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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Different things. There were two videos, but then another dump of photos. So the prosecution had to talk them separately. It cam be confusing.
  2. Yes, he is living in the dorm. But, they require a room inspection anyway if your dorm is not the one for students not going home. They close whole dorms for the break. No other R.A. was available. He had the option of using another one if they had been available, but were not. I wanted to be in his room during his exam just getting it all done so he could check out this morning and then go take his exam. But covid protocols and what not, so it wasn't allowed, and especially because I was a "guest" and the student wouldn't be with me because he would have been at his first exam. The guest rules due to covid have been tight. It has also been very hard to track the right people down to ask questions. Very very busy time. Sigh.
  3. So I made it to our son's university in the upper peninsula, the last leg was a white knuckle drive because NWS/NOAH was wrong about when the first part of the storm would hit, and it came two hours early. But, I made it, and had a hotel foe the night so I could get ds out today. His R.A. has 3 exams today. 3. They refuse to assign another person to do check outs for students leaving on the break. There is a $500 fine for leaving the dorm without an inspection, and then they won't guarantee your room the next semester. My son is a senior. He graduates April 30 IF nothing gets screwed up. So guess who is at the mercy of a check out? My son. 3 pm was the earliest, if his over worked R.A. is on time, that he can go through the process. By 7 pm. The entire UP is locked into leg two of the storm. Guess what the local police are saying. "Pack survival gear if you are in your car instead of home at 7 pm. Food, water, blankets ,flashlights, etc." We have no guarantee we can make it to St. Ignace and across the bridge by then, and the bridge may have to close down tonight for ice and high winds. The college was told to simply wave the final exams and the check out crap today and get the students on the roads and home or at least for those of us in the lower peninsula, across the bridge. Nope. They won't do it. Exams for some of these students go to 5 pm. On top of that, there is a commencement tomorrow which has not been canceled, and the dorms are closing, but roads out of here are not predicted to be even navigating until 4 pm. There is one dorm floor for students who applied to stay over the holiday in advance. Nothing else. I got one of the remaining rooms in the city less than $200 for the night. Most of the hotels were already full, mostly of students who aren't going to make it home. I get that professors don't like to wave a final exam. But sometimes other considerations should be a higher priority. And given we pay $11,000 a year for room and board, would it kill the school to go sweep and mop floors in those dorm rooms before the students return instead of making these students lay over to do it when a life threatening storm is bearing down? Sigh. Not happy and stranded until Saturday afternoon.
  4. There are task forces that work on this all the time. Usually a task force is two fold, investigators who go after the consumers and prosecute, and their colleagues who try to track the creators and victims. A lot of this stuff is made in countries where it is pretty hard to intervene. The worst video Duggar watched as made in the Philippines and then distributed on the dark web. An international task force did find the children a real miracle if you ask me. One died of his/her injuries, and I won't say more about that because it will make you puke. A lot of what is on the net is also not necessarily new, just distributed over and over again for consumption, so in some cases the creators were found a long time ago, but consumers have the images and keep reposting them on the dark web. I cannot imagine the level of burnout and trauma these investigators experience. They are true heroes!
