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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. But they named the dog Lily back in 2016. So that is just nuts.
  2. No HOA, and in an unincorporated town so unless the township passes an ordinance, nothing can be done. Years ago one neighbor got snarky about it, and Mark said, "When you clean up the five junk cars in your yard, I will clean up my leaves." And that was the end of it!
  3. It should also be noted that in 2016, Anna and Josh got a dog and named it Lily. I leave that with you to ponder. Josh's cheating website + Dog's name = baby name.
  4. It is very difficult to imagine that her family could be worse. That is a game of limbo that should not be played. But I swear with some of these IBLP families, they have a lot of "Hold My Beer" lows.
  5. I will be living on Alabama when that oldest one comes of age. Sometimes I feel like I should be prepared to drive over to Duggarville, and sit on the roof of my car shouting through a Megaphone, "Mackynzie, if you want to leave, I will offer you shelter and assistance. Run girl, run!" Sigh.... She would not be the first IBLP runaway Mark and I have assisted. She would actually be the nineth. Our other couch surfers were not IBLP. But I am also not as young and energetic as I used to be for dealing with this sh#t! It takes a lot of emotional and physical energy to help them. Stunningly hard work. I don't know if I am up to that again. Hopefully Aunt Jill who has made it out, or cousin Amy will open their doors. Edited because I have a hard time keeping the ages of all the M's straight and had the wrong name.
  6. That depends on if she actually does the six weeks of no hanky lanky post birth like she is supposed to. The trial begins in 14 days which is 38 days from birth, so 4 days short of the six weeks plus if she is nursing at all, combined with so soon after birth, hopefully fertility has not returned. The trial is supposed to last a week, and if convicted, he will be remanded to custody. From what I have read, with charges of this nature, they tend not to leave them out on bail pending sentencing but instead put them in custody and then take those days between trial and sentencing and subtract from the sentence. But anything is possible. Fingers crossed.
  7. So according to someone on the Duggar subreddit, Anna made this announcement at the exact same time as an Ex-DA was live streaming about thencase, going over all the motions and why they were dismissed, and making comments about how the case will proceed. I checked the time stamps. They did occur together. Could be a coincidence, but I am inclined to think not. The child was born Oct. 23, and the announcement was held until now. That seems like an awfully being coincidence, but who knows! One thing that did occur to me is that IBLP is very big into fathers having the final say in the naming of children. I hope this was not Josh insisting on this name as a way of just causing Anna more pain, but given his disgusting, pedo mind, that can't be ruled out. He is a slime, and she stayed with him supporting him this whole time. I could actually see him doing something like this to her, and she does not appear to have any kind of spine for going against him.
  8. Nope. A judge ruled that the case can go forward. Here is an update on local news from just a couple days ago. https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/defendants-in-duggar-sisters-privacy-case-file-motion-seeking-ban-of-plaintiffs-using-term-victims/
  9. This! These people are stunningly dense. Father in law is running for public office, husband is on trial for up to 40 years of his life, TLC canceled the show yet again over the scandals, but hey, 15 days before trial announce that I named the baby after my husband's affairs and beating up a prostitute incident! Way to put the family back in the spotlight as a prime time horror show. Normally I am a whatever floats their boat thing about baby names. But the more I think about it, the worse this one gets!
  10. I know. I can't imagine being this kid as a teen and finding out about the Ashley Madison thing, then daddy's trial on CSA, and then being named this. If ever anyone had a good reason to change their name the day they turn 18!
  11. Wow!.very low. Hey JimBob and company, the federal agents who reviewed the "images" committed because they were that vile and horrendous. Get a grip! They really are gross people.
  12. The county positivity rate hit 27.1% today and an average of 100 new cases per day for the last four days with a county population of 52,000. The local high school is up to 55 cases in the last 10 days out of 293 kids, 17 in the middle school wing of the building out of 200 middle schoolers, not sure how many staff total. Yet, they are not closing down. Can you imagine the level of exposure? Almost 20% of the high school.population and almost 10% of the middle school. The superintendent says if they reach 30% of the student body infected, they will shut down for a few days. I think thoughts about him. None of those thoughts are good. I can only imagine the thoughts of the county health department. But there will not be another state wide shut down. The governor was stripped of emergency powers, and the legislature stripped as much from the state health department as they possibly could. This is a let it rip until everyone is sick, dead, or disabled and then wonder what went wrong situation. For all those greedy monsters crying about the economy, I would like to smack them on the back of the head! Well duh! Of course the economy takes a hit you idiots! You can't have that many people sick, that many people beholden to the hospital for thousands of dollars of deductibles and co-pays, that many people with long covid or dead and not spending their money anymore or going to work, and NOT have an economy problem. "Think McFly, Think!!!" (In my best Biff voice. I figure Biff is the kind of guy these cranks seem to admire so a Biff quote it is!)
