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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Oh gosh... I'm so sorry :( Not enough words for how sorry I am :(
  2. I'm waiting for the new iphone to be released. I think it's suppose to be October :)
  3. Wow, just saw this... So sorry but hope it turns out ok!!
  4. No, I meant that it looked like one of their other seats can be converted into this booster. I don't think it looks like "any other booster." The problem with boosters is 1.) The child can slide under the lap belt, and 2.) If the head isn't supported. This one has side impact safety, too.
  5. Very cool! Are you purchasing the Famous Men of Greece Cd? I am tempted!! I have the free one from Librovox, but I'm thinking the purchased one would be easier on the ears :)
  6. Not sure if I'll get it now, but at only about $90. this is a great deal!! It's (almost) a 4pt harness and seems much safer than any others I've seen. (The difference, from what I can tell is that the belts don't criss cross over the child, but rather just the seatbelt...) BTW, it seems like some other seats might be able to be converted (Britax seats) but not sure. Perhaps someone can comment... Britax Booster
  7. Britax Booster looks great! It's a 4 pt harness, basically. You have the seat belt go across them and then there's a spot that the seat belt that goes across their hips or whatever... crosses through to make it stay in place. For my son I had a 5pt Britax that I've just let him out of at 9yrs old, but I'm almost tempted to order one of the Britax since it would work for a couple more years. My main concern is him flying "out" during a crash :(
  8. I wouldn't... I'd ice it down (not ice IN the apples) and stir it a bit (every few) to keep it cooling...
  9. I'd do handwriting without tears... insist on direction, but not necessarily perfection :) Pretty stickers or whatever for when she chooses to do them correctly. Seriously, it's pretty important to me.... worth bribery :)
  10. Hmmmm.... running with a dog, running with a gun, and I'm not joking :(
  11. The oldest I know about are the tweed covers... I have the next set. (although not complete) I don't care for the newest, but that's only because I don't like how the books look/feel. I've never read those :)
  12. How sad :( That's one of my worse fears. Motorcyles and bikes :( Hope your sil is found without fault and that she'll pull through without too much emotional scarring :(
  13. Rough... Not sure about those breeds... If Spaniels are all alike... I've had a Springer.... Lovely dog but he did the submissive pee thing :( I'd keep her on a leash... always... till she's trained.
  14. What kind of dog? How did you start training her? I'm into tomato staking pups until they're trained :)
  15. I read all the Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys. I've picked up many of them for my own collection :) I liked Sugar Gang (old ones) and Bobsey Twins... and hmmm.... Oh yes... Danny Dunn! :)
  16. It's Barbara Johnston (not sure if it has a "t" in it) I like both!! And, btw, people still sometimes LOVE his cds (Jim Weiss) even if they don't care for him reading SOTW. We love both!! :)
  17. OMSI on 9/4/12 :) PM me if you plan to go so we can meet up! :)
  18. Hey Everyone! We're gonna be in OMSI from 11am till about 2 on Tuesday... Let us know to look for you if you end up coming :)
  19. wow :) Very nice! :) This will serve her well in years to come! :)
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