  5. I won't say what was in the video. I have read the physical descriptions of it. It made me sick; it is beyond words. There can be no "pity" for Joshua James Duggar. He downloaded those things and according to prosecution watched them over and over again. They could tell from his computer how many times they were viewed. One child was only 3 months old. A monster is being put away, and I am beyond grateful for this. It is actually sad to me that he will have an opportunity to get out and do it again. I truly feel that consumers of CSAM should go to prison for the rest of their natural lives. It might be the only arena in which I am supportive of the death penalty, and that is for the creators of it. This began with a 12 year old who might have been able to be reached, and helped off that path. It began with sisters assaulted multiple times over three years, and evil, disgusting, criminal parents who looked the other way, and then later went on national t.v. and said it wasn't a big deal and a lot of people at church told them boys sexually assaulting their sister is normal, that many of them have had this "problem". JB and Michelle need to go to jail. CPS and police need to investigate everyone in that church. And it should be noted that the infamous trooper who ended up being sentenced to 56 years for CSAM had confessed to the elders (JB being one of them) in order to get his " forgive and forget " from the cult, and then went on to be allowed to TEACH in the church before he got caught the second time around on so many counts that he isn't likely coming out of that prison alive. JB and company did this. Burn it down. IBLP/ATI/Gothard, the poster families of Bates, Kellers, and Duggars, they are all criminal, immoral dumpster fires. And the few that stood up to be counted, like the Holts, were ostracized for daring to stand up for what is right. The church was mad at them for outing Josh as "the sin in the camp", for telling JB that he needed to take his son to the police and get help for his daughters. And remember, CPS tried to interview the Duggar kids after the allegations came out, and they refused to allow it. No charges were brought against them, no court orders mandating it. (Looking at you Arkansas local authorities for the most profound lack of DOING YOUR JOB, ever! Good grief, you had public professions of the crimes and the cover up!!!!!) Maybe, had the whole thing been stopped when Josh was 12, I would have felt something along the lines of pity or sympathy for him. He was a boy after all. But, he is 33 and every step of the way has demonstrated a sociopathic, malignant narcissism and sinister need to continually ramp up his addiction, creating a stream of victims, and accepting zero responsibility, smiling like a happy creep for his mug shots each time. Nope. Emotional energy saved for the next step. Seeing JimBob taken down, and hopefully, a mass exit by many families from IBLP. I hope Derrick and Jill will lead the way with a book. She doesn't owe anyone her private perspective and pain, but IF she chooses it, if she feels strong enough, it could really help expose the whole thing to wide audience.
  6. Q.F.T. He is a monster. He may have been helped onto this path by the cult he was raised in for sure, but ultimately, he made these choices and is in fact, a monster. It is actually quite gross that he said "I love you" to her. More gaslighting, more putting the acres to her.
  7. It often does. There will be reports from the prosecution on sentence recommendations, a psychiatric exam and report, etc. These all have to be compiled. 90 days is average however the defense asked for 30 days to discuss or prepare appeals motions. The chances of an appeal trial being granted at the federal level is bizarrely low.
  8. Our three twenty something boys still like to get silly string! I predict another epic battle this season. Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans It is really cold here and our guys do a lot of walking so we are putting those hand warmer packets in their stockings. Mini LED flashlights with the necessary batteries Memory sticks
  9. I am just waiting for them to announce Josh's new prison ministry with a donate button. JB defines "grifter" and without the show and a lot of people probably not wanting to business with him nor vote for him, he has to formulate his next money move.
  10. I had quite the white knuckle drive today, and just got into the hotel and tuned in. Soooo relieved to see this. I am hoping Corraleno is right about the sentencing. At least at 14, Maddyson would be beyond the age he seems to be attracted to, and that is such a long time, Anna might just decide to extricate herself from JimBob. Here's hoping this utterly tanks JB's chances of being elected! Nap time, I left at 5 am, was pretty on edge when I made it. I should try to stay awake, but my body is just spent. I am going to do an hour with an alarm, and then see if I can get up and do some yoga in the room.
  11. Just so everyone knows, I have a not nice trip tomorrow in which I have to make it 7 hours north to get our youngest, the college senior, from college. His dorms close at 5 pm Friday, but anywhere from 3-10 inches is expected on my route Friday evening, and freezing rain on one part of the route in the late afternoon on Thursday, so I am trying to travel in between the two things. This means I am leaving at 6 am tomorrow, and have a hotel for Thursday night. I am laying over, and then getting DS at noon immediately following his last final exam. My hope is to make it back to Mackinac Bridge and then depending on conditions, lay over again either St. Ignace or Mackinaw City. Then another bunch of bad, bad yuck is supposed to dump on Gaylord overnight. We will hang out at the hotel, get lunch, and hopefully by noon on Saturday, the plows and salt trucks will have I-75 in decent enough shape to come home. If there is a verdict tomorrow morning, I may not be able to post until I take a lunch break and only if I have time to check on my phone. Otherwise, it will be Thursday evening/supper time or at least after I check into the hotel before I can check and update. If someone else sees it first, please feel free to post and start discussing. Dear Michigan, you are beautiful, just gorgeous, so much to love. But there is a reason we have a retirement home down south.