  13. I think you have a solid plan. The only thing I cam think of is to eat in shifts and in different rooms so that the highest risk individuals do not have their masks off at the same time as everyone else or in the case of babes/tots, feed them first before any of the adults get their masks off along with a fully vaxed adult who can then take them to a play room with a HEPA filter while the others eat. It might lower any viral load exposure.
  14. No, but something was released by an official person implying she was a victim or something like that. I am fuzzy about the details, but it seems that her privacy as a minor was violated. It might be related to a mix up in the report as to who the babysitter was at the time. I didn't quite understand it all.
  15. Church workers here do not tend to get another day ofd.because the churches schedule activities for Friday nights and Saturdays, expect the staff to be in the office Mon-Fri. No rest for the weary. Usually they have 5 Sundays out of the entire year, and five other days to claim as sick or vacation days. Otherwise, it is on the clock 7 days per week at least five full days and two half days or longer. I personally do not think the Bible prescribes the Sabbath in the way it is done in modern times. At best, a small gathering for communion, prayers, sharing, and singing as described by Paul. Nothing else. I don't think it was supposed to be an entity that programmed everyone to death. Add in Wednesday night church after a long work day, and Sunday night again after Sunday morning plus Bible studies, youth and children's activities, Advent services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunrise, Easter Service,....no rest. And when I was a church pianist, I was on for Christmas Eve and Christmas Noon services, every Thursday evening Advent services, and rehearsals during the weekly evenings with singers and choirs (adult and children plus conducting bells) while also working a regular job during the day. It is one reason I hated holidays. I have seen this a lot. The volunteers work more hours a week than the paid staff because they have their six day a week job, and then work Sundays and evenings for the church. It has all become too complicated for workers to rest.
  16. That seems odd, given the Ashley Madison scandal, but each to their own. As for him, his trial is Nov. 30, and a paralegal on Reddit had been downloading the court documents and going through them. I have read some of them. The witness list is getting long and if his lawyers bring up "character witnesses" for him, the prosecution will be allowed to bring up the molestation of his sisters and the babysitter as proof of this being an ongoing issue, character flaw. The names have been redacted, but not well so it is obvious that one of the sisters in on the witness list for the prosecution if this occurs. No certain idea who, but my guess would be Jill since she is already estranged from her family, and has been open about seeking professional, licensed counseling for it. The new list also includes an inmate a county lock up (cellmate) of Josh's after his arrest. That doesn't bode well because it means this guy is saying that Josh said something incriminating in jail. But again, who knows. The evidence pile is sooo deep, I don't have the time and inkling to wade through it. His defense has lost every motion to date. And he has turned down the plea deal. Given the mountain of evidence against him and the fact that DOJ prosecutors have a very high win rate for CSA cases, I think he is going to prison. I do not know why he didn't take the plea because his sentence will be a lot worse this way. There is also a lawsuit from Jill, Jessa, Jana, and Joy because due to being minors when the molestation happened, the police/social services report after the mess post-Oprah interview was supposed to have been redacted in such a way as to make it extremely difficult to ascertain the identities of the victims, and it was not supposed to be available through the Freedom of Information request by the journalist. So the state of Arkansas released it in violation of the law, and of course their right to privacy. My guess is they will receive a cash settlement for that, not sure how big because the state is going to probably come back with the soft excuse that they had no privacy to begin with because daddy sold them out for cash for reality t.v. While that is absolutely true and inexcusable, it is NOT a reason to let the state off the hook for violating their privacy protected by law. However, it is always dicey to sue the government. I don't know if Amy signed on to the lawsuit or not.
  17. That might be, but when you consider the amount of work that church staff, worship teams etc. do in order to put on services, then lock up after the last chatty people leave, and especially for churches with two services, It is at most a half day of rest. On top of that, in America, this is not observed by a ton of employers so like my husband in IT, if something happens, he is expected to work. Retail, gas, EMS, medical, and many of them have weeks that they work seven days a week. There isn't a lot of influence from Protestantism for it to be any different compared to say Judaism which does try harder to preserve this.
