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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I have no proof but suspect that Moscow's defense bill is getting rather huge, the side businesses have likely taken a hit, one of the boys just got married and is moving out of Arkansas so won't be working for daddy boob, and the show canceled is probably NOT going to have a reboot so money is a concern given that they don't seem to be inclined as a family to work in normal work environments, so as a result, he is looking to bring in campaign funds and live off of it for as long as he can. There is a sub reddit forum where a lot of folks are banding together to try to trash the campaign. I think the first place to start is with campaign posters that say, "Grifting creep who protected his pedophile, pervert son from consequences for molesting his own sisters, protected him again when caught on Ashley Madison cheating on his wife, and now paying for the defense of same pervert who downloaded the worst CSA in history causing seasoned LEO's to puke, wants to talk to you about " family values". Tell him to jump off a cliff on election day!" Put them up all over the district. Hey Arkansas, don't be Florida. Don't let your state tell Florida, "Hold my beer!" Shut this down.
  2. Playing cards first, chocolate second but only because we need some new playing cards.
  3. Awesome sauce! This thing is so darn entertaining.
  4. Proof of address goes state by state, and is very specific. If you do not live with this person, your address is a no-go. Usually, states allow something like two different medical or other bills plus a banking statement as proof of address, but again, you need to check that state's regs. Broth certificate, certified and sealed, is often required for proof of citizenship. There are very few exemptions usually related to POA living elsewhere because the ID is for the elder, and they have to meet the same requirements as everyone else. ID could be required for a variety of things. When we see a new medical provider they require adults to provide ID to prove that we are not trying to commit insurance fraud. Voting could be an issue in a state that requires a photo ID. Sometimes certain bank transactions require it. Hard to say whether or not any of these situations will apply for you elder.
  5. I saw this. All I could think was , "What kind of absolute fools sit in those stands idly watching this, instead of storming the show and stopping it?" Seriously, Mark and I would NOT have sat there for that. On top of which the minute an adult touched one of those kids, we would have called the police. One spank, just one spank. Bam, hello police department. I don't get it, but my sister worked as a social worker in Kentucky before moving to France, and well, this area of KY is known for some pretty serious problems in a lot of areas, education and common sense being just two of many. My guess is the parents are just fine with their kids being groomed by perverts (this is what I would term every single staff and faculty member who took part, every adult in on the planning and execution) so long as they never have to read Maya Angelou. What a team of adults. Morons and perverts! Quite the combo.
  6. I don't know about Hoka. But, I just scored a pair of Saucony trail running shoes on www.shoes.com for $45 ish because of a SAVE30 code. I ruined my Brooks Cascadias, so I am hoping the Saucony is really good too.
  7. Bingo! The pandemic has brought many issues into specific relief, but people still get mad and want the status quo maintained. Sigh.
  8. I am so sorry, Quill! And I absolutely understand. People around here have this same attitude. It makes me want to smack 'em up back of the head while saying, "Duh!" but of course I am civilized and don't. I just think it! Nearly 750,000 gone, probably another 2 million with long covid, and parents out of the workforce because, like my area, schools are constantly shutting down because of covid outbreaks and the idiots cannot figure out why no-one is standing in line to drive trucks, and work at the hardware store, or make their tacos, except "lazy on unemployment"! Rational thought is now so rare it is apparently a superpower!
  9. The best we have seen to date was a boy who wanted to go as Gandalf. So his mom made some grey robes probably nine ft long, and a wonderful hat. They got him the wig and beard, and dad carried him on his shoulders the whole night covered head to toe in those robes so he was not "seen", and with a whole in the robes so he could see out enough not to trip. The mom came along as an Ent and her costume was great. She helped guide Gandalf legs so he wouldn't bump into anything or run Gandalf up top into tree limbs. We gave them extra candy and a big double thumbs up. Worst was a teen boy who came to the house dressed as Freddy Krueger, and literally said when I opened the door, " Give me all the candy or I will slash ya!" So what he got was me slamming the door in his face. Saturday we are headed to a big pumpkin patch for some pumpkin chunk in' and photos. At the request of our grandson, we are dressing as characters from Willy Wonka (the original movie). Papa Mark is W.W., I am Veruca Salt, mommy is Violet Beauregard, daddy is Grandpa Joe (because he refused to be Augustus Gloop), N is an Oompa Loompa, and our littlest grandson is Charlie. I hope we do not get rained out. It is looking iffy.
