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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. I my area, doctors are predicting single digit vax rates for 5-11 year olds. Only 11% of 12-17 year olds are vaxed. Of adults, 45% though the rest of state is collectively around 62% if memory serves. Not only that, doctors have reported that this anti-covid vax is spilling over onto other vaccinations and we are at record lows for Dtap, MMR, Hib, etc., and that ER's are seeing adults refusing tetanus anti toxin and vaccine for themselves and their children when they come in for stitches. I guess people would rather they and their loved one die of lock jaw than take the "gubmint's" shot. Sigh. And even with treatment there is still something like a 50% chance of death from that disease. I don't get it. I feel like so many people are gunning for a Darwin Award.
  2. Yup. We see this all the time. They will twist themselves into pretzels in order to maintain delusions. How they think tens of millions of doctors and nurses the world over are magically able to maintain such lies and NO ONE has made a book deal to expose it all, I will never know. Someone is going to squeal. Not to mention the deliberate impugning of the honor of this massive score of people. The hospital that normally accepts patients from all the stitch and ditch/bandaid station little hospitals in my tri-county area, had to be sent 44 army/fed healthcare workers because they were falling apart at the seams under the weight of Michigan's fourth wave. There will be a fifth wave of omicron, I am convinced of it. I don't know if anything resembling a healthcare system will survive. I know three docs and five nurses planning on quitting when this subsides before the omicron hits. But they also admit that there may not even be a break. The fourth wave which is still delta may just ooze into an omicron wave in which case they have to decide when in that mess to walk away. They are probably representative of a lot of healthcare workers. The sons of b*itches that keep perpetuating this crap and refuse to vax, refuse to mask, refuse to socially distance and stop partying will bring the country to its knees and then b*tch and moan about how their lives have been upended, and they got hurt and there was no one to care for them or had a heart attack and no ambulance came. They are so damn narcissistic they will never admit any wrong doing. And here is the worst, it might be that in order to save the country from ruin, the healthcare system will have to be allowed to reject caring for the unvaxed who do not have medical exemptions. This is not what I want! This is NOT what a healthy functioning country should do. But we aren't in the ballpark of healthy functioning. We are the very brink of failed state and when that happens, horrific, tough choices have to be made. It could be that allowing the unvaxed, covid conspiracy, ivermectin peddling folks will find themselves sacrificed for the greater good. I don't even like to think what condition the national psyche will be in after that or if anything that resembles democracy will be left. Hopefully, just maybe, Merck's new pill will be the way out of a horrific fourth wave of collapsing hospitals. Of course, that assumes that the people who refuse the vax and other treatments because of their delusions will actually take the pill. I don't know why they bother seeking hospitalization. I mean they consider HCW's to be lying, evil bastards so it seems truly insane to seek out their help anyway! Meanwhile, my almost six year old grandson is on the couch snuggled with his daddy being treated to popsicles and a little of his favorite ice cream as he nurses a headache and mild fever from his covid vaccine yesterday. He was so stoic for his shot, and so excited to get it. It is pretty bad when little ones are more mature than so many adults.
  3. I do think the ones by Jinger and Jill are real condemnations. Jill and Derrick are out. Derrick spends time really poking the bear on social media, ie. calling out JB. He is clearly angry with them for what happened to Jill and their lack of protection or care for her. They successfully sued JB for Jill's wages for the show, and they are not welcome at the big house. At the trial, when JB finally showed his face and came up to Anna, Derrick got up and left. It was noted by people in the room that the tension was obvious. Derrick is studying for the bar exam having successfully graduated law school. They are not dependent upon revenue from online sources. Jinger moved to California, published a book about her search for truth, questioning many things her parents taught, and making her own choices...wearing jeans, shorts, going to parties where alcohol is served, not seeing biblical support for !any of her parents beliefs. She and Jeremy just published a children's book. She does have online revenue sources, but she and Jeremy are not in a place where they necessarily have to say things just because. On top of that, she could have condemned his actions, and made an acceptable statement without totally trashing her parents' theology. If she was making a statement for the sake of revenue stream but still trying to stay in her parents' good graces or adhering to IBLP beliefs, this was not a straddle the fence kind of statement. The daughter with the most to lose is Jessa as Ben doesn't have much income at all, and they may still have some dependency on the Duggar brand. She hasn't made a statement yet, but she "liked" Jinger's statement on instagram, and that alone is a little on the edge if she is planning on staying JB's good side. Austin and can take Joy away from the mess. He has some resources, and like Derrick, could sue JB for Joy's wages, and then move on. I think there is some hope for these adults to move forward away from the cult, and Jinger and Jill already have; this just makes it super obvious.
