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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. And about the fact that they had been told by others to take Josh to the police and refused, and that he had confessed to worse assaults on the youngest victim.
  2. And bucks in rut!!!! Oh my gosh!!! Is there a grosser, more perverted animal on earth??? Oh wait, ya drakes! 😂😂😂
  3. No, we are very rural, and for whatever reason, are choosing not to offer any options at this time. We have a half beef, about 30 chicken breasts, some whole roasting chickens, and 10lbs of salmon in the freezer along with a ton of frozen veggies. The local gas station mini-mart owner is serious about covid, requires masks, and makes people distance. So since he keeps milk, eggs, cheddar cheese, and sour cream on hand, we are paying the higher price to support him. We do an expensive prime pantry box once in a while, and I decided to start with misfits for some fresh produce once a month. We are able to stay out of these three grocery stores for the time being. I use a Dollar General and go near closing when they are not busy for personal care items, cleaners and paper products when we need them (apart from T.P. we don't use a lot of paper). We make due. But, I will be glad to have curbside for Kroger and Whole Foods when we get to Huntsville, and Dd has misfits. We managed to get to the Mennonite bulk food store on an off day, off time, and picked up our specialty baking supplies for the holidays, so are okay. However, that place is a mad house now of unmasked, throngs of humans. If we find we have forgotten something, that will be a too bad thing. We are not going in there again! And really, at this point all stores are off limits. There just aren't any, well maybe the auto parts, that are reasonable to risk going into.
  4. When my grandma went through something similar, my parents were able to hire a retired neighbor to do a lot of things like this. Keep the caregivers. Her condition could take a turn, and you want already trained people for her.
  5. I don't know. But I did have a friends who grew up on a pig farm and when she was eleven she asked her mom, "How do people make babies?" Her mom replied, "Pretty much the same way our pigs do." She said she wasn't the remotest bit interested in sex until she was in her mid to late twenties. So it had an effect alright!
  6. I know. Our area is.....well, it is getting old the nonsense around here.
  7. Wal-Mart and the two family owned supermarkets in the county. I have no idea of Wal-Mart discontinued in other areas, but ours did.
  8. Oh, and getting out of Michigan for a while. Our county is one of the worst positive ties and hospitalization rates in the country. Alabama, and in particular our area down there, is much lower. Mountain house, fresh air, curbside grocery pick up (which has been discontinued here making the crowds indoors much much worse), family hikes, and a far lower risk of transmission is in our near future. Saturday we leave bright and early Saturday. Meanwhile our nearly 6 year old grandson is driving his mother crazy with bouncing excitement. I was informed today that when we arrive, he is being assigned to us, and she doesn't want it hear the word "mama" again for at least a week. I have this terrible feeling that something the size of your average kindergartener is going to end up in bed between dh and I at night while it bothers its three, bachelor uncles all.day.long. 😂
  9. I do think Jill suspected. At one point on the show when it was discussed and her parents were downplaying it, she said audibly, "But we were the victims." No response from her parents. I think it took marrying Derrick and telling him everything to find out this is not normal or regular, it is a crime, she was treated abominably, nothing was done that should have been done, and that her feelings and trauma are NOT sin. It took an outside source who loved and cared for her saying, "That is a truck load of horse hockey" for her to begin really looking at it, and seeing it for what it was. She and Jinger are out of the cult. Jessa seems to be very much still in. My hope for Joy is that Austin will help her break free. If faces and clearly choked up eyes are any indication of his feelings, he was one angry, hurt young husband at court. I think the pukiest moment for Jill and Joy was that absolute waste of skin criminal grabbing them and forcing a hug on them during the break! Can you imagine!? 😠 With all those law enforcement officials and journalists around, they couldn't make a scene but I can only muse just how much Derrick and Austin wanted to pummel him on the spot!
  10. Jill/Derrick, Jinger/Jeremy, and Joy/Austin have all made statements, and they were powerful. But of those three, I think just speaks volumes. And it and to hurt so much to realize that as a little girl, when confronted by people who cared - the Holts - her parents said they didn't want to hear it, didn't care. Talk about just throwing her right under the bus! 😠 Evil. It is evil. JB and Chelle really deserve some prison time of their own!
