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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. He had two failed court ships. One was with Kaeleigh Holt. Her parents found out what Josh did to his sisters,pulled the plug on it, and demanded that JB go to the police. This is why there was a split at their home church. Some couples supported Holts, others supported Duggars. Then a couple years later, Josh was still sweet on Kaeleigh and tried to rekindle the courtship. The Holts got even more of the truth out of Josh, and said something along the lines of hell no, and Bobye reported the family to police and CPS. Nothing was done because Mike Huckabee got involved and put pressure on CPS to close the case. Then Josh tried to court Marjorie, whose name I forget. It went on a couple months, and she and her parents put the frizzle on it. So JB went to Keller. Pa Keller, dirt poor and needing one less mouth to feed but apparently unable to reign in his own proclivities so more children would not be produced, agreed. If you watch the episode with the proposal, the Kellers were the chaperones that night. Josh asked to speak to her alone, and she begged her parents not to leave the table. Her parents audibly say to her that she will be okay. They left and douche proposed. She said no, but that was edited out though confirmed later by witnesses in the restaurant. Her parents talked to her and then they resumed filming when she changed her answer. What many viewers did not know was that they had only met three times. Josh told JB to ask Anna if he could court her. Instead, he proposed. This was also admitted to later. Josh began referring to her as his own "working model" after that. 😠
  2. Yes, but not to testify. The person plead guilty. They were reading my victim's statement as well as my mom's and I wanted to support her. Oh, and once for a speeding ticket that was 100% bogus because the cop said he had clocked me, but the witness in my car and another from the street testified that he was out of his car buying a hot dog from a food truck. He eventually admitted it was bogus. That is it. I have not served jury duty. I have been given a permanent waiver from the state due to PTSD from the first case. I guess I could still be called for Federal.
  3. My state has zero mandates, just nothing. North of us, the school district is closed due to severe covid illness among staff and students. Last count they had 14 people hospitalized, and numerous folks being treated at home if the whistleblower at the school is to be believed. This is a high school with approximately 300 students. The elementary school has 30% of the students out, mostly covid but some cases of influenza as well. The local church of roughly 200 people just had its big Christmas dinner, 350+ people in attendance, and it is reported that there were a couple of people there who had tested positive for covid, but came anyway because they didn't want to miss it. My town has only 203 people living here, 11 covid deaths. But, party like no tomorrow and no masks because that would be infringing on "freedumbs". At this point, compassion is gone except for the children who have no choice because their parents are morons.
  4. Dh and youngest son, team Pfizer for their booster which is a full dose if memory serves for people who had JnJ, felt tired. That's it. Needed a nap. I HATE my body!
  5. My arm is on fire, it has a lump, I can hardly lift it, I have fever and chills. Team Moderna shot yesterday, and believe it or not, this is better than the full strength ones which pretty much took me down for four days. I have a chance of feeling human tomorrow.
  6. Yep! Unbelievable. The children have been failed at every level. Creep monster also referred to Anna as his "working model" after they got engaged, and actually said after they were, and was videotaped saying it, "That she was a master at swallowing." If the feds dropped him in a hole and he never re-emerged, JB and Chelle would be the only people crying over it. There was an AMA by one of the prosecution witnesses as well, and his while take is that Josh has been sleazy and gross always, and that JB is a liar and manipulator.
  7. I think the lawyer mentioned having options. So my guess is someone willing to take them in.
  8. Thanks! I am feeling pretty yucky, but not really sick. If I was really sick, he would be clingy. 😂😂😂 He was wonderful with the kids when they were little and sick. But sometimes that sense of humor of his.....
  9. What she should do is take Jernigan, the lawyer from YouTube who does legal analysis, up on her public offer to assist her and then sue JB for all of her children's wages which he is holding because TLC was so depraved and didn't care about the children and allowed JB the patriarch to get all the money. Jill had to sue for hers. He holds no money in trust for the minors even though he makes all that revenue off them. She could take the money and run. But I doubt she has the back bone to do it.