  4. For us, we follow grand son's cardiologist guidelines, and until he knows more about omicron, he is very careful. His recommendation is 14 days after the person has no more symptoms, and then that person needs to mask when coming around for another week. Thankfully our grandson just had his first shot. Took a while to find the vax because so few people in their area are vaxing their kids, their pediatrician didn't have it, and none of his colleagues in had it on hand either. We are all vaxed, and at this point in order to increase protection for our grandsons, dd and hubby are not allowing unvaxed 5 years old -adults around the boys. They don't go into stores, and the two families they socialize with are vaxed for everyone but the under fives, and are super covid conscientious. Our almost two year old grandson wears a little mask like a pro and so do the under fives in these two families. They play a lot outside without masks, but when weather doesn't cooperated they mask and come indoors. So my threshold, if I were in your shoes, would be there hasn't been enough time elapsed from his symptoms to attend my party. But if literally everyone else is vaxed, and he is willing to mask the whole time, it is safer. Only you can know. However, it might also be good to run this past some of the other folks attending your party and see how they feel about it since they are affected by the decision.
  5. Yes, I think a lot probably depends on how well known the offender is as to what they have to do facility wise. I would think for starters this would mean not being housed in the Arkansas region just because the family is most well known there. I know there is a federal penitentiary a few hours away in Missouri. But they are pretty well known around there so that doesn't seem wise. Again, not certain how they determine these things. I do know a guy from my own home region ended up in basic solitary in the local lock up because too many people knew him, and wanted to take him out. It was a real problem for the sheriff's department that runs the jail. They don't have a lot of space for doing solitary like that. Eventually they had to rent a bed from another facility further away while they waited for him to finally be sent to a federal one.
  6. I am relieved as well. One by one I hope each of the adult kids realize the bill of wickedness sold to them, and gets out. In turn, I hope they help their younger subs when they each the age of majority. Anna has a brother and a sister who have left the cult as well.
  7. Gothard preaches "special revelation" and he is the prophet though he is careful with his wording so as not to cause too much ire. His special revelations are detailed in his wisdom booklets and the newsletters. You can't say that he follows the O.T. because he also ignores a lot of it, just like the N.T. He picks and chooses that which he can twist into supporting his misogyny and perversion. Most of what he claims like "wives and daughters should not even buy make up without the head ship's approval" and "the presence of cabbage patch and troll dolls brings evil into the house causing women to need c-sections instead of birthing naturally" is so far out there, he can't even twist a.Bible verse to support it. People in IBLP claim to be Christians, however, it should be noted that they are following and practically worshipping the man called Bill Gothard, and his prophecies do not hold up to any kind of basic, theological scrutiny within the scope of mainstream Christianity. It is very bizarre stuff. From what I have read, Josh will likely start out in a fairly solitary cell, no roommate, on suicide watch for a bit which is I guess standard when new inmates with these charges arrive at federal pens because they are a big suicide risk until they adjust to the idea of "this is my life now". Then after that it kind of depends. There are some federal prisons with wings just for sex offenders, and others where they mix in with general population. I don't understand what all goes into choosing where he is housed.
  8. The "she fell asleep and kids got into the road" was theory put out there, but as far as I can find, unsubstantiated at this time.
  9. LOL, you might want to hang out on the duggarsnark subreddit. They have a journalist from KNWA over there, and a few people from the area. Maybe they know the skinny.
  10. Dawn is right, and it is one of the dangers of "once saved, always saved" from a theological perspective. There will be those who use the "no true scotsman" argument and say he was never a Christian to begin with, but within the confines of this group which also places a bizarre value on first born sons, it will be downplayed considerably, and it is all about the poor Josh Duggar family being persecuted for their faith.
  11. Sounds like a good plan. Even starting young, we live far enough down state, they could never be prepared for this without many years of experience. Even I am still daunted by it. Yes I have decades of experience, but the U.P. is a gazillion times worse for snow fall totals, high winds, long, stalled storms, and long long stretches of road with nothing and no one for help than anything they have where we live. From US 10 South the lower half of the lower peninsula is just very different. We have plenty of bad weather, schools called off for snow days ice on roads etc. and it is NOTHING compared to say Gaylord, which is nothing compared to Houghton.
  12. I think that is probably carefully protected information because it involved a minor, A minor with a name, local address, etc. So they can't publish more information without the potential of violating the victim's privacy.