  11. Yes, the intimacy can be very comforting. Definitely a thing.
  12. I don't think it is overkill. It can be hard for some people to judge wave height and strength. Better safe than sorry.
  13. Some absolutely do. But some parents supplement, however, even with supplementing they are warned by ATI to be careful because other Christian homeschool curriculums are liberal. There is seriously something demented about an ATI rep calling "Christian Light", " Bob Jones", and "A.C.E." liberal. That is some next level delusion right there!
  14. I know, right???? It is horrible!!!
  15. Oh, just more horse crap, mumbo jumbo from Bill Gothard for indoctrinating children, that's all. He has/had a lot of absolutely whackadoodle "wisdom" to share. But he also held himself up as having special revelation from god, and as a prophet. So when people follow him, I don't think they realize that they handed Jesus to the coat check lady, and said "Hold this until I want to claim it later", and then promptly put mainstream theology and whatnot in the trash bin.
  16. Having kept show ducks (Calls and Australian Spotteds) and taking care of a friend's livestock which included Magpies, Muscovies, and Pekins, I can say without hesitation that drakes are some of the most prolific rapists in the world, and the males will kill each other in the absence of enough females to rape. The cries of the ducks, just like those of hens, attempting to escape the drakes is gut wrenching and makes you want to find a lead pipe and bash the males. So ya. The whole idea of this book is stunningly awful and ascribes traits to these animals that they don't possess. Just more blatant lying in order to further a devious agenda. And it does beg the question, if the worst violent, rapist animals represent obedience is this just one more subtle brainwashing to get children to accept abuse? Some of the kids read this tripe while also living on farms and having witnessed the behavior of some of these animals or had read other books with actual true information about them, but they are being told god wants them to emulate these animal "traits". Therefore, potentially the subtle message "obey your abuser" comes through, at least for some children, and especially in light of what we know about Bill Gothard himself.
  17. That is an amazing photo! People who do not grow up around the Great Lakes tend nor to understand their power, and their dangers. Unfortunately, this is why we have so many drownings in the summer. Tourists are aware of rip rides and wave warnings when it comes to the ocean, but ignore them here because they think "It's only a lake". Yup nope. I feel like this photo should be entered into a photography competition.
  18. Can I just say that this reminds of our disastrous date last Tuesday night, predicted by Catwoman, the seer and wizard, who postulated that DH could not handle both Menards and Panera Bread take out in the same evening, and as it happens our date was rudely interrupted by his boss ending in a late night of work so I said, "I guess this means no tEa tonight," and dh thought that the electric teapot was broken and I meant he couldn't have any Candy Cane Lane tea while he worked. Since then, my brain has been laughing about it, and I am both blaming and adoring Catwoman at the same time!!!
  19. Normal is a myth! Communication is key, and of course, keeping an eye out for health problems that could be causing an issue. There are definitely things that should be addressed because they can be indicators of serious issues. So for low libido, thyroid comes to mind, but others as well. If a person was worried that what was going on was not normal for them or was causing problems for a spouse, I would encourage w good physical with a women's or men's health specialist whichever is appropriate. Seasons of life. Often during the work year, dh is just working a lot of long hours and is really tired. No worries. When we go vacationing or van camping...ya, people just stay away from the van for your own sakes! 😁 We are smart enough to do a fair amount of remote camping. 😂
  20. Can anybody remind me what the raccoon was? Because unless it was, "kids don't be like coons because the evil little trash panda punks", then proof positive that the book is just utterly so far off the mark as to be beyond the outer limits of ridiculous! 😁
  21. LOal! I don't think we want children emulating beavers. They are fun, but not the smartest animals in the zoo! Naturalists at Dow Nature Center proved that they don't build dams in response to actual water, just the sound. They stranded a few headers on a dry hillside for a few hours and piped in the sound of running water. The little buggers built a damn right there in the grass. Adorable, but, I mean I would hope we would want children to exhibit a little better awareness of their surroundings and critical thinking skills. I was subbing in 2nd grade the day one of the naturalists came to speak, and even my eight year olds were saying things like, "Beavers are kind of dumb. They aren't blind, couldn't they SEE there wasn't any water?" So diligence but nor necessarily to any good end! 😂😂😂
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