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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Irish cream. We are out of Irish Cream. Oy! Now my morning coffee will not be all that it could be. The roads are icy too! But I feel like Mark should brave it for my sake. 😁😁😁😉
  2. I know, it is crazy! How did they manage to get so many high profile cases all to trial in the same week? It is too much for us regular people. The Murdaugh case is just so whacky. In my most creative moments, I would not be able to come up with it.
  3. Well no. A moral compass is NOT what IBLP is about. And lying for the cause is 100% a.okay. All the "lost and going straight to hell" folks are supposed to have a mortal compass imposed on them, the IBLP moral compass. But the cult members themselves, not so much...they are extra special, and well, their moral issues can be overlooked and explained away. I was subjected to the IBLP Advanced Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts back in the 80's, lead by none other than Bill Gothard the deviant scam bag himself. Thousands of men in the audience and the "sell" is that women caused all the sin in the world, and you humans with dangling participles for reproductive organs are god's chosen, perfect little snowflakes who would have perfect lives perfect families, and the shine of god's good will on your live, health, wealth, and prosperity if you just "get your women under control". And then it goes on from there. Basically, Jbob and Josh can blame ALL OF IT on Michelle, Anna, and the sisters. I am not jesting. It goes like this, " Did Michelle or one of the sisters change a diaper in front of Josh when he was growing up?" Then he is a monster because they were immoral harlots who did not protect his soul by keeping the baby modest. Did one of his sisters fail to lock the bathroom door and he walked in? Then his sister is a whore who tempted her brother causing him to fall into sin. Did Anna ever allow one of the children to be seen not fully dressed? Was he chaperoning his sister and an immodest woman stepped into view and sister didn't yell "Nike" as a warning to him to look down soon enough? Then the immoral woman and the lazy sisternare to blame for his behavior. The shes in his life caused him to fall into sin by being sexually tempted by a child. And this goes on and on. Gothard is a perv who is obsessed with young girls and sex and created a religion that is nothing more than a sex cult in which men get a free pass to be perverts. And Jbob is absolutely allowed to lie to the secular authorities they despise in order to protect the "brand" and IBLP. The lies are again all Michelle, and Anna, and the victim's faults. I would not be shocked if 12 year old McKynzie has not already been sent to IBLP camp, Journey of the Heart (puke, puke, puke, puke, puke) where there are special counseling rooms for basically torturing girls into accepting responsibility for their perp's sin. I am not saying that M has been sexually abused. Not at all. I would not speculate on that. But in particular 12 is a magical age in IBLP in which girls become "women" and especially now part of the "you did this to me" scapegoats. So daddy having problems and her being 12 could absolutely mean Jbob has decided she shares in the blame and needs to be "counseled". We are talking about a place where Gothard has his own bedrooms, in the girls' dorm mind you, and gives personal counsel, and one of his favorite mind games is to tell these girls they have to be pretty and in a certain way (the way that floats his boat) in order to attract a good, godly husband, and then blames them for being too pretty which tempts men to sin. They can't win. And the staff engages in sleep deprivation, food withdrawal, and other means of breaking down the "offender" such as hours and hours on knees in prayer position with whacks to the back from a staff member with a stick if they faulter or hours standing on a chair on their tip toes with a tomato or egg under the arch that cannot be broken. Ask me how I know? This was done to me at an IBLP school for being caught with a book of Shakespeare Sonnets. I peed on the altar. IBLP girl camp is where Josh's sisters were sent while he went to boy camp at ALERT where they get to do cool stuff like take CPR and fire safety, search and rescue, while the spiritual curriculum teaches them that "dude, it ain't your fault you are a deviant pervert. Girls man. They be twisted little sluts out to snatch your soul for satan." I am not exaggerating. I am actually being protective of the hive and anyone here who has been abused by not telling you more of it. So Jbob gets to lie on the stand after taking an oath and then go blame the women in his life for doing it. No sin for him! Oh, and if anyone is wondering. The Holts are the people JB sent Josh to for a few months after round two of teen Josh is a deviant. Josh lived there while Holt was running for public office. Holt blamed his election loss on "sin in the camp" which was essentially IBLP makes people so stupid that they do dumb things like let a 16 year old teen pedo sex freak do I.T. work for the campaign and then are shocked when they find him glued to porn online. That was the sin in the camp. Holts were furious with Josh and kicked him out of the house. Now, don't go thinking these people are decent humans. They aren't. They had young children in the house, young daughters, and they took a child molester into their home knowing what he had been up to. So they are a bunch of evil scum too. Oh, and they have a big obsession with first born sons. So believe me, if JB could figure out a way to pin the CSAM from the dealership on Josiah or John David or one of the other brothers, he would absolutely do it and not even blink. Eldest sons are extra special snowflakes in IBLP.
