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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I didn't get it. The roads are really icy here, and there was a lethal collision of a semi and an SUV not far from here. Ds, commuting while he take a couple of grad school courses, has been notified to stay at school. He has friends he can crash with, all vaxed, masking, careful people, and they do not mind having him on their couch. I am not even having coffee now. I have gone straight to a lemon drop martini due to the school shooting. We have acquaintances in that district with a 14 year old daughter in that school and have not heard from them. The day sucks!
  2. I my area, forever. The gun culture is a gun fetish. I know of guys who would not go with their wives to the hospital when their own child was about to be born because it was opening day of hunting season. There is an an almost addictive, very dark quality to the gun culture here. We have a LOT of military folks around the area, and many of them are positively obsessed with guns and violence and settling scores by violence, and romanticizing Rambo and company. It is very mentally unhealthy.
  3. https://www.wnem.com/news/sheriff-multiple-injured-suspect-in-custody-following-shooting-at-oxford-high-school/article_91c027ac-520d-11ec-99fe-17ad10cbfbf9.html Update, 3 victims have died. The shooter is 15. I have moved on from coffee, and have a lemon drop martini in hand. I am not any kind of big drinker, console myself with alcohol person by any stretch, and have never been drunk. Don't plan on it now, but a little bit more mellow while we wait for acquaintances to post it their daughter is okay or not is called for at this time. Update #2 Acquaintance is homeschooling her high school freshman because she really needed advances classes not available at that school. She and her kids are home together today holding each other close and hoping that none of the victims are her dd's former friends. Sigh of relief mixed with tears.
  4. A non horrific synopsis of the above. Bad bad things were done to Jane Does 1-3, and extra bad bad things to Jane Doe 4. These things took place over a period of years not months, and Jbob and Chelle knew and did nothing to protect their daughters other than build the new house, change bedroom access, and locks on the girls' doors. Josh copted to it in front of Bobye and Jim Holt and JB. None of the admitting to it was done in a "confessional" way and Jim Holt is not a licensed counselor or ordained clergy so the prosecution believes clergy privilege for him cannot be invoked especially as it was not a part of a treatment plan discussion, and Bobeye admitted it was part of a larger discussion of Josh and JB wanting to reinstate the courtship/betrothal with their daughter. No props personally given to Holts, but as the rock bottom level of parenting in any measly way, they opted NOT to allow a courtship to begin anew. Defense thinks pretty much everyone who has ever taught a Sunday school class or said a prayer at church is "clergy" for the purpose of their argument. So all of the court document notes linked above in the 2nd post are related to what the judge is expected to rule on by the end of the day or at least before opening arguments.
  5. Yes. And that. I wish these things had been spread out. It is going to be a roller coaster!
  6. He does not need clothes or personal care items. He just needs to bring yummy things home, and Baileys, and Baileys, and Baileys, and Baileys......😁
  7. I am posting a second update. This one is a release of notes related to yesterday's evidentiary hearing. I am posting a LINK not embedding it. Too triggering you are forewarned. https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/r5u98e/summarythoughtsbad_analysis_of_the_supplemental/?sort=new
  8. Yes I am getting the impression that this can be courthouse specific. Ours is an old courthouse with out any really big rooms other than actual trial rooms. So I have to wonder if just for the sake of saving space, they do that pre-thinning of the pool. My mom once served on a federal jury here in Michigan, and she said the courthouse had a lot of rooms, very very large and comfy, and huge bathrooms some of which were designated for jurors only. We don't have that in our 150+ year old courthouse. Tight quarters probably makes it harder to keep everything sequestered, and proper. Sending people home definitely helps.
  9. You are much more diplomatic and no evil far than I would be with that label. Good on you. My filter has been pummeled!
  10. That must be. Here on local cases, they try to catch them before they enter the courtroom. There is a questionnaire, specific to the case, the you fill out and hand back. Some folks get dismissed before the even get to the courtroom. I guess the feds and other courts do not have a last minute thinning of the pool like that.
  11. I am so sorry. Fingers crossed. Influenza, strep, tonsilitis, RSV, are all going around here. Not that any of these are fun or good by any stretch, but better than the alternative. RSV, in particular, has been harder on adults this year than previous seasons. And the blood could be indicative of a throat infection because one can cough the throat raw. It might not be coming from the lungs.