  13. Excellent question! Here is what I don't get. Slimeball predator Gothard was never married, never had children, and never faced a single situation that he proclaims to know so much about. Not only that, he had no education in counseling or psychology, never attended a well reputed seminary. Yet people fell for it hook, line, and sinker, and several southern states adopted his character education in public schools. It was like people were so.eager to have a recipe for perfect family life that they shut their brains off. Of course, I think a big attraction was misogyny and predatory behavior. Abusers are attracted to such trash.
  14. And actually, several animal and wildlife specialists have spoken out about exactly how false the information is with "traits" or "instincts" ascribed to many animals that they do not actually have.
  15. No. They are called Character Sketches. The idea is to captivate children with certain character traits through animals, but not like animal.books.in which there are moral tales, ala. Aesops Fables, but by claiming children should learn from the animals. Each character trait has a matching animal with mythical stories claiming animal x, y, z acts and lives demonstrating this character. They are total lies. Ask any naturalist or zoologist, wild life, expert, DNR officer. The stories are 100% lies but presented as scientific truth. My dad, even after he left ATI/IBLP, still insisted on using Character Sketches with my little sister who was 13 years my junior. Since she went to a fundie school, not one associated with IBLP but one that still used some of the most amazing crap for curriculum, she was not aware of how fake those stories were and honestly thought animals displayed those character traits. She she went to college, she found herself incredibly embarrassed to discover what the animal world is really like.
  16. When ds accepted the offer up here, ad did a lot of investigating about the winter driving. It was shocking how many students over the past ten years have died, been badly injured in car wrecks on these winter roads, not to mention students suffering in the cold stranded in cars. Friends of ours had a daughter, four years older than ds, who came to the same.school. They sent her with a car, and let me just say, they had some horrible scares. Local hotels will let students younger than 21 book rooms, but the corporate ones don't. I would imagine there have been times that professors and staff have maybe taken some students home with them. We just looked at it, and decided we did not want to put a fairly new driver out on these roads. So it has been a long four years of making these runs. Eight per year: move in, T day break and return, Xmas break and return, spring break and return, and then move out. Christmas sophomore year, same deal...laid over in a hotel waiting it out. I love the U.P. in the summer. It is gorgeous, just stunning in the summers and autumn, so much to do and enjoy. But winter is a killer!
  17. Well, the travel advisory (which includes what to pack in your car because of stranding), is that probably 28 isn't going to be clear.before Sunday nor will 41, and those are my two main road options out. The storm is going to dump until 4 pm tomorrow with horrible wind so...... Guess who has a room for Saturday night now? Ya. Me. I think the college students though stoic, is seething a little inwardly because he will be missing his grandmother's Sunday noon ham. I can't stay in the suite. It was booked for tomorrow night. But we will still.have a microwave and mini fridge so my plan for meals tomorrow is if we can go directly from this room to the new one, running to Target for Bob Evans mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and shredded barbecue pork or beef, whatever they have, and some plastic silverware and paper plates, then add a couple of oranges and a bag of snack veggies. We can just eat on that all day. Plus I have some leftover taco meat and beans.I have a zip lock bag I can use to store it, and we still have nacho chips and sour cream.
  18. It is that preference to family thing. Here, the court will look the other way on tremendous crap if the child can be placed with family, and especially if they can get that family to take the child without the foster payments.
  19. That is my plan. Stick around the town until I can make it across the bridge. Hold up in Mackinac City of I75 south is not clear, otherwise push through to Gaylord and re-evaluate.
  20. Scarlett, big hugs! Woman, you are doing great. As for the military boyfriend, oh.my.freaking.gosh. Dss seriously needs to stop paying that tramp's bills! (Ya, I know, that is a loaded term. I am mad on behalf of the baby. What a mother! 😡)
  21. Well, okay, IF In Touch Weekly is to be believed, they are claiming it was co firmed by the Elm Springs County Clerk. She is being charged with Class A and B Misdemeanors which can come with jail or fines.
  22. Hey Scarlett, I did answer that about four posts after it was asked. It is in there somewhere.
  23. Just be careful of free jinger. They announce a lot of stuff that Katie Joy and a couple of others have said, and then end up retracting. Unless this is confirmed by a source like MCCandless with KNWA, I would assume it is a rumor and nothing more. I will say as 30 year old adult living in that house fully aware of what her brother did and what her parents covered up, she now has culpability if anything else happens to minors in that house. And of course because Tyler was placed with them by social services and they have guardianship not adoptive rights, they probably already have a social worker they deal with to some degree. One slip up....that girl seriously needs to get the neck out. She could probably find roommates, and even fast food is offering higher wages than minimum wage. Without children to support, she could manage this. Get out, Jana! Get out!!
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