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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. We did not do well at all with a memory foam mattress. Too hot, broke down after only two years, etc. We shelled out the big bucks for a Weston Heavenly Bed. We had slept on one several times at the Weston in Southfield, and it was the best sleep we had experienced in years. The investment was worth every penny. It has springs.
  2. My county has a new probable of 1036 on top of another almost 200 confirmed cases over the last two days. Up to 8500 cases out of a population of 52,000. So not yet 20% of the population, but probably going to get there by Christmas if this does hot slow down. We are where we were last year with the temporary shut down/pause in order to get it under control again. It is that bad WITH vaccines. The difference is Delta. Last year it was Beta. We are marching our way towards the number we had in the late winter and early spring when Delta hit. However, since our health department and our governor have no emergency powers now, there isn't going to be another shut down to gain control. Detroit Mercy and Henry Ford in Detroit, Spectrum in Grand Rapids, Traverse City, Flint, Midland, all overwhelmed. More docs, nurses, and hospital staff quitting, just absolutely not going to do this a fourth time. But at least Michiganders have "freedumbs". My daughter just called and can't wait for us to come, and I can't wait to get there. Rocket City is doing way better now, and the mountain house is isolated enough that we can enjoy the great outdoors without worry. We are going to have a family hike at Dittos Landing on the Tennessee River. Everyone is looking forward to it. 31 days and counting. We have to take two vehicles in order to get all of us and the stuff down there. My mom is going to be riding with Mark, our college senior, and the dog. I am putting her in charge of packing trip food and beverages, KN95's, and sanitizer for their car. I am planning all of it for my vehicle with the grad school boys. We just have to hang tight until then. It will be good for us mentally to have the break before we come back to what will probably be another big surge post holidays. That said, the surge might not be too bad because of the smell updating effect of school being out for a while.
  3. And in more news because these folks cannot get a grip on their situation, Jbob updated his campaign website and is accusing liberals and "Cancel Culture" of trying to prevent him from being involved in politics! 😠 This is an epic level of dense combined with malignant narcissism. The best thing Arkansas can do is find a reason to lock Jbob up too! Again, the "how low can you go" game of limbo continues with these people.
  4. I think you should tell them to stay home. Don't endanger your family, and don't ruin your holiday listening to that rhetoric! It isn't good for you and yours. ❤
  5. Update on my mom's friend. She stayed at home too long after becoming very sick, thus remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies were ineffective. There is a window, she missed it due to obstinance because she did not want to admit she was wrong about covid. Her husband insisted on driving her to the ER where she was given oxygen in the waiting room, but being entirely overwhelmed, waited several hours to be seen, and then was admitted to an "ICU" bed, and by that, a bed in a hallway somewhere near ICU. 12 hours later she had to be put on the vent. She has tested positive for staph infection now possibly acquired at a HUGE funeral she went to last week unmasked no precautions. She is septic, and the doctors hold out no hope. It sounds like they are just waiting on family to come to grips with it and allow.her life support to be removed. Her husband, who had a "mild" case is showing signs of cardiac involvement as well as neurologic now. They want to see if he can benefit from rehab, but warned that he may have to go from "totally independent two weeks ago" to rehab to nursing home. Sigh. So much pain and suffering. I told my mom I will not take her to the funeral, and mom agreed it would be a very, very bad idea. Big mega church, no protocols, masks are a mark of the beast. I hope they livestream it so she can at least watch.
  6. From what so am reading, it takes about 3-4 years for similar viruses to mutate to a less lethal, endemic form with far less death and long term disability to something like H1N1 now with Tamiflu if needed. So I think you are right and there maybe an annual vaccine, but not for another 12-18 months. I am encouraged by the Pfizer data on the new treatment.
  7. Good for you! My mom also keeps trying to talk us into an unholy amount of food that no one can eat, and will just make the day so darn hectic to bring to fruition. I put my foot down on some of it. Mark is working on his mom as well in order to keep the number of dishes reasonable, and the kind of food palatable. No mom, we do not want pistachio flavored Jello with walnuts and cool whip smooshed together, and squash with marshmallows and raisins that even you do not eat!!! Nope nope nope.
