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Everything posted by ChocolateReignRemix

  1. Except a key difference now is that we have literally had the ability to end life as we know it on this planet for 50+ years. Factor in rapid changes in technology and industrialization on a scale not previously imagined and I would think that taking our current environmental issues and concerns seriously is warranted. And where has skepticism regarding environmental change been criminalized?
  2. I would tell sister to not come over until she was comfortable having her baby around your kids. It's her right to choose her holds her child, but it is not her right to scold your kids in their own home for just being kids.
  3. In general the LTC plans that act as annuity/life insurance hybrids are the ones that seem to make the most sense for most people. A couple of links that help break down these types of plans: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/long-term-care-plan-save-money/ https://www.kiplinger.com/article/retirement/T003-C000-S001-use-annuities-to-pay-for-long-term-care.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiehopkins/2016/10/17/annuities-offer-long-term-care-funding-flexibility/#3b8876f02529
  4. It's the same as any other credit card. Nothing fishy about it - pay it off each month and there are no fees or interest, We have had ours for 2 years.
  5. Note that the Florida statute does not mention the word "threat" even though you keep using it.
  6. The full Florida statute applies anywhere you have a legal right to be.
  7. Hotels: I don't believe you can get anything on the strip on a weekend for under $100/night. The one or two I can think of that you possibly could (Circus Circus being one) I would *not* stay in, especially with a family. You will likely have better luck off strip. Parking: most of the casinos on the strip now charge parking. There are still some that do not. I am not sure if this list is up to date but I believe the Venetian still doesn't charge. No idea about the others. http://www.latimes.com/travel/deals/la-tr-las-vegas-free-parking-20170413-story.html# Food: Nothing in the hotel/casinos is going to be cheap. Some are worse than others of course. You will likely find the cheaper options in the mid-tier locations. Without a specific meal budget it's hard to give exact recommendations. Activities: The activities at the Bellagio and Caesars are still free. You can also visit the Mirage Volcano and Circus Circus has various circus acts/carnival type activities. I think part of the Chocolate Factory tour is open daily. There is also a wildlife habitat (mostly birds and fish, maybe some reptiles but I can't remember for sure) at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino. In the past we could walk around with a back pack and carry snacks, but you may want to double check as security has changed since the shootings. SKL is correct - a location with a pool would help tremendously and could provide an easy early evening activity each night.
  8. It as to be more than threatened - reasonable belief of imminent death or bodily harm. Someone pushing and not following up with an aggressive act should not qualify.
  9. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/deadly-shooting-over-parking-spot-puts-florida-s-stand-your-ground-law-back-in-spotlight/796155813 " The store owner tells Tampa’s ABC affiliate that Drejka has a history of assaulting people in the very parking lot where the shooting took place. "
  10. I am still not finding anything that says the shooter was the store owner. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/07/23/stand-your-ground-no-charges-florida-man-parking-lot-shooting/817755002/ "The customer and the girlfriend started yelling at each other after the customer complained to her about parking there, according to deputies. Another customer went inside to tell the manager about a disturbance outside. McGlockton walked outside and shoved the customer to the ground."
  11. You have more faith in Florida politicians and law enforcement than I do.
  12. The law really isn't that bad if Florida DAs would quit allowing an overly broad definition of "reasonably believes". This is the same issue with some officer involved shootings - at some point that criteria must be applied with a bit of common sense.
  13. Wow. I just thought he was a local random nutter.
  14. I have multiple attorney friends in Florida who disagree. Under your theory, someone can slap someone in Florida, and then be justifiably shot because a "forcible act" occurred. That is neither the spirit nor the intent of the law.
  15. Was he the store owner? I thought he was just a customer?
  16. I suggest you do some research on Florida laws and case law then.
  17. No, you are interpreting that section incorrectly. "Unlawful or forcible act" under Florida law would be a forcible felony. Simple battery is a misdemeanor.
  18. (a) Nondeadly force against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force; or (b) Deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. The bolded is why this is should be prosecuted and is winnable. There is no justification for deadly force based on the video. And I have to chuckle at the statement that it would be prosecuted if anyone that it was winnable. Welcome to the south.
  19. Close to zero chance a judge would dismiss this case. And it is winnable. Arguing that everyone needs to walk in eggshells in a SYG state and if they don't then too bad, so sad for them is nonsense. And FWIW, there have been successful prosecutions against those claiming self defense under SYG. The video evidence here would be enough to give a decent DA a good chance at trial.
  20. Florida isn't a monolith. Looking at the situation as a whole, the shooter initially aggressively approached the victim's wife. The victim responded with a push, and backed away. He maintained a defensive posture but made no further aggressive action. Applying the reasonable person standard there is no valid basis for a shooting. The jury may not convict, but DAs need to start applying the law correctly. Refusing to pursue this case is the system failing.
  21. I suggest you watch the video. You can walk away with without turning around.
  22. It's a bit more complicated than that when it comes to self defense in any state. Again, going on the reasonable person,standard, someone yelling at you generally doesn't rise to the level needed to claim self defense. Someone yelling threats can, but acting on verbal comments puts the potential defendant in a difficult spot. The line becomes a little more clear when a physical altercation takes place, but it is still quite blurry. Removing shooting someone from the situation, if someone starts arguing/yelling at you in public and you punch them, you can likely expect a charge for battery. Them being "aggressive" doesn't automatically provide the right to create a physical altercation.
  23. It is. Personally I am hesitant to accept that claim without further evidence.
  24. No, it is being misapplied as "threatening", but most statutes use language that is a bit different, and is a variation of "reasonable belief of death or serious bodily harm". Someone shoving you down and walking away does not seem to imply a reasonable belief of further harm.
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