  10. So yesterday I had my Moderna booster. I had high hopes it would be no big deal since it is a half dose. But my body, ever the nuclear reactor to all vaccines, just couldn't help itself. A few minutes ago, I was sitting in the recliner with my teeth chattering, and he, the chimpanzee I married, asked me how I was. I replied, "Feeling pretty cold at the moment." He said, "I better check your temp." Did he get the thermometer? No. Did he lay the palm of his hand against my forehead? No. Did he reach under the blanket and down my pajamas to grab my boob? Yes, and then grinned and said, "Ya. I think you are pretty cold!" Making for the door like Speedy Gonzalez. This is what I endure. And he thinks he is absolutely hilarious. Meanwhile, I feel and look like something the cat horked up! 😠😷🤒
  11. Oh yes, there could be a whole nother thread on Jack Schapp. But we would first need to start with his father in law, Jack Hyles who embezzled funds from the church for decades to keep his mistress in style across town, and then covered for a deacon who raped a developmentally and physically disabled little girl in the church on a Sunday during Sunday School class. Birds of a feather. If they winge from the pulpit loud and long on everyone else's sexual morals, you can for damn sure bet they are perving around on the side themselves. That has been the deal with all the big names in "family values" for the most part. In my state, it was a state legislator moaning about family values while having a raging affair with another legislator. Doug Phillips, Doug Wilson, Mark Driscoll, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggert, RC. Sproul Jr., Jack Hybels, Ravi Zacharias, Doug Goodman (I swear no one should call their kid Douglas because something is just wrong with that name 😁), Eddie Bishop, Lonnie Latham, Earl Paulk, Paul Barnes, Tony Alamo, George Rekers, Falwell Jr., oh man the list is so damn long.... Basically, if they are bananas about what other consenting adults are doing in their bedrooms, then somebody better to see what they are up to because it isn't going to be pretty.
  12. Yes, I think so. Because the article states he was facing charges, but now he is convicted. So that is a big difference.
  13. I don't think so. I have not seen any news updates too this effect, and the judge said that federal law requires the immediate incarceration due to the seriousness of the conviction. I have read the statute and it does appear that the judge followed the law. Unless there is a terrible emergency and the court chooses to allow him to be escorted by federal marshals, they sometimes do that for things like close relative funeral, I think he is staying put. And the feds do not allow conjugal visits. I think he is pretty well under lock and key.
  14. I think with the gloves and masks, she will probably get sick way less than in the daycare.
  15. There are four running in this primary, so the difficult thing is that with so many candidates, it doesn't take a huge number of votes to be the winner. Holts also went on social media begging people to vote for anyone but JB. I think the Duggar house of cards is FINALLY collapsing, at least I hope!
  16. There are. And Derrick just went on social media with a local journalist and called a spade a spade asking people to please not throw any votes JB's way because if he makes it onto the ticket as a Republican, he is afraid that the area is so conservative that they would not vote for the dem in the election after the new year thus propelling this disgusting human into office. Not normally a fan of Derrick, but man, lately I have been liking him more and more!!!
  17. Yes, and the "treatment" facility in Arkansas was a Gothard facility. So ya..... But, JB couldn't remember what happened to his daughters when he took and oath on a Bible and testified at the pre-trial hearing. If JB or Josh opens their mouth, they are lying. You can bank on it. Except when federal investigators are around, and then Josh is so smug and sure his daddy can get home out of anything, he hands them the case on a silver platter. JB is running in today's special election to win the republican ticket for state legislator for his district!
  18. That is where I am at. And when middle ds went to WMU, we thought we would be able to use the train. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Amtrak if on time and it never is, picks up in Kzoo two hours after the forms close so students congregate down there because there is nothing to do close by, no McD's with WIFI, etc. But Amtrak doesn't like that and gave them a hard time about getting there too early so they began locking the station up leaving the students out in the cold. Then it dumps, IF on time, at 11:30 pm at a station 35 minutes from our house. But it is never on time so it is about 1 am when it arrives to a locked up station in not the best neighborhood. Going back? One pick up time 6 am ish, and again never leaves Port Huron on time so it begins the route late. It is a 6 hour ride at that point back to campus. And it costs the same in ticket price has it costs me to make the run round trip in the car. So I made those runs until he moved permanently to Kalamazoo, and now is moving to grad school out of state. Michigan is a joke for public transport. But part of that is because the Big Three automakers have always lobbied heavily against any kind of robust public transportation. They want to sell cars, and if people in urban areas could get along without every adult in the family owning one, it would put a crimp in their style. The Michigan legislature is only all too happy to capitulate to corporate America in a way that probably makes even some federal legislatures envious!. I mean DTE has such a great deal here that they can net 900million in profit and pay no taxes among many many other deals made. So we drive all the freaking time because we don't have options as a family that has had three kids in college at one time. We can't afford to buy and insure three vehicles for them plus two for us in a state with the highest car insurance rates in the nation.
  19. What griped my cheese was that the salaried, non student, resident director for the dorm was NOT checking students out! That is unacceptable!
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