  18. Yes, we have been known to mow them if they get too thick. It really helps get them to compost down. But raking and bagging just doesn't happen here. And we only mow when it gets beyond a certain depth and needs the help. I do sometimes pick some up and mulch around our fruit trees. I just try hard not to hurt our maples by not letting enough of them naturally compost around them. We have about six, gorgeous sugar maples.
  19. Moles are the bane of my existence. We have an indoor cat that will hunt them if we let her out so we do that. Occasionally we have baited. I don't like it, but on the other hand I like my vegetables and herbs too so something has to give stupid rodents!!!
  20. There is a lot of truth to this. Protestantism is a work to death type thing. Having a holiday for down time and not having it be mentally heavy is very important. Mostly, we talked about TDay history in the context of world and American history so very much covered in the education M-F stuff. It helped that we viewed Tday as simply a day off work to spend time with family, stuff our faces, and relax. We tend to be that way about other holidays as well! 😁
  21. My boys are not great communicators so we had an agreement to do a once a week text check-in, and once a month phone chat. They actually texted me about every three days and often want photos of their dog, Lewis, LOL. Even my two in grad school still check in. So that is cool! My kids don't do Facebook or other social media. They are weary of the drama. Occasionally we get an email from them if what they need to tell us is long...LOL..."My books are very expensive this semester. Here is the list. HELP!! ❤" Something like that.
  22. Yes. My uncle did not die of covid, he died of sitting in an ER unable to be seen, even triaged. That is what killed him. Hospital overwhelm. Ds has a friend who spent 16 hours in the ER with a serious injury before being seen, and was just fortunate she did not have internal injuries or she would have bled to death inside the hospital waiting room! It is a war zone, MASH unit kind of crazy out there. People don't care. My county made it to 45% vaxed. That is it. So 55% are pretty much, if without a legitimate medical exemption, killers in my book. It might not be premeditated, but definitely reckless or negligent homicide as far as I am concerned. Enough is enough! How much death, how much horrific long covid, how many deaths from lack of ER and ICU access for other conditions, lack of surgeries and treatment has to happen before they finally care enough about their own skin to get on board??? I don't know. Today I am spending time in my Danish and Nordic Christmas cookbooks and Christmas traditions books trying to focus my energy on planning a wonderful holiday for my family. I need something positive to think about. Friday, I go to the U.P. to pick my son up from his last TDay undergraduate break. The count down to graduation commences. I need to pack food for myself, and find my winter boots. They are getting snow and nasty cold up there, and we have had it mild here is I am not exactly prepared!! 😜
  23. I would pay by the hours and since it is hard work, I would pay a young teen $12-15 an hour, and probably leave milk and cookies on the back step. Now that said, it is better for the environment if you don't do it. Leaves falling, deteriorating, composting down naturally are a vital part of ecological health. Grass lawn is not good. So if it kills off your grass and it takes longer to come back in the spring, that is actually beneficial. Right now we have a patch of leaves 2 inches deep and 30*50 ft in just one part of our back yard, and those leaves are not getting raked. Nope nope. I will admit that I get tired of them being tracked in on shoes.
  24. Ottakee 💔💔💔, I am so right there with you. The pain is so raw, and it just didn't have to be this way. Many hugs to you and your kids! I am not attending funerals here. No masks, jam packed rooms, even when someone dies of covid and the family is honest about it, there are no protocols. The excuse given is, "It is all in God's hands." I give up. I love the friend on the vent very dearly. But, if I can possible NOT bring this home to my family, then that is where my focus goes. I wish I could.attend her funeral. I wish I could have goner to my cousin's wife's funeral, my uncle's funeral, and my cousin's daughter's funeral. But those were all done super covid cautious so only ten people including funeral home staff which meant no extended family. My daughter is just livid. She wishes there was a prime time documentary on what happens to people on a vent, what it is like inside these covid ICU's, and put on every single channel simultaneously. However, I have come to the conclusion that it would just be dismissed as lies and propaganda. People are so narcissistic they can't have their thinking challenged.
  25. I am so sorry you had to hear that! It is insane, and if one has to be at the hospital for a procedure, absolutely nerve wrecking! My guess with my mom's friend is that as soon as her daughter gets there from Minnesota, they will discontinue life support. Her condition has deteriorated throughout the day.
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