both iOS and Android. I personally have an iPad for student use (while right there at the table with me!), but I also want items usable on desktop. 


    Games and puzzles that require higher level thinking are worth bonus points. I've got a few sites now that are more straightforward curriculum or drill. 

  8. Hi all! I posted this request on the K-8 Board, too, but am posting it here since more of you know who I am. 


    What are your favorite websites and/or apps related to K-8 math?


    I need to compile a list for a class on math teaching methods that I am taking. Since my kids are long out of that stage I'm not familiar with what is popular and good these days. 

  9. Hi Harriet, 


    It is not surprising that this child is having some difficulties picking up reading in English at this point. Most English Language Learners (ELLs) take at least 2-3 years to develop conversational fluency in English and anywhere from 5-10 years to develop full proficiency in academic language skills. Many students have an appearance of conversational fluency within a year or so of beginning to learn English at school, but there are often many gaps in background knowledge and vocabulary that make participating fully in a mainstream classroom challenging. Undeveloped pre-literacy skills in the native language also sets the child up for challenges. 


    This article has a nice description of some of the challenges that ELL students  have in learning to read and ways to support them. There are more articles on the site that might be helpful to you.


    How is the child's development in general? What was the level of oral language development in the first language prior to first exposure to English? Does the child still have access to that language or are there no other speakers of that language in his/her life at this time?  Are there any indications that there could be a learning disability other than difficulty learning to read in English? Unless there are general developmental concerns, it would be premature at this time to think about a reading disability. However, it can and does happen, and if the time comes that it becomes a serious question, it is important to have an evaluator who is experienced with assessing ELL students. Choice of tests and interpretation can be tricky for these students. 



    • Like 1
  10. Hi all,


    What are your favorite websites and apps for teachers and/or students that are related to math? Why do you like them?  


    I am an oldie who doesn't usually post at WTM anymore because my children are now adults. I occasionally still post on the Learning Challenges board; that's where I spent most of my time in the last years I was a WTM regular. I am now an educational therapist and a graduate student in Exceptional Student Education. Which brings me to my request.....I have an assignment to complete for my Master's level Math Teaching Methods class. 





    Do you have a link or reference for the journal article?


    Here is the reference:


    Foley-Nicpon, M., Fosenburg, S. L., Wurster, K. G., & Assouline, S. G. (2016). Identifying High Ability Children with DSM-5 Autism Spectrum or Social Communication Disorder: Performance on Autism Diagnostic Instruments. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(2), 460-471. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2973-4


    I'm not coming up quickly with a link to a free pdf. It was just published in February 2017.

  12. I met a mom who said her teen received a diagnosis of SCD + OCD. I didn't say anything to her, but I'd bet there is a 95+% chance her child would've met the criteria for an Asperger's diagnosis under the old DSM. Obviously I can't diagnose some teen I've never met so it's possible that the current diagnoses are correct and he doesn't actually have Asperger's. But I'm skeptical.


    It would be interesting to know whether the clinic used the ADI-R. I was reading a journal article last night that indicated that teens with high ability often get missed for an ASD diagnosis because they have learned enough strategies for managing social situations that they may not exhibit the repetitive and restricted behaviors in the course of a 40 minute assessment. The structured ADI-R with the parents brings out that information.


    I, too, become skeptical at any point that multiple diagnoses are combined with the SCD diagnosis.

  13. Yeah, that's pretty much the thing, but fine whatever. In our state it's a really huge money issue. SCD gets you NOTHING with the disability scholarships, and autism gets you $30K a year. For real. And the difference? Uh, when you add in SPD and OCD, I'm gonna wonder what they were splitting hairs over too. And sometimes in the homeschooling community it's that the mom is seeing it but enough other people aren't to get it on forms, get it tallied, get it diagnosed.


    I was reading an article that stated this exact concern- that kids getting the SCD diagnosis wouldn't get funding for their therapy needs, even though they have the same social communication issues that kids who get the ASD diagnosis have. And those are the things that will trip up these kids when they get to be adults and need to be able to hold a job and deal with social relationships in their communities.

  14. Nice to see you, btw! Did you get certified in your ed therapist thing, or are you still working on it? My dd is preparing to go away to college, and I've been discussing with dh whether we should hire someone or just use the on-campus services. I'm not really very confident in the on-campus services. I don't think they're really very cutting edge. Like I'm going to be teaching her the 360Thinking stuff, etc. There's really a lot out there if someone is up on it or cares to be up on it. I think it can go beyond merely get the work on your syllabus and go to study groups...