  12. Not sure but it was denied. There was no calendar entered into evidence. There was a timeline in a spreadsheet for the downloads, texts, photos sent, and emails. They could ask for that. But if the prosecution or defense did not enter a calendar into evidence, they can't have one for deliberations.
  13. Well, that doesn't bode well for Josh because he volunteered the information that his hard drive was partitioned, and was under his own password. Then he asked them if they found something on his devices? That doesn't make a case for "I got framed" or "somebody else did it", but more of a, " The dude practically admitted he was up to something not good" kind of slant.
  14. Unfortunately, we have a lot of schools, especially in rural and semi-final areas, that are run by knuckleheads. I wish it was not true, but it is. Michigan really has far more problems in education than their nation ranking, which is not great, would indicate. But gun worshipping is a big thing here and people supporting their kids in violence is a thing. There are enough parents like the Crumbleys, that other parents can get desperate to get school administrators to wake up and smell the coffee.
  15. I think the idea is that if inaction causes frequent student sit outs, it will make the administration put more safe guards in place such as more officers on campus or metal detectors, or hiring investigators to keep track of and check into social media threats, or whatever it is the students/parents feel will make things safer.
  16. Yes and in Michigan if more than a certain percentage of students do not attend, the school cannot count that towards it mandatory school days per year. I can't remember the percentage. So a big sit out of students is considered a very big deal to the administration.
  17. As the child who had to for a while put extreme distance between myself and my parents in my early twenties in order to heal from some stuff that happened in their marriage, and religious/spiritual abuse (not saying you did that at all, not at all, just that was what happened to me), I can say that time and space, despite from decreasing it constantly, having it permeate every conversation was vital. All parties involved needed it. Take the heat and say, "I need peace to process, and am working through some of my own things. I can't do more group therapy at this time. I need to do individual therapy. But I love both of you more than life itself, and am always here for you." Then reduce contact to texting once a week, "How are you? Is everyone staying healthy?" Do mom things like send them new, fun masks, send them a funny meme or joke. Keep it superficial and light. And "become woke" is profoundly offensive. Just profoundly. It is a term that is used to dismiss their beliefs. That isn't going to get you far in this fraught relationship with them. They could return the favor with "O.k. Boomer" or something else with equally rude connotations. So please drop that way of thinking about them. Adult children really do not owe their parents. They are not obligated to believe what their parents believe, and that can be a harsh truth for a lot of parents. It cam get better over time, and they do need to learn mutual respect. But "become woke" and similar terms is not also showing them respect. There is nothing wrong with someone looking at the inequity in race relations and deciding that they are going to focus on buying from companies owned by minorities. Yes, it is a stretch to demand someone else do it, and they need to learn some boundaries. That said, fom your posts it really sounds like your disappointment at them not being conservative like you may be coming through in your communications, and that isn't helping. You and only you can deal with that.
  18. Hi everyone, the jury is in deliberations. The Sun and KNWA both have some recaps of closing arguments. There wasn't anything new obviously from the prosecution. The closing argument took about an hour or so, and reiterated what can only be described is very damning evidence, Josh's own statement at the raid, "Did someone download child pornography?", and so on. I mean, Marshall really wrote a convincing closing argument. The Defense took an hour as well. How can I put this? " Everybody on the prosecution lied on the stand, and then framed him by downloading CSAM to his machine from a thumbnail drive of another case because they want to persecute him. Guys, I read a bunch of the defense argument, and it really was that bad..qAnon, conspiracy 101, baloney. I thought for sure they would stick to some fallacious argument about techno this that, and not having the router, and trying to pretend that their only witness of any note was NOT qualified at all to testify. I thought they would go with that. Nope. Everybody.in.the.D.OJ.lied.and.poor.joshie.was.framed.by.the.feds. I don't know what to say. I mean, if I was a juror I would see through that crazy in a snap. But, who knows. If you have a bunch of people on the jury that are prone to conspiracy theory rabbit holes, then this could cause a hung jury. At any rate, if there is a verdict today, I will post it. ETA: 6:12 pm EST - Court is adjourned and the jury will resume deliberations tomorrow.