  8. Yes. I was proposed to by a boyfriend whom I thought of as only in a casual relationship and said NO, prior to meeting my husband. I broke up with the guy. No moral issues. It would have been entirely inappropriate to suggest to my husband that we name our son the ex-boyfriend's name. And this isn't some slip. Ashley Madison was all over the national media, social media, the Arkansas news linking Josh to it, talked about on the daily shows, was the reason Josh went to pray it away camp, and brought up in the TLC cancellation documents in addition to the breaking news of the crimes against his sisters. They haven't forgotten, and in IBLP the father has the final say in naming a child as the "headship" of the family. The scum bag knew exactly what he was doing. They chose an alternative spelling for Madison, and then even though they have a dog Lily, and grandma's middle name is Lillie, they didn't choose the alternative to make the connection to grandma apparent. The first few comments, all from fairly loyal followers on instagram, fellow IBLP fundies, were screen shotted and some of them posted on a few websites. Oy! Even the fundies got it, and were appalled that they named her this and pointed out the Ashley Madison connection to Josh. Others said, "Don't you have a dog named Lily?" People have not forgotten, not even in there sheltered group of "innocent" minded folks, and definitely thought it was a mean-spirited combo to lay on that child. She had to delete a lot of comments. Unfortunately for them, the internet is pretty much forever and being celebrity infamous means someone is always saving your stuff so they can come back later and throw it up in your face. The screen shots of those comments are out there. I personally believe that the slime did this as one last "screw you" to his family, and spineless jellyfish Anna just rolled over for it yet again. 13 days until his trial begins. Emily Baker, a lawyer and vlogger who has been parsing out the legalese of the court documents, and talking about how these cases move along in trial, indicated the plea deal expired Oct.18, but they can petition the court up to ten days before the trial for extenuating circumstances and ask to enter a plea. It is up to the judge whether or not to allow it. So that deadline is rapidly approaching. Monday he filed a petition for a new lawyer which was granted. 😯 I don't know what on earth this indicates, but it seems a little crazy at this stage. Then again, I don't believe "thinks like rational people" is a phrase any of us would apply to him or his father. From her perspective, since all the motions to suppress evidence were thrown out, and the Feds tend to be very, very careful when they build these cases, conviction is pretty much a slam dunk. He also has thrown three of his brothers under the bus plus several other employees in an effort to claim his innocence! I am no fan of any of the Duggars, but I feel sorry for these young me, and it has to be particularly painful that their father has never made a public statement in support of them. JB is a sicko.
  9. You can sort music at sheet music plus by these parameters. Some of it is available for digital download and print. If you have to order octavos, it will be a couple weeks or so before they arrive. Music notes .com sometimes has some SSA though SAB is more common. That said if you have any background in voicing music, SAB can be adapted to SSA.
  10. According to the Snowheads site, Gortex coats by Marmot do not rustle. I know nothing about that company or the sizes they offer. But I thought I would toss that out there. Apparently there are other skiers and snowboarders who like quiet coats. I would not have known. Dh has been known to shoosh down the mountain in his leather jacket! 😁
  11. It should be noted too that if the DA in Arkansas can charge him when the feds are done with him. I hope they do. Stack the sentences. The DA got the CSA cop that JBob to teen Josh to for counseling on enough counts that he was sentenced to 50+ years. Adding that to the 10-20 of the feds would keep him from getting to his children. My understanding of the video is that you don't just happen onto it. It is dark web stuff and the person has to go looking for it which is why the "it just popped up and I exited immediately" defense doesn't work. But I am not techie so I really do not understand that part of the case. Dark web for me means websites like astronomy blogs with back background and white print, and I really hate that. So I do not play an internet expert on t.v. nor in real life!
  12. I never said it wad an orientation. I don't know why you insist on pinning that on me. Good grief. I hate the effing scam bags! I am not going to engage you again.
  13. I also unfortunately know more than I would like because when my sister was a social worker on Kentucky, she ended up hearing about it from LEO's she worked with. She never watched it but had to read very graphic descriptions. It is no wonder social workers burn out so freaking fast!!!!
