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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Judge Brooks, according to online statistics, seems to average 5-7 for first offense CSA charge if the felon has no other convictions. But, there is a point system and refusing to take a plea deal when "guilt is obvious" is points causing the sentence to increase from the minimum. A federal attorney over on reddit has been trying to explain to everyone because it is a math formula that judges rarely deviate from unless there are extenuating circumstances. The minimum on each is 5 and then we know he has a deviation higher due to not taking a plea. So 6-7 per count sounds like a good guess. Of course, the judge will get a report about Josh's behavior out on bond, and other considerations. Who knows, maybe there will be more points against him. If he got 6-7 and not served concurrently, which seems to be common with federal judges, he would have to serve 12-14, 85% of which would then be 10.2 - 11.9 years (if I did my mental math correct without having imbibed an entire mug of coffee yet 😁). My understanding is it is common for them to serve the rest in a supervised setting like a halfway house because the feds are tougher about parole/probation than many states. It is possible that if the state is not happy with the federal sentence, they can then try him themselves. The feds have shown them the path forward, assuming this case ends in a guilty verdict, and he would be insane to NOT take a plea deal. He would have to serve the state sentence after the federal one unless a state judge gives him credit for time served in federal penitentiary. The youngest two will still be pretty vulnerable if he is home in 12 years. I really hope the judge gives him 16-20 years, but that may be a stretch because he may not have enough points against him due to being a first time offender, only two charges, and by all accounts having obeyed the terms of his bond. I don't know if his public confession to the molestations back in 2015 can be used against him since he was never charged.
  2. Yes, and we know she approached co-counsel when her personal email and phone number were on screen as evidence (emails Josh sent as well as texts that coincided with the downloads). So we don't know if she had been forewarned or not. Also the bank password was on display.
  3. You know, it didn't occur to me. Catwoman, you have to present for the scale tomorrow! I have a friend with a nice Magpie, so we can see if they are equal. And yes, dumb criminals. I mean when he actually said to the Homeland Security lead investigator, "Are you here because someone downloaded child p*rn?" I just about fell of my chair. Wow, just wow!
  4. I think that once their forensic expert was debunked, and she was cornered on redirect and had to admit that the download could not be done remotely without someone in front of the computer to do some of it, they didn't have much they could say. She tried to make the case it was plausible to be done remotely, but then back tracked once she was asked tech questions she was not qualified to answer. And that was their whole thing "It happened, but it could have been anyone". However, payroll records show no one was working at the dealership that week during the three days the downloads took place, only Josh. And he was dumb enough to take pictures of the car lot and the office, even the computer and post it notes on his desk and sent them to Anna to " prove" he was working late, and all of them were time stamped during the downloads. It was pretty much a smoking gun as the saying goes. And experts have to be paid to testify. If it isn't worth pursuing because your best witness got shredded on cross, then it probably isn't worth continuing. They couldn't bring character witnesses because if they did, the prosecution had Jill as a rebuttal as well as some others on the witness list. I can't imagine it would improve their case to have one of his victims on the stand. My best guess is they hoped to use techie language to confuse the jury and create reasonable doubt, but the prosecution was so well prepped, they were able to make the attempt look inept and implausible. Of course it only takes one juror hold out to hang a jury so we just have to wait and see.
  5. What are you? A prophet? A witch? 😂😂😂 So we went to Menards. To satisfy curiosity, Mark had ordered an O Scale Hershey's Chocolate Tanker car for a train set he is taking to Bama to put around the Christmas tree for N and C to play with. Pulled up, scan the pick up code, go to the door, they walk it out, easy peasy, five minutes. Plenty of time left for romance. Off to Panera. Drive through was not busy. Didn't take long, headed to the river. Ring ring ring. Boss, "Hey Mark, are you in front of your computer?" Mark: "No, I am out having a date with my wife." Boss: "Well, we have a problem. Team X really screwed up, and if you can't help them trouble shoot it, they aren't going to be ready for review tomorrow, and release on the weekend." Mark: "I am out with my wife. I worked the whole last weekend for team Y that screwed up. So I need to be NOT working tonight." Boss: "I am begging you Mark. This is bad bad bad!" Mark: Sigh. "It will take me 45 minutes to get home. I am not working the weekend, and I better get some extra vacation." Boss: "okay." Now he is working. So to summarize. We went to Menards. I ate my Chicken and Wild Rice soup in a moving vehicle, a STICK SHIFT moving vehicle instead of at the river park with all of the Christmas lights and in a parked car. Mark is eating his Baja bowl in front of his computer while conjuring diplomatic ways to tell people they train wrecked their project because "They don't listen", and I figure if he works really late, there isn't going to be any tEa, the other piece of the date night puzzle. I even said to him, " I guess there isn't going to be any tEa." He looked shocked and y'all I am not making this up, "But what happened to the electric tea pot? I just got a new box of Candy Cane Lane tea bags? Is the microwave broken too?????" He looked forlorn. 😄 I had to explain to him again what tEa is on the board. So, I think we have to take Catwoman and toss her into the lake to see if she floats? 😂
  6. Another option for a fresh look is to not paint the cabinets just give a good cleaning and a new coat of sealer/gloss, and then buy cabinet doors in a lighter or darker stain/color and mount new doors. It makes an updated appearance without all the work.