  12. The person posting this is in the audio room of the trial. The courtroom is not large and seating is limited so general members of the public have an overflow room where they are seated, and the sound is piped in. They do not see, just hear. This person is taking notes. Even in the audio room, they are not allowed recording devices, so people have to take notes, leave the courthouse on the breaks, and then post. I too, like the judge, am startled that the parent of a spouse of a Duggar son was in the jury pool, and it failed to be caught by the jury pool processing folks prior to this. I am sad that Jill will have to testify and relive all this crap, but I am giving her big PROPS for doing it, and potentially helping to take this perp down.
  13. And they have these kids six hours a day. They really can teach math, LA, history, and science. But when you spend two hours a day on test prep - the amount of time our local elementary and middle school admit to - that eats into your ability to do it right. And that emphasis on being so good a bubble tests affects all aspects of curriculum and implementation. I think back to some of the amazing conversations our teachers had with us in elementary school after reading something in our history or science text, or in literary studies, and how they allowed us to get off on that tangent because it just wasn't the end of the universe if we didn't get to spelling or penmanship today. Test prep was NOT a thing, and our test scores were WAY higher than they are now. I normally do not wax poetic about 'the good ole days', but I do think the shift towards bubble tests as a measure of proficiency was the beginning of the end of teachers being able to teach effectively much less have time to allow important discussions and debate to take place in classrooms.
  14. Yes. Sadly, though the well being of this little boy is at stake, you can't do anymore. I commend your dh for making the effort though! It does occur to me that dss might have said he wanted 50/50 and made indications that this was sincere, while really not wanting it. He just didn't want to disappoint his dad. I guess that would be a conversation to be had with a licensed counselor who can be impartial.
  15. Here is a synopsis of what happened yesterday. It is not graphic so it should be okay. I went with a mainstream news source online in the hopes it would be generalized and not too horrible in case anyone is interested in the case. https://abcnews.go.com/US/jeffrey-epstein-associate-ghislaine-maxwell-trial-begins-key/story?id=81451849 Just do not ever read the comments on abcnews. They be crazy over there!! I really hope they can make the case against her, and get her thrown in a hole for a very long time. I fell like these past two weeks and with what trials are still coming up, Alcatraz should be re-opened! But, then again, that isn't particularly civilized either.
  16. Yes, back in the 60's he claimed to have special revelation from god about marriage and family. So he is revered as a prophet. But IBLP'ers maintain they don't do it because they know that would rile up other groups of Christians. This is one reason that IBLP materials are very, very expensive to buy, and no one can have them without first paying for the basic conference and then the advanced conference. Only those that commit get to receive the written materials. When my dad pulled out of IBLP, a nutter from the camp came and demanded dad's collection of wisdom booklets and newsletters. He refused to surrender them. They do go around trying to secure them from being released to the public. But occasionally one escapes. A few years ago a collection was selling for several hundred dollars on Amazon marketplace. A journalist managed to go undercover well enough to write an exposed biography of Gothard.
  17. I am so sorry! I can only imagine how stressed you are. Many hugs. 💓💓💓
  18. Well, they don't really follow the Bible. Gothard claims to have special, additional revelation from god which is provided prophetically through the conferences, wisdom booklets, and newsletters to the membership. Many people do not realize that though they claim they are following the Bible, they actually study and follow Gothard only with a sprinkling of Bible here and there like a coating of glitter to make it seem "christian". But that would be a topic of discussion in a different thread since most modes of Christianity do this to some degree. Nearly every single denomination has a book of discipline/doctrine, and in order for a church to belong, they have to elevate that above the Bible even though it is all interpretation which is subjective and can contain many not in the Bible rules. So the book of discipline becomes more important than the Bible itself. Therefore, it is not logical for one group of Christians to claim another group is NOT Christian because x,y,z is man-made doctrine or practice or not how they interpret the same scripture or.....yet they engage in the same practice, albeit to some degree unknowingly because a lot of members don't read the book of discipline for their denomination nor sit on church boards and in elder positions in which book of discipline comes into play for decision making. The " No true Scotsman" thing is alive and well. I think probably the only group who might have a leg to stand on would be one, if it existed, in which the ONLY doctrine espoused as true and every other possible thing is left up to individual conscious would be one for whom the Apostles Creed is the "book of discipline/doctrine". I am not aware of such a group who has restricted required beliefs and obedience to only that, and restricts preaching to only those tenants. That creed boils things down to a pretty basic bedrock for the religion. I am not sure in 2021 that such a group exists.
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