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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I was thinking about those organizations too. Kiwanis is one that used to be very active here. They use to put on an amazing air show every summer at the tiny, local airport. Very nice. But now there is no Kiwanis club. I still see Lions some, but can't remember the last time I heard of a rotary club activity. I will say this, the Moose Lodge had w neck of a great Euchre tournament every year. Well attended. We play Euchre, and even back in our church doing days would have loved to sit down with some couples and play at church, hang out. But that was never allowed. I hope the Moose Lodge survives the pandemic!!! 😢
  2. Because it is a pandemic. People are making a lot of risk/benefit calculations, and it is exhausting. People are on edge, and often have to drop activities if cases spike, or someone is contact traced through work or school and has to quarantine. It is just a really bad time to engage in attendance taking.
  3. Hey Bill, I nominate you for Hive Chef. I swear you could probably Beat Bobby Flay! As for grilled ports, we rub them down with a really good garlic and basil infused oil, grill them, and eat them on a bun just like a hamburger. Since we aren't vegan, we usually put Swiss or feta cheese on them depending on our cravings. But, one option that is vegan would be to take almond greek style yogurt, and mix with a smidge of Worcestershire sauce and sauteed onions, garlic, red pepper, and spinach leaves, fill the mushroom cap, and stuff your face because they are really yummy.
  4. Wow ya, that would certainly limit everything! The most popular local women's group, prior to the pandemic, was a knitting/crocheting group. It used to meet at a church, but the church decided it wasn't a spiritual activity, so the local yarn shop let them use the store. Very popular. A lot of Christian ladies, including my mother in law, loved it. I think it provided a lot of fellowship, warmth, and support, certainly the women discussed their faith though they were not a nosy, proselytizing bunch, and had non Christian women in the group. But I guess for a lot of church leaders, this was not considered legitimate use of church space.
  5. I was gone for two or three years. Can't remember exactly. I am down with a lovely, not fun immune response to my 2nd dose of Moderna. Since I have been lurking just this year for covid info only, I decided to come out of lurking for the weekend. But come Monday, back to work, lawn care for both elderly mothers, the college run to retrieve youngest for the summer, packing for camping, and vanlife. Dh and I converted our Sienna mini-van into a two person camper, and now regularly hit the road to escape all of the pressures of eldercare, his job, traveling to see our grandsons in Huntsville, etc. We have been trying to lead a more unplugged, outdoorsy existence for the past couple of years. It is fun to "see" everyone here, but due to the lifestyle we are trying to cultivate now, I doubt I will be a regular. I miss you all though!
  6. But I think that is the point. It actually isn't very intrusive. The phone is not ringing, you do not have to decide to pick up or not, you are not inundated with phone notifications from text, and emails are so very easily ignored which you indicate is what you choose to do a lot of the time. And frankly, yes people who are important to you will call or text. I would think that some random volunteer from some random program you haven't been sending your kids to is not someone important for you to make contact with. But, I do understand everyone has their own preferences. Mostly, I think it is obnoxious to take attendance during a pandemic and then cold call, mail, or well, anything about it. Honey and vinegar and all that. I just don't think it is appropriate so probably that fact right there informs my opinion more than anything else. 😁
  7. This is where the wonder of email is good. They can read it or not read it. No cost to anyone! Big fan!
  8. According to my sister, a resident of France, in general the EU is much more organized and prompt at evaluating medical data, far more than she experienced here. She always has cutting edge medical news weeks and months in advance of me getting it here. So now I make her translate it for me and send it. My French is mighty rough so I don't trust myself to read it anymore.
  9. I can understand that too. And it might feel normal to regular attendees who are accustomed to such things. I think it would off putting to those that are not. I know church directories went the way of the dodo around here when everyone got cell phones instead of landlines, and complaints about constant mailings went out, and the cost of mailing went up. So probably a regional thing. I do know a lot of folks who do not want their cell phone numbers given out to just anybody, certainly not teen volunteers from any organization. Over time things change. My daughter's generation feels very overwhelmed with phone calls or at least that is what she and her friends report.