  7. To be accurate, Anna has seven children. Speculation is that since she is now six weeks post partum, she may end up pregnant with number 8 soon. That is of course just conjecture.
  8. Hi everyone, KNWA has done a nice recap of the testimony today. There was only one witness, the tech expert for the defense. To be honest, I have run the recap by my husband a database architect with 35 years professional experience, and my nephew in cyber security for the army. Their consensus, for what it is worth, is that the "expert" isn't very experienced at all, and contradicted herself a lot. They felt that Clayman shredded her on cross examination, and that the real clincher was that she actually admitted she doesn't really know what she is talking about when it comes to Linux partitions and TOR, oh, and that a lot of her "report" was made from watching the prosecution experts testify, not from her own forensics exam, and she didn't even have the password to the machine in order to log in directly and see what was there. Now I know the jury may not be tech savvy, but I cannot imagine that they think this is reasonable doubt. The defense rested. Not kidding. One witness. That's it. No rebuttal witnesses. Who knows why. If I had to hazard a guess it would be that they just didn't have anything else plausible to say with a defendant taking the 5th after their star witness got hammered. It remains to be seen if the prosecution is going to bring in rebuttal witnesses or if they do to closing arguments. It is late in the day so if no witnesses are coming back to the stand, it is possible the judge will close up shop early so the jury can have a rest, and then have closing arguments and jury instructions tomorrow. If there is a significant update after this, I will post much later. I am on my way out soon for a curbside pick up and a romantic date with Dh which means "Panera Bread drive through and eat it down by the river after picking up the Menards order." 😁 https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/josh-duggar-trial-day-5-prosecution-hammers-credibility-of-defense-expert-witness-in-cross-examination/
  9. Oh my gosh this is sooooo me! 😂😂😂
  10. Ds has exams this week. He said his profs are calling and texting everyone to let them know what is going on.
  11. To be honest, I have seen a lot of horror perpetuated " for the eternal salvation of souls" by non-mainstream Christianity. Many groups, not just the Gothard one advocated beating the Jesus into kids among other terrible things. Think about alk of the harshness as well as corporal punishment prescribed by James Dobson for every little infraction a kid made because the will had to be broken or they would not submit to god. This really isn't unique and I know of a local Wesleyan churches that used to give out copies of the Pearls' book to each new parent. There are a crap ton of unfit parents out there. A ton. My niece, who never lays a hand to her kids, is one. Her delusions are dangerous, and one of these days she is going to snap. But CPS is not going to take those kids until something utterly mind bogglingly awful happens. She has a parental right to traumatize the hell out of the kids or this at least appears to be the legal case even though not great but not dangerous fathers have sued for custody of their kids.
  12. Yes, agreed. What was valued as a sign of life success 1950-2000, is not valued so much now. More and more I see younger generations valuing experience and mobility. They are not as inclined to jump into homeownership and then acquiring the things that have been associated with that middle class lifestyle in America. They also see a lot of their paychecks going to social security which they will probably never get, and so being in debt for a lot of furniture, appliances, luxury cars, etc. is not an option for them because they have to make up for that utter loss of retirement money by saving more, earlier in life than GenX and Boomers did. They see wanton consumerism as bad for the planet. I am amazed at how thrift store oriented many of them are not to mention the whole crowd of tech job ones that have work remote and are living Vanlife until they can pay off student loans. Then there is another very serious among some to emigrate elsewhere as soon as they can carve out the opportunity to do so. Two of my four sons do not plan on living in the US post-graduate school, and they have a LOT of friends planning the same. Many developing nations are wooing their talent. Everything is changing rapidly. Both large and small business has dragged their feet getting ready for this. Add a pandemic, and that change is accelerated exponentially.
  13. Anna's family will not help her. They were told about the molestations, and that Josh had been betrothed to Kaeleigh Holt, but that the courtship was disrupted because of his deeds, and for his porn use during the Holt political campaign or at least that is how the people that know them have indicated the timeline. And they made Anna marry him anyway. In IBLP, women/girls don't really have a say in that either unless they have a readily available means of fleeing the family and starting a new life. So these are NOT good people, and they don't want a tainted woman.with a scandal plagued marriage back in their midst. They are also a huge family, pretty poor, and live in a tiny place. They can't take 8 people in even if they wanted to do so. The people best equipped to help her are her sister and brother who have escaped the cult, and Jill and Derrick. But she has to have the courage. I have my doubts. CPS needs to be involved because I think just maybe the scare of losing her children might be enough to get her to take that step especially if they can offer any services that might make it seem possible.
