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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Okay, whatever that "gossip" was, it sounded pretty crazy except I could totally see his siblings being sick of him and refusing to give compassion statements or whatever. I don't know much about the Arndts. What little I do know is basically nuts. If you made a dressing container of Duggars, Bates, Kellers, Arndts, and Pearls, have it a vigorous shake, and poured out the mixture, it would be glowing green and have three heads!
  2. I am doing better today. The site of the injection is still fiery, and my arm is quite sore but no more fever, chills, or wretched body aches.
  3. Beat the Jesus into them. Totally a thing here. My dad was a decent, caring, loving, nurturing father as a secular man from my brother's birth until bro turned 16 (12 for me) and then dad found for and got involved with IBLP and what not. prior to that ,my moderate, non radical, Jesus loving mother took us to a very nice United Methodist Church that was mainly concerned with kindness and helping people. Dad didn't try to smack us around, but my poor sister was born when I was 13, and when she turned 1, he turned into the smack her repeatedly on the back of the legs with a paint stick dad so "her will would be broken and her heart would be turn to god". My mom eventually couldn't take it and when she was about 5, she told him the abuse ended or he had to leave. So he stopped that part, but some of the crazy mind game stuff continued. My sister is an atheist. I don't know if it ever occurred to him that the method was fundamentally flawed. I never saw that chart. But I was appalled at a lot of the stuff by James Dobson that was so popular. Ugh.
  4. I disagree. That child was still crying on his "sister mom's" lap and there was no parental comfort. None. And the tape was cut and edited. It did turn out to be a fair amount of time before he was reunited with his family. There is zero excuse for the film crew allowing its and they were filming those kids just waiting for something to happen that was worth putting on t.v., and the parents did NOT take care of their child.
  5. Dawn, so was just drinking hot tea and spit it all over my kindle!
  6. And that last bit about the cameramen really upsets me. There was an entire crew filming all the kids just waiting for something to happen that would be worth airing. They let that child be alone for so long that airport security got involved. So think about that. What does that say about the level of depravity of the crew? When that child was returned, he had been crying so hard he was struggling to get his breath. This means he was terrified! It could have ended sooner, and he could have been returned to his family the instant he left to the group, and went the wrong way. Nope, ratings and viewers and "drama" meant more than being decent human beings.
  7. Yes. I mean in the one episode when one of the sister moms lost sight of her charge, Michelle didn't even act like she cared. If I were in an airport of that size and busyness and lost track of one of my young children, I would be so worried and frantically looking. And that poor frightened child went to sister mom for comfort, not biological mom and dad. That says a lot right there! So if they forgot what they named the last half of the kids, I would not be shocked. JB and Meech are disgusting!! If you can find the video of it, it is NOT normal. JB kind of laughs it off, and it was the cameraman who got their attention. Jackson had actually been lost for a bit, and picked up by airport security. JB did not take it seriously. I can't tell which girl was the sister mom, but I think it may have been Jana. He is comforted and taken care of by his sister, and what he got from his dad was a pat on the shoulder. Not that grab your baby, big bear hug, oh my goodness are you okay I am so sorry this happened to you, response we human parents would give, just a chuckle and a pat. Sit on your sister's lap, you are just a number for us to make money off of....
  8. That is so bizarre! And yes, CPS doesn't tell kids this kind of stuff. That is not how social workers interact with children. That 2/3rds number just has to be JB making crap up for them to say. Here is another thought. I have wondered if TLC didn't actually write a script and make them memorize it in order to keep the Duggar gravy train going. And yes, that creep was creeping the whole time they were put on t.v. to defend him. That year, 2015, was the year TLC had a security staff for the Duggars. Interestingly, the staff members were not signed to NDA's and one of them has talked about Josh watching porn WHILE DRIVING!! So sick.
  9. Thanks. There has been a lot of confusion about that.
  10. Yes, this. Very, very important!
  11. Yes. It was my stupid kindle trying to autocorrect because it doesn't like Joy Anna with the caps and the space for some reason.