  10. I can understand that. I also noticed locally that there was a movement towards "spirituality" among pastors, and even very popular, well attended activities like family game night or volleyball were eliminated because only bible study, or prayer meeting, or worship were considered worthy of church support. This began back when I was still a Christian and still looking for wholesome activities for my children. We ended up moving into 4H in a very big way, which was really great for my kids, and due to the time involvement as club leaders, dh and I pulled away from all church related functions except Sunday morning. I think there are a multitude of issues at play, and likely much of it may be regional church culture vs. national.
  11. No joke!!!! 🤔 Somebody not thinking to critically right there. Then again, I can't imagine choosing to attend any gathering like church during a pandemic. So I know I process differently than others. Shoot, last summer when we finally got up the nerve to spend an afternoon on the beach, I took four orange road cones and created the corners of a 16 ft square for us, then tied pennant garland between them to create our "don't even think about coming over here and breathing on me" space. I might not be the best voice on the issue of taking attendance during a public health crisis! 😂
  12. I do not think you are overreacting. A lot of people do not want to be cold called by a church, well anyone. It is sad, but churches face the consequences of living in a society of folks who are just utterly worn out by cold call telemarketing and political calls, and of course right now, a lot of folks are working from home and aren't going to answer. A post card is less intrusive, and easier to ignore. Beyond that, it is very unethical for the church leadership to give out personal phone numbers of persons who did not authorize that release to teenagers. If a school had teens cold calling homes about student absences, it would end up in the news in a very negative way. So I would not allow my teen to take part in it. I would not personally take part in such a thing, but back when I was a church volunteer, I would.have considered cute, kid postcards, and hand them off to the church secretary to address/print labels, and mail. It is far more appropriate for paid, administrative staff to have access to this information than volunteers.
  13. Very much this. And unfortunately, it is an area that evangelicalism and fundamentalism have gotten so very, very wrong. So despite not being a believer anymore, a local church is still trying to punish me for not adhering to their belief system. The church people are down right ugly to me, vicious verbally, so now I refuse any contact with people I once would have considered friends. And I never turned on them personally. I just simply came to a conclusion they do not like, so out came the claws. It does have the effect of reinforcing my belief that organized Christianity has gone so far off the rails that I cannot morally defend the belief system anymore. So it is something to consider. I am not sure even the apostle Paul, ever an advocate of accountability within the membership, would have tolerated such mean spirited behavior. If one cannot exhibit grace to others, what's the point? This has been a really cool thread, y'all!
  14. I think the issue of church as community had become problematic. So often it morphs into an unhealthy echo chamber with those who see the problems being cast out, shunned, compelled to leave. We have seen the outcome of echo chambers this year. I do think that possibly more folks might be more inclined to focus on worship. Around here, worship services are roughly one hour to an hour twenty. Typically, only 15 minutes is devoted to singing, praying, offering, and communion. The rest is entirely being lectured. That isn't very uplifting or helpful for many of the folks I have spoken to. Most are really wounded by how church has become a one man show. So, just something else to consider.
  15. I remember when Ree was in that process. Man it has been a long time!!
  16. Update: My fever broke at 3 am EST. Then I was able to sleep until 8 am. I feel much better, and the arm is not nearly as bad as yesterday. But the whole thing just wiped me out. I feel so tired. I have decided to do a couple loads of laundry, but otherwise just chill, read books, watch movies.
  17. I remember waiting anxiously fro the chance to post. I never got first no matter how hard I pounced.
  18. Right there with you! Ugh. Just ugh. I mean better than the disease for sure. But I had 2md dose Moderna yesterday and am getting worse not better. Be kind to yourself!