  10. I have a beige wool winter coat that comes down mid-thigh. It looks nice with everything. My fall jacket is tan with lovely Arabian horses on it, brown corduroy color and cuffs. I have had it for years, and am very careful with it so that it will last. I am attached, and have no idea what I will do when it needs to be replaced. My other favorite is a periwinkle open front cardigan with rouching, and chiffon accents. I paid $5 at a thrift store and am pretty sure it was a very pricey item when originally purchased. I wear it with a dark purple sleeveless shell that has some beaded accents. The thing I adore the most is one of my black evening gowns. Timeless, classic cut and very comfy performance outfit. But now that covid gutted my fine arts job, I really have no excuse to keep it. I doubt I will ever wear it again. Yet, I haven't been able to make myself part with it.
  11. Try looking for a Mennonite farmer. Locally, we buy from them because they treat their livestock very humanely, and do feed a lot of grass and healthy diet, but they have lower prices. We paid $2.79 hanging weight and that included cutting and wrapping. It was a ridiculous amount of meat from a half beef, and it is spectacularly lean and tasty. When we needed ostrich meat for our son in law who has an Alpha Gal allergy, and we wanted to provide him with something besides just chicken and turkey (he is also allergic to seafood), they were able to order it for us, and it was $5.00 per pound less than any of the other meat markets which had it priced out at $20.00 @ pound. (Ostrich meat tastes like ground beef.) We buy their maple sausage links and bulk sausage. Very tasty, and again better prices than any other producer in the area.
  12. Boy do I REALLY like everyone who says I do not look old enough to be a grandma!!! Y'all are my favorite people now! 😁
  13. What I wanted this year was to have a wonderful gathering place for my immediate family, a place that is something for everyone, and would.eventually become a new home base when we retire. I got that this summer. We came down Oct. 16, and have been enjoying the house, the grandkids. Dd and I have decorated for fall through Thanksgiving, and made a bunch of beautiful things to put out for Christmas. We have had fun doing that! Dh has worked remote from here, and the evenings done some remodeling in the walk out basement to make a lovely gaming and sleep/privacy area for, as N would say, "My bachelor uncles". Coffee as the sunrises over the cove. Sunset over the front yard fence. Watching my grandbabies thrive. My mom, all three of our sons, dd, son in law, and the grand boys for Christmas in this comfy and serene setting, and Mark's brother and family will come over for a visit from Georgia. We have never lived close enough to really have a relationship. My sister in law used to be very toxic, but she actually went for professional therapy to save her marriage and so her adult kids would not cut her out, and now she is very pleasant to be with, so this is just such a welcome thing to have them here.
  14. For the golfer in your life. https://www.amazon.com/Potty-Putter-Toilet-Time-Golf/dp/B000LC65QA?tag=ymgiftguide-20
  15. The female biological contributor (mother does not seem like an appropriate term) and Lord Voldemort the boyfriend from hell should rot in prison, and by that, I mean something along the lines of Alcatraz would be too good for them.
  16. For the ridiculous price we all pay for healthcare, and the abuse heaped on us by our reproductive systems and pregnancy/childbirth, I think the very least the medical community could do is save our uteruses when they yank them out, give us a big knife, and allow us to stab them like the Ides of March!
  17. I agree that regardless of what the facility says, you set the rules and standards for the class you teach. I cannot imagine that you would be required by law to even offer an exemption. Now whether or not the facility chooses to sever its relationship with you is an entirely separate matter. Some management will be supportive, and others will not want to make waves. But as a private teachers it would not be negotiable for me.
  18. I wish! I am 53.5 and still occasionally have the stupid thing happen, and of course no way of predicting. So I am very angry with my ovaries at the moment. Just five it up already!
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