    Thanks, Elizabeth! I am mostly reading these days and rarely posting. Sometimes a few days go by before I catch up on posts. But some of the most interesting conversation takes place here.


    I finished my Certificate in Educational Therapy and am now an Associate Member of AET. I am also finishing my NILD Level III training this summer as well as working on a master's degree in Exceptional Student Education. I'm keeping a smallish client load at the moment because of my full-time studies, which I hope to finish next May.


    What specific support will your daughter need on campus?


    I want to do some more training in EF coaching. I know about EF and get it, but I don't yet have a good feel for how to approach the work with someone who just wants/needs EF coaching. I'm most comfortable at the moment with literacy and cognitive structures/critical thinking.


    I also want to do some training in Social Thinking, but time and money, you know!

    • Like 1
  15. I'm currious as to whether one of your children or someone you know has received a diagnosis of social communication disorder based on the DSM 5 criteria. I'm currently taking a class on ASDs and realized that I haven't yet heard of a child who has actually received this new diagnosis.


    ETA: Those of you who have straddled the DSM IV- DSM 5 shift, how are you feeling about the change in diagnostic criteria for autism? 

  16. My local community college requires either Basic Statistics or Intermediate Algebra (basically the equivalent of high school Algebra II) for admission into the PTA program. It also requires 1 semester of Biology and 1 semester of Anatomy & Physiology, plus a few other gen eds, prior to program admission. It is a competitive program, but I'm not sure what the average GPA of accepted students is. It doesn't look at all like they are aiming to prepare students for later admission into a DPT program. Historically, this has been the case- preparation to be a PTA is its own track, not beginning studies for PT- though, at times, PTAs have gone on to become PTs.


    I, too, would encourage this young person to talk to the career counselors at the CC. They'll be able to help her sort out what might work best as a career track. With the associate degree programs, sometimes students with LDs take only one or two classes at a time so they can spend more time on each class. This will work for the pre-req classes in a program like PTA, but the program itself is full-time. Still part-time attendance could be a good way to ease into college level studies.

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  17. On the WISC, one standard deviation is 10 points. So when you have 20 points of discrepancy, you are at 2 standard deviations of discrepancy, which is considered statistically significant. So yes, that 20 point discrepancy is a big deal! It's a BIG DEAL. That's the whole point of standard deviations. Neither score, by themselves, is really noteworthy. It's the discrepancy that is the issue.





    Small correction: Standard deviation on the WISC Full Scale and Index Scores (based on 100 as the mean) is 15. SD on subtest scores (based on 10 as the mean) is 3.

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  18. These results definitely confirm that your son is 2E! Definitely some pretty wild discrepancies...


    I think I've missed the reason why you sought an evaluation at this time. What are the functional challenges your son is experiencing? What do you think he needs most in the way of support or accommodations to transition into adult life? Often for these kids, it's not so much academic as it is learning social and work skills.


    If he is in early college and maintaining a 3.7 or 3.8 GPA without accommodations, he's not showing that he needs them to succeed academically. OTOH, if something like a LiveScribe pen or being allowed to record lectures would be a big help, you would seek those accommodations under a 504 Plan.


    In the early college program my son attended, we went through the regular process for determining eligibility for an IEP or 504 through the high school arm of the program. Once he was determined eligible for 504 accommodations, an accommodation plan was developed. The CC disability office then listed him as an eligible student and he was to deal with that office to actually be granted accommodations in his college classes. Once students are attending college classes, supports for those classes are covered under ADA law, not IDEA. If the high school arm of the program sees a need to provide extra instruction, they can develop an IEP, but for a student who is succeeding in the college classroom, it's not likely that they would.  

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  19. I have to see. I don't really think about it but I know that's important. I think for our state testing at least, if the students already has accommodations in place, they can be used for that. Idk about higher level tests.


    IEPs are only put in place when a student needs special instructional and/or behavioral supports. If the student is only using accommodations in the classroom and is not going to receive special ed instruction, those will be documented on a 504 Plan. This is every bit a legal document and establishes a paper trail. When applying for College Board or ACT testing accommodations later, the 504 Plan establishes that the accommodations were approved for use in the classroom. At that time, the school also needs to provide evidence that the student has regularly used accommodations in the 504 Plan.

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  20. Someone I know said they couldn't access the WriteGuide.com website. Sure enough, it says "account suspended." I haven't tried to go there in ages, myself. Does anyone know what happened? Is the company out of business?


    ETA: I found their FB page and it says they closed on June 30th.

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