  19. So in the wake of the shooting, a lot of kids made copycat threats. Most have been found to be not credible, in that there was no plan to actually do it, but a couple were probably serious as it seems the students were troubled and had been making some preliminary plans. Genesee County has 7 under arrest and 6 under investigation. My county has a 17 year old girl in custody, and though she may not have had a plan, she scared the absolute willies out of some kids so the scuttlebutt from her relatives who live near me is that they expect her to end up serving some time. Standish schools have a student under arrest as does a school district in Shiawassee County. 5 students in my county are under investigation but not yet arrested. We basically have an epidemic, and for a lot of incidents it is students honestly thinking they can get away with it and everyone gets to have a day or two off school. It is a depraved way to think though....let's scare the stuffing out of our friends, classmates, and teachers/staff, and risking a felony and prison time is worth a day or two off school. Something is seriously wrong! I am not sure how we go about getting to the bottom of it. However, I think the leadership of this nation that go around fondling guns, and talking violence, and think it was a hoot for a group of men to plot to kidnap the governor's family and kill her, storm the capitol with weapons, build a gallows for the Vice President, conspire to commit murder, and act like disgusting, immature middle schoolers calling names and being gross, bear TREMENDOUS blame as well as their parents who glorify it. The family of the 17 year old arrested from my local school district think no one should have been able to take their weapons, and there were A LOT, and blows off so much at the mouth in public that it begs the questions what the hell are they saying in ear shot of their child in private! The culture surrounding gun violence and anarchy narratives is our of control. That is my rant. I am very sad about this. However, the closer we get to our two week trip to Alabama, and my grandsons, and being able to be outside, and family hikes, and....the better I do feel.
  20. Well, go get the neighbor to watch, toss yourself in, and assuming you float 😁 , come.back and report. You can decide if you want the title prophet, wizard, guru, or witch! 😂
  21. Birth!!!! 😂😂😂 I think it was maybe 10 but the youngest is 21, so I am a little fuzzy!
  22. Also, is Cat here? We have to either weigh her against the duck, or she has to go fling herself face down in the lake and have an impartial observer report back her level of float worthiness. 😂😂😂
  23. Judge Brooks, according to online statistics, seems to average 5-7 for first offense CSA charge if the felon has no other convictions. But, there is a point system and refusing to take a plea deal when "guilt is obvious" is points causing the sentence to increase from the minimum. A federal attorney over on reddit has been trying to explain to everyone because it is a math formula that judges rarely deviate from unless there are extenuating circumstances. The minimum on each is 5 and then we know he has a deviation higher due to not taking a plea. So 6-7 per count sounds like a good guess. Of course, the judge will get a report about Josh's behavior out on bond, and other considerations. Who knows, maybe there will be more points against him. If he got 6-7 and not served concurrently, which seems to be common with federal judges, he would have to serve 12-14, 85% of which would then be 10.2 - 11.9 years (if I did my mental math correct without having imbibed an entire mug of coffee yet 😁). My understanding is it is common for them to serve the rest in a supervised setting like a halfway house because the feds are tougher about parole/probation than many states. It is possible that if the state is not happy with the federal sentence, they can then try him themselves. The feds have shown them the path forward, assuming this case ends in a guilty verdict, and he would be insane to NOT take a plea deal. He would have to serve the state sentence after the federal one unless a state judge gives him credit for time served in federal penitentiary. The youngest two will still be pretty vulnerable if he is home in 12 years. I really hope the judge gives him 16-20 years, but that may be a stretch because he may not have enough points against him due to being a first time offender, only two charges, and by all accounts having obeyed the terms of his bond. I don't know if his public confession to the molestations back in 2015 can be used against him since he was never charged.
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