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Soph the vet

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Posts posted by Soph the vet

  1. Allergies are usually the underlying cause but she probably has an infection. Ear mites are less likely in a dog unless you have an outdoor cat around.

    This time of year the pollen, etc. is bad and leads to inflammation in the ear canal which then provides an opportunity for yeast and bacteria to thrive. Clean her ears with a good dog ear cleaner daily and that may take care of it but most dogs will need some meds as well from your vet.

  2. DD12 and her best friend will be doing this period of history at our house next year....hence more pressure to put together a good program. I'm using Biblioplan (updated) with maps/timelines and focusing not as much on SOTW anymore (though it is scheduled for my younger two) but more on Kingfisher (outlining), Famous Men, Cultural Atlas, Church in History (Kuiper), Columbus and Sons, Shakespeare etc. and about 45 good literature selections for them to read during the year. Basically it is broken down into three sections: Middle Ages 15 weeks, Renaissance 14 weeks, and Reformation 7 weeks.

    We will also incorporate some classic films like Joan of Arc, Henry V, A Man for All Seasons, and others.

    We may do some interesting art projects as well to go along with each artist that we study....like painting on the ceiling for Michelangelo:D.

  3. I was also wondering about this. My daughter is just finishing 7th grade and is also at about lesson 80. It seems that I read more about students working way above grade level on these boards, so it is sometimes hard to tell what is normal. DD just took the CAT standardized test and seems to have known most of the math questions which made me feel a lot better about where she was at in math. My biggest worry is not starting algebra 1 next year because in Minnesota it is now required of 8th graders to take algebra. I am panicked that she will be behind if she ever had to transfer to PS in high school. But on the other hand I know that she really needed a slower pace and would be overwhelmed if she had to do algebra in 8th. With high school looming these decisions become more challenging.



    I'm in MN too!

    My dd (6th grade) just finished 76 and will be doing 87 next year and then Algebra I. There is no "requirement" that they get Algebra I done in 8th grade but it is expected that they do that if they will be following a college prep math sequence in high school. Many high school students graduate with only getting through Algebra II. Taking Algebra I in 9th grade just means that your dd may have to wait until college to take Calculus. I did that (because I hated my Pre-calc teacher in 11th grade and dropped out of her class) and still I was able to go to college and then on to veterinary school. So don't worry!

  4. The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern. Chapter 1. Buttercup lived on a small farm...


    Yea, it's that bad. No one will watch it with me anymore.


    Love that movie. "Stop that incessant rhyming, and I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?"


    I have to fast forward through the shrieking eels and the fireswamp with rodents of unusual size or my dd7 freaks out. The torture scene too...none of my dc have seen the torture scene.

  5. I was given a postponement for homeschooling so instead of reporting for duty in November I reported in June. It turned out to be a very high profile murder case in the Twin Cities that I was familiar with from the local news. I had already come to the conclusion that the guy was guilty and told the judge that during my interview (the defendant was in the courtroom when I said this). That was the only reason I was excused. They would not have excused me for childcare issues.

  6. I usually think of teeth causing the odor first. I know you said you brush them but if there is tarter present, he will have an odor. Anal glands can also cause an odor and can be diet dependent. Maybe try switching his food (gradually) if all else fails. No itchy, oily skin? This can smell too.

  7. We will be using this book in our Co-op next year long with fetal pig dissection toward the end of the second semester. It looks like a great book with just enough depth for an elementary or middle school student. I am not planning on using the notebooking journal at this time. I have used more than one Apologia elementary book in a year...we did Land animals and Flying creatures this year. Next year I will also be doing Astronomy at home and we are doing Botany during the summer.

  8. Background: DDturning12soon has been through all four years of Biblioplan and this year did her second trip through Ancients doing the readings and outlining Kingfisher...fairly monotonous. I added some History Pockets but the novelty wore off rapidly.

    I've looked at TOG, HO, and Omnibus and have decided to beef up Biblioplan instead for our upcoming Middle Ages/Ren./Ref. year.


    I'm adding Columbus and His Sons and Story of Mankind readings to the Biblioplan, as well as using the now available map/timeline figures. There are about 40 literature selections for dd to read during the year as well. She will continue to outline passages from Kingfisher.


    Will this be enough for 7th grade history?

    Also, I may be teaching history to dd's best friend who is getting pulled from ps. Has anyone tried this? Should I stagger our start dates in order to lend books or just plan on meeting 2x per week?

    Thanks for any input!

  9. Not much you can do but watch the site for any sign of an abscess forming, like increased swelling, heat, pain, etc. If she is painful your vet can prescribe metacam (non-steroidal antiinflammatory) for a few days. I doubt she'll let you ice it.:D

  10. What is organic chemistry?

    A course that she will not have to worry about until college:D.


    I never took chemistry in high school.....shocker, I know. I would recommend taking biology, chem, and physics in high school, but if they miss something they can pick it up in college. There are still four years of college to conquer before getting into vet school. I don't remember anything I learned in high school, and I remember only some of what I learned in college. I remember approx. 20% of what I knew at the time of my national veterinary boards.

    Just make sure your kids are getting a good college prep education and don't sweat the individual course requirements until college. If they are very serious about being a vet, pick an undergrad college that has a vet school (there are only 28 in the US and 3 in Canada) and that will give them an advantage when it comes to meeting prereqs and gaining admission. Make sure they learn good communication skills, I believe these are truly more important than organic chemistry.

    Just my two cents.

  11. My dd11 is just finishing up R&S 6. I think it is thorough enough to not need any other grammar course. I have given her a "break" from exhaustive writing assignments as the last two years we did R&S as well as an IEW-like class. Adding more writing to R&S really depends on what your dc is able to handle. If you did all of the writing assignments it may be enough for some kids and not enough for others.

  12. This can either way. If you keep it clean with peroxide it might do just fine and granulate in slowly over a couple of months. Covering it will be impossible, besides the younger beagle will just eat the covering.:001_smile:

    If you see pus or swelling and redness around the wound he needs a vet visit and antibiotics.

  13. Speaking as a vet here. My undergrad classes in college were exactly the same as the pre-med classes and that was after having only taken biology and physics in high school. I never had high school chemistry...shocker, I know. I would recommend that any high schooler thinking about medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, etc. should take biology, chemistry, and physics in high school. An anatomy and physiology course is a nice addition if you have the time. My point is this though: if you don't get it all done, your student will have so much science in undergrad that missing chemistry in high school is not a crisis. Some people are not ready for that abstract of thinking until college...like me:D.

    I think the Apologia science curricula is fairly rigorous. We plan on doing General Science, Phy. Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Anatomy for 7-12th grades. We might substitute Saxon Physics for Apologia depending on what my engineer dh wants to do there.

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