  4. It is. I would summarize it but it is very triggering. So I think people should read with caution. I am not a sex abuse survivor, but Bobye's testimony still got might heart rate up and a wave of stomach nausea that thankfully passed quickly. Suffice it to say, the CSA went on for a longer period of time than JB and Meech ever copted to, and when confronted by Bobye about new revelations of what Josh had been up to responded that they did not want to hear it. But I refuse to give more description of the testimony than this So I am wondering if someone should track down lowlife Doug Phillips and tell him to take his "Mother of the Year" award back! 😠 I feel really sad already for every person who has to serve on the jury.
  5. If you hop over to the sub reddit rugged shark they also have the video clip of him discussing this in the Megan Kelly Interview. I could link it, but honestly for some folks, it could be really upsetting so I aim going to let others find it if they want to watch it. That was 2015 if memory serves. So if he can't remember an interview he gave on Prime Time with Morgan Kelly where they talked about it for 90 minutes then I would imagine the prosecution is smelling blood! Then again, maybe they don't care that much about nailing him on federal perjury charges. Hard to say.
  6. Here is a link to a screen shot of an exchange between JB and the judge. JB was apparently narcissistic enough to believe he would go into court and run the show. The judge had to set him straight. In the Webster dictionary for the word "Pompous" it has a picture of JimBob. Just wow.https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/r57oku/im_so_here_for_this_judge_i_love_his_snark/ What kills me is he lied to protect his pedophile evil son. In that moment, he threw his daughters right under the bus.
  7. Narcissist bingo, never a dull moment, and enough drama to rival a day time soap opera!
  8. I would have had more kids if this is all it took! 😂
  9. Yes, Anna will not leave nor will Michelle. They have been conditioned to be good IBLP wives. It should also be noted that if convicted, Anna will probably have to go under church discipline for not being "joyfully available" enough. IBLP teaches that men do not do such things unless women drive them to it. I don't have a puke emoji or I would place it right here. I suppose if JB intends on living off campaign funds, he is going to be running around running for any office he can find and appealing to IBLP'ers to pony up. Gothard is still kicking and worth millions, maybe that pedo creep will continue bankrolling JB. Dwain Swanson is on the witness list for the prosecution. He is Josiah's father in law. No idea why. Also, just a reminder, Gislaine Maxwell's trial is also this week. That one though is going to take a lot longer because there are so many more charges.
  10. I don't know about federal law, but in Michigan they can begin jury selection without that ruling because no evidence or testimony is heard for selection. The judge just has to make a decision prior to opening arguments.
  11. Yes. I don't know how they got to him, but it may have been at that parade for all we know. He is running for office so at some point with due diligence they were bound to stalk him successfully. I would imagine that some legal analyst somewhere will request the paperwork on that in the coming days and answer that fateful question. Plus, one his adult kids may have caved and given it to him. I did read somewhere on the sub reddit forum that a PDF download of the process server report was that it took 15 hours of work to serve him. Sigh. Nice use of tax payer dollars. Can we fine him for it? I, a tax paying citizen, would like my money back on that one.