  14. This. There is no consent, and men are encouraged in IBLP to rape their wives if they do not present "joyfully available" at a moment's notice. Women do not have any say in their own body. Men have it all. If there is an M8, it will be conceived before he goes to prison. Federal prisons do not allow conjugal visits.
  15. Given he actually said to the investigators that he didn't want to say "I am not guilty" because he has had friends who said similar things and got in trouble after asking if someone had been downloading child porn, I think you nailed it! I am pretty sure he has said exactly that.
  16. Catwoman, making them stay with someone from the funeral is a great idea, if it is considered too cruel to make them sleep in the garage, on the lawn, or in the car. And believe me, I mean business enough I would absolutely do one of those three!
  17. I have not. I might do that some time. Tonight I am dealing with stubborn, 85 year old woman drama so I won't look it up right now. (Muttering under breath, I love my mil, I love my mil, I love my mil....)
  18. I am so sorry. If my husband and son did that, they would be sleeping in the garage!
  19. Since 2010, 5000 daycares in Michigan have closed. A huge number of them during the covid shutdown and never reopened. The average wait time in our area for daycare or preschool that is not run by the school district is over one year. That is very problematic for working parents. I think covid accelerated an already radical change in our economic structure and labor treatment. It is not possible to sustain an ever growing economy with a shrinking population since Milennials and GenZ are smaller generations, and they aren't having many kids. No immigration? One can simply not have a McD's and Starbucks on every street corner. Plus, I am noticing that as Millenials get into their thirties, they seem to be less inclined to eat inside restaurants. Take out some, but many of them have different eating patterns than GenX, and less money for eating out. Business plans have to shift for cultural changes between the generations. But often they do not and then there is a sudden whammo of reality.
  20. Here it is: but first, CCMcandless reports that Carly Marshall for the prosecution drew a laugh this morning from the gallery when she asked a witness, "Do JimBob and Michelle Duggar have children?" 😂 I mean I get that for the purposes of public record some inane questions must be asked, that is pretty giggle worthy. https://www.nwahomepage.com/josh-duggar-trial/ This a nuts and bolts listing of some testimony today. Bobbye Holt was a witness for the prosecution. She testified to what Josh had admitted to in 2005, and said that having to testify is miserable, but she has to do what is right. Jim Holt testified that Josh asked him how to install a linux partition in 2010. Forensics experts found evidence of partitioning on multiples of Josh's devices all the way back to 2015 which means Josh keeps a lot of older computers and tablets or whatever around. The prosecution rested without calling Jill or Jed. However, I have been informed by a lawyer that if the defense brings up something that either of them knows anything about, they could be used as rebuttal witnesses. So the prosecution is not necessarily done. The defense has run with "too dumb to do such a complicated thing" and then put a forensics expert from Arizona on the stand who claimed it is pretty complicated and requires command codes and what not. My husband says that is bull crap. This stuff comes easy to download these days with step by step instructions so this is a smoke and mirrors thing. The expert made a big deal about the feds not seizing the router so therefore it is not possible to disprove the idea that someone could have accessed it remotely and then downloaded it by remote. Except, most of the routers people use do not log all of that, and even if it did, why? Why would someone command his machine to download it remotely when that person then can't view it? So on cross examination, that is going to get poked full of holes. And the prosecution used his phone logs, photos he took during the download of the car lot time stamped on his phone proving he was in the office, and the dealership shows no one else besides Josh was on the payroll that week. The phone log combined with the download log is quite damning. But the question is if the jury can follow all of this if they are not tech savvy because it is pretty tedious, technological testimony. That said, I am completely computer incompetent and once I read it and thought about it, I understood it. I will also link the Sun. Just ignore all their tabloidy comments. Since the testimony and lawyer speak is all a matter of record and they can easily be exposed if they screw that part up, they seem to stick to direct quotes for the trial part. Theirs stupid who sat with whom, and who looked at whom, is just garbage. Oh, and also, they cannot seem to tell Jason, Jeremiah, and Justin apart so at one point had themselves quite confused, and then kept correcting themselves as people told them, "Hey, that's not Jeremiah!" https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4174486/josh-duggar-trial-live-updates-child-pornography-arrest-verdict/ Emily Baker does a good job, but you need to endure a lot of language if you watch her YouTube show. For anyone wondering, I am doing better today. I did lots of laundry, made some cookies, walked the dog, and hunted around for a Pfizer for our college senior when he gets home. He had JnJ in May and wanted a booster when he was home for Thanksgiving, but couldn't get in because a lot of pharmacies were already booked up the three days before TDay, and we were not willing to go out on Black Friday.
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