  19. Well, as someone who has deconverted (for lack of a better term) still married to a progressive but devoted Christian man, I can say that for him, the pandemic has been an eye opener. I mean that in a very, very bad way. Evangelical behavior locally was off the charts horrible during this past year, and he is reevaluating church. From his perspective, he says he can no longer find any positive reason to attend church other than obligation which doesn't set well with him. On top of which, if the church actively participates in violations of his conscience, he feels he has zero obligation to attend. I do not know what the answer is. A full year of non-attendance, and he honestly says he feels like he is a better person giving up church and is making it permanent. Beyond that, there are several things that are problematic. First Responders and third shift workers have always had spotty or non-existent attendance because traditional church doesn't work with their work and sleep schedules. I do know that livestreaming and having a YouTube channel at least allows them to go back and watch church. For the elderly and chronically ill this also is a step in the right direction. The younger generation seems to question the use of money to maintain large buildings, staffs, etc. They really do see it as money that would be better used taking care of folks. So I wonder if some sort of home chaplaincy program with home visits, serving communion to small groups who gather in homes around their work schedules, might be a better idea. Plus, whether the Christian community likes it or not, it functions in a society in which the Sabbath is not a thing. Schools hold events on Sundays, sports practice, scads of people have to work. Even if it is determined that traditional church is a requirement, it doesn't change the pressure and outright demands on families from society. Some kind of very flexible thing will need to take its place or continue to lose folks. That said, I do think the church is experiencing a decline in attendance because this isn't the post war society anymore where offspring felt pressure to continue to attend their parents' denomination, and success in society might be impeded by not being a church goer. That is good. I think from 1950-2000 many churches had false "numbers" concerning the true picture of who believes and who doesn't. Now those kids are grown, do not believe, and are raising their kids very differently. So this is a bit, big shift for churches. This is a crowd that is not likely to be won over by different programming, new approaches. It is going to take a long time for the wounds of 2020/21 to heal, if they ever do. It is also worth noting that so many times in past eras, people did not have church to attend. It is kind of a luxury of things like cars, and a church building on every street corner. It isn't actually particularly "normal" from a historical perspective to have access to the Eucharist every week or a large group of like minded people to spend a couple of hours with. So maybe it would be worth exploring how people maintained and worshipped prior to the modern church movement, and seeing if there is anything worth gleaning from and implementing.
  20. I think some states will have problems. Michigan has a very robust system with no opt out. If you get a vaccine, it is in the system. That got started under Governor Engler back in the 90's when vaccination rates got quite low, and many people had also lost or misplaced their vaccine cards. So the bulk of the students here will not have an issue. But out of state students may find themselves in a pickle if their state records are a mess or non-existent. It is something that every state should be working on now instead of waiting until August move-in, and then going, "Oops!"
  21. I live in a similar universe. Actual things I have said to my qnon nephew over the phone, "I have not sprouted a vestigial tail, beamed up to the mother ship, experienced better cell phone reception, heard Bill Gates in my head, found the secret hideout of the lizard people, and much to my angst, not grown bigger boobs despite being given Moderna and being informed by your sister that this is a side effect of the vaccine." I am VERY disappointed about the boobs. Mine are sad, pathetic, and small. They look like two kid size tube socks with golf balls in each toe. I really could have used the boob job! So that conspiracy disappointment hit me right where it hurts! 😁
  22. One more article about Washington State. I am very concerned for them. https://abcnews.go.com/US/washington-state-verge-4th-covid-19-wave-officials/story?id=77255377&cid=clicksource_4380645_1_heads_hero_live_hero_related
  23. Nice to see you too. I am on hiatus laying in bed moaning from my 2nd shot so decided to come out from under my rock. I imagine I will be back under in w couple of days. Busy with elderly grandmothers, house hunting, grandsons, and vanlife.
  24. https://www.wnem.com The vaccine county update states that residents can "schedule their vaccine appointment beheading" through the county health department! 😂 I know we are all tired of the pandemic,.but this is a bit extreme. I emailed the news website and asked if these will be public or private beheadings, and quoted the passage. Hopefully that will get someone editing pronto!
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