  14. I am not knowledgeable enough to know. But we need strategies for addressing whatever it is. Not enough is being done to figure this out and protect as many children as we can. All sexual assault is not about "sex" but about power, hurting others or at least this has been what I have deduced from the mental health community. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to figure out ways to fight it, intervene, protect, see if we can't figure it out and stop it before it happens. Punishment can't be the only option because it is reactionary. The threat of punishment did not stop Josh the Pervert from downloading that video or the other 200+ images. So we need to look for more, try harder, we being the experts, the researchers, the policy makers, communities, families, whomever.
  15. Thank you! And yes, I concur. We need to keep the high degree of horror and intolerance to the crime. It is beyond gross and evil. Pedophile can stick. If experts can figure out a way to reduce the chances that someone with sexual attraction to children will act on it, that I would support. Whatever keeps children safer. But society needs to remain committed to wanting an end to sex trafficking and assault, CSA, and all of it. Ugh!
  16. Which I said, and which Terabith agreed. I really do not understand why wanting more understanding in order to hopefully reduce sex crimes against children is suddenly promoting this. We both said we are against the change in terms.
  17. I don't either. I condemned the the professor in strong terms. I am not sure where you get the idea that because I would like research in how to treat pedophiles in the hopes of reducing and eliminating recidivism I would also then be pro-child CSA materials! That is really very insulting and especially when I roundly condemned the professor. Sheesh.
  18. I don't think there is anything that will change the attraction. But it might be possible to help them control it and not molest children.
  19. I feel like in this country all the powers that be care about is punishment, and only for the most egregious offenders simply because too many of those powers appear to be some level of pervert themselves. There doesn't seem to be much of will for any kind of research into possible interventions that could work. And of course Duggar is a prime example. Molest his sisters and a babysitter? Get taken to the CSA charged and not yet sentenced exp cop who tells him to just ask god's forgiveness and it is all good. Molest them a bunch more??? Go to Jesus camp and pray it away. Send the victims to "Journey of the Heart" camp where the curriculum is solitary confinement and sleep deprivation until the victim seeks the forgiveness of the peep for "causing him to sin" and then thank god it happened because it taught the victim a lesson and made her stronger. Get on Ashley Madison, have affairs, hook up with a prostitute and beat her up??? Admit to a porn addiction??? Go to Jesus camp and pray it away. Anna gets IBLP counseling in which women are told it is entirely the wife's fault when the husband goes perverted bananas. Download the worst CSA seasoned FBI agents have ever seen??? Daddy posts bail, and perp goes to a friend's house and hangs out with his wife who again will be blamed all the while the stupid fricking misogynistic sex cult claims he is innocent and it is the big, bad gubmint's fault. Maybe if these evil, s.o.b.'s had gotten him some real help the first time, the rest would not have followed and the girls would have been spared, Anna and the kids would have been spared. JimBob and Chelle have just about as much to answer for as Josh. And Anna isn't innocent. Cult or not, she is not absolved of responsibility for staying and continuing to have children with him. I habe no sympathy at this point for any of them but all of those innocent little grandkids born into this hurricane of pain and suffering. I have exactly zero faith that the state of Arkansas gives a damn about the kids either.
  20. I understand. I am just fundamentally against the change in terminology because I think the proposed acronym is designed to make it seem less horrible to sexually assault a child. The destimatizing isn't about getting help for the pedophile, but instead to desensitized society to the crime. I am against that. I am all for all kinds of more research and funding into helping people with the inclination NOT act on it. All for that.
  21. I shouldn't laugh, but man was that just prophetic all wrong! 😂
  22. No freaking joke! Come near my grandsons, and I may be tempted to do something appalling to the professor! If Old Dominion keeps such a person on its academic roll, then they can kiss my @$$! Wow! Just wow!
  23. Hmmm. My guys ski in hoodies, LOL, but ski slopes in that part of Michigan are not as cold as say Colorado! They work up a sweat skiing with actual ski coats on. Maybe check and see what REI has and read reviews.
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