  12. The lost boys are the ones at home. They have been almost entirely overlooked.by their parents, not promoted like the other ones, and were too young to be married off or work in the businesses thereby providing not too much fodder for TLC entertainment. Sometimes even on the show, JB and Meech acted like they couldn't remember their names, and literally paid them zero attention. It was quite noticeable especially as more and more of the older ones got married. They got dubbed The Lost Boys by the subreddit, but it was picked up by others, and even the film crew is reported to have made wise cracks about " the lost kids" and Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger being the only ones who new them because they have been the sister moms who raised them when they were little. Jackson, James, Jason...their sister moms even had night duty for them when they were babies as well as for "the lost girls", Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie.
  13. I am team kid. No promise made about "how we will raise the children" when there were in fact no children and no idea what would be the extenuating circumstances are not realistic. They just are not. Sacrificing a child's education and well being to unrealistic promises isn't acceptable in my book. And I don't want to sound harsh but I do believe this firmly. If one parent becomes ill and can no longer parent leaving the other person with the lion's share of all the work and decision making for such an extended period as this, that person does not get to come back and suddenly make demands or interfere. For the kids it isn't necessarily about trust as much as it is needing to feel like this person who has been absent from meeting their needs for so long is actually willing to meet their needs and be a team player. There will be relationship problems if he cannot recognize that. On top of that, while it is possible he will be ready to become a team player in February, it is also possible that he won't, and that leaves you holding the bag again. Therefore, this really needs to be your decision in conjunction with your child, while dad happily nods and gets on board with the plan and supports it. Many hugs. This isn't easy for sure, and I do not want to come across as minimizing it!
  14. Yes, she said that what Jinger really meant was that she wanted to live closer to Walmart. Ugh. I don't know how many will move on, but it seems that even if JD, Joe, Josiah, and Jeremiah stay with their dad and his businesses, the lost boys won't have any employment. None of JB's business ventures are particularly successful, and now without the show, no big revenue. How many married households can JB support? He took out a $20,000 loan in addition to the about $27,000 of personal money he claims to have put into the campaign. Which is hilarious when you think about it because he outspent the other candidates by something like 5:1, and still lost by a wide margin. The "lost boys", Jackson and company as they are referred to, will not have the money backing that the older boys got on top of JB having to support the M's. I think that this lack of daddy being able to hold money over their heads might be a catalyst. They will have to sue their father for their wages, just like Jill did (and rumor is Jinger too), and that will pretty much sever that relationship, but then they will have something to start with. Jessa seems to be committed to JB, but Joy's statement seemed to pretty much throw JB and Meech under the wheels. So I think she and Austin are out. Josiah and Lauren have been crazy quiet the last few months. It makes me wonder. Justin seems to be under the spell of Ma Spivey. Claire is very oriented towards her mother if her social media is any indication. So I could totally see a break with JB happening their by just cozying up to the Spiveys and distancing from JB. It will be interesting to see where they all land in the coming years. Certainly the trial caused the collapse of the house of cards. It remains to be seen who frees themselves from the rubble.
  15. Yep, I do not give her any compassion. What she has done to her children is absolutely vile. I believe she knew exactly what she was doing.
  16. Okay, 270 to win has it, and if they are correct, JB lost. https://www.270towin.com/news/2021/12/14/live-results-several-state-legislative-elections-close-year_1291.html
  17. Interesting. It was reported too that both men fell asleep. So there is some mix up going on. Still can't imagine such a serious topic and Holt falls asleep. Just wow.
  18. Retraction: the posted numbers were early voting but the journalist made a mistake and said it was final results. Still questioning the sanity of the 456 people who voted for him so far! Anyway, sorry about the confusion.
  19. JB lost. But what I want to know is who are the 456 dunderheads who voted for him???? I can't even wrap my brain around that. Must be 456 registered offenders in the district.
  20. Fingers crossed that he gets roasted!
  21. Yes. And if it weren't for the vaccines, I would not have been sick at all. But I have the nuclear reactor body so they take a round right out of me!
  22. Yes, and I think the thing that topped the charts for Bobye was the meeting they had with Josh and JB, and while Josh was confessing, JB fell asleep. Can you imagine??? What kind of horror show is JB that he could fall asleep during something like that!
  23. I don't like gift exchanges for this reason. I am the boring one...well back when we attended these things, and would buy a $10 gift card to Target or Amazon.
  24. I think it is disgusting that Jill and Derrick could not be with her younger siblings unsupervised because "bad influence" but Josh could be alone in a pool as a pedo with his nieces and nephews unsupervised and even out of line of sight. That right there says a LOT about how demented JB is.
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