  12. Hi, no I haven't watched any of those. I have all this kind of crazy, on a budget think outside the box stuff in my head from the six years that I did event planning and custom florals and decorations for things like weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, corporate banquets. Occasionally Robin will see something on Pinterest and say "Mom how can we do this cheap?" And then I produce. 😁 My only girl. I am weak!
  13. Scarlett, many many hugs! I am so sorry, because I know this little grandbaby is so very precious to you, and you do not want to lose him out of your life. This whole thing stinks. 💓
  14. Could be this. He may be so overwhelmed that all he wants is to be a weekend dad.
  15. I was reading a lawyer's take on this, and he thought 1-2 days for jury selection,.3-4 days of testimony and then whatever length of time it takes for the jury to deliberate. The feds have a very high conviction rate for this and all but a couple of the laundry list of defense motions to suppress this, that, or the other thing were dismissed. He also says because they are not brining actual molestation/rape charges against him, and he doesn't have a long rap sheet, that the sentence if guilty is likely to be 5-15 years, 10 being average. The fines can be up to $500,000 in addition. But it is all speculation. What isn't speculation is that Bobye Holt was subpoenaed to testify today. She was the one who Josh was taken to in order to confess for church discipline. She was not the pastor and has no clergy standing so she can get off on NOT reporting except the defense argued that she was clergy and it should fall under clergy/counselor privilege. That is problematic for her. The prosecution and defense have until noon tomorrow to write their briefs on why it should or should not be allowed before the jury. The thing is, IBLP and all their subsidiary churches have published materials about women not being allowed to serve as clergy or in any position of leadership. She had no ordination and apart from teaching a small group Sunday School, no leadership. I don't think they can make a case for clergy privilege. But if the defense manages to make a clergy privilege stick, she could then still face charges in Arkansas because they will have her testimony from today on record, and the victims were minors 12 and under. There is pretty much no clergy privilege that circumvents mandatory reporting for something like this with child victims. Protestants do not have a "sacredness of the confessional" thing, and protestant seminaries and bible schools are not out there actively preaching that doctrine. So Jim bob or Bobye could go down with this ship. And then there is the fact that Jbob and Shells and the by then adult victims plus Josh all admitted to it in public, and Megan Kelly's interview is A matter of public record. Lying about it is about as Narcissistic as someone can get. His attorney better hope a test for Alzheimers comes back positive. I just hope all the people in his voting district are listening and paying attention. Dingdong and company were out acting like nothing was wrong with a campaign float in the weekend Christmas parade! 😠
  16. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 or 😰😰😰😰😰😰 depending on your feeling at the moment!
  17. "And so it begins." Off to check the "robot apocalypse" box on my world comes to an end bingo card which already contains all kinds of horrific crap. Cue the Terminator theme music.
  18. Fingers in your ears. You hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. Be a wall, ignore. However she is trying to communicate, she may as well be reaching the answering machine of a total stranger. Sorry Saraha, she has the narcissism very badly!
  19. Men, men, men, men.......🙄😂😂😂😂😂
  20. My last international trip was made up of cute sun dresses and tunics, light weight, with leggings. I did not take Any denim because it takes way to long to dry. I travel the same way you do. I did have a pair of cotton khaki/tan capri pants. But they did take longer to dry than my knit leggings, and they were pretty wrinkled so if the hotel did not have an iron an ironing board in the room or to loan, they looked pretty sad.
  21. I get this. Dh is not nearly as on board with this as me. But I did say that he needed to really think about what it means to pack his stuff and haul it all to Bama, and probably do that mostly without my help because I will have my stuff and the rest of the house simplified and ready single handedly. His face told me that he might be starting to think about that. Now if C (our eldest boy) will just get 1000 books out of here. I told him if his grad school digs will not accommodate them and he doesn't voluntarily thin it out, I will take care of it on my own. I think he is scared!
  22. Yes, I think it will be freeing. We want to do a lot more traveling in retirement, and we have the eventual permanent move to Alabama to make. So this really "rip the bandaid off" thinning out is beginning to make me feel lighter and excited about the future.
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