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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Right. If there was mostly a verbal, "Hey honey can you run a server for me?" thing, the court isn't going to touch it with a ten foot pole, and most things like this, if breaking the law, are infractions of civil business code and not a matter for the criminal court. Add a marriage in, and it can easily be a matter of family court - ie. the divorce settlement. So much he said/she said when there isn't a contract.
  2. Probably, however, we don't know how many hosts and mutations it can go through before its genetic information is so discombobulated that it becomes either more deadly or less deadly and less likely to create complications thus becoming endemic like Flu A, and we have enough tricks up our medical sleeves to live with it fairly well. It is an unknown. Fingers crossed that it actually becomes less dangerous and no longer overwhelms hospitals or causes such a high rate of long covid so life can de-stress. That is my hope, but it could get worse, not better.
  3. Florida woman says...... 😂😂😂
  4. LOL, it is snowing and 20 degrees at home. So no options for outside haircuts at present. Maybe that is an option for Kassia, but definitely not for us.
  5. Our son has a job interview next semester so he really needs to have a fresh haircut. What we did was get him boostered over Christmas break, and we booked a men's barbshop near campus where case loads are way way lower than near our home, and we booked well out in advance in order to get the first appointment of the day. He will wear an N95. And then we will hope for the best. It is so darn hard to balance the fact that life doesn't just simply stop spinning because there is a pandemic. He can't just pretend he doesn't need a job by the time his student loan payments begin or that appearance matters when it comes to interviews. But if he wasn't boostered, first appointment of the day, and without N95, I would be trying to just trim it up myself.
  6. I am so sorry. It is the same with my niece in law, the EKG tech at a mid-Michigan hospital. She has seen so much heart damage from even "mild" cases of covid, but her extended family acts like she is working on Mars instead of actually happening in real time close to home. But I think that is because they have decided they are not going to change their ways for ANY reason so they must ignore any evidence that they are being idiots.
  7. Well, we are not interested in hearing about their life so grey rocking us is just fine. She creates so much drama that we really have no desire to be privy to their details. I have no one else in my life grey rocking/info diet me that I know of. I am also not someone who feels entitled to information about others, nor am particularly curious and try to respect other people's privacy. So grey rocking would not only be of no never mind to me; it would also not work as a means of manipulation since I have no internalized need/desperation to have information to use against others.
  8. Oh yes, she has a following of snowed people from her church that just fall all over her poor, little bruised ego whenever her evil relatives "mistreat her". 🙄 Someday they will be on the receiving end of her viciousness. Historically, they change churches every two-three years because she eventually shows her true colors and creates an epic crisis that causes leadership to ask them to leave.
  9. It makes nice fish tacos. My husband deep fries it in beer batter which isn't exactly healthy, but tastes great!
  10. Rosie tells the truth. The motivation can be an unknown. I personally use grey rock and I do diet with my brother so things do not vet back to his wife, a vicious narc, because if she knows nothing about our lives, she chooses not to give us a second thought or attempt to contact us or our kids. If I slip and tell him anything going on in our lives or our kids lives, it invariably gets back to her, and then she goes into attack mode. For example, we did tell him we will not retire in Michigan. He wanted to know about our plans, but we refused to tell. Unfortunately, my mom let it slip that we had purchased our retirement house and where. He of course blabbed it to the witch. She looked it up on zillow, got jealous as hell (typical with her), and then had a long rant all over social media about how she is so oppressed and we flaunt our money at her and rub her nose in it and yada yada. She tried to contact our daughter to tell her that she and son in law and grandsons did not deserve to live in such a house currently (they are living here until we move which isn't for about four and half years). But then got really extra pissed because she found out their phone numbers had changed as have all of our children, and she couldn't talk go them. I got the insane message about what she intended to fell our daughter, and told my brother I deleted it, and told him he would be cut off if he can't refrain from talking about us with his witch. I then had to remind my mom of the rules. She is 78, and this is hard for her. Meanwhile, three months later she is still all over social media claiming we flaunt our income. She had no idea what our income is or how we came to buy this house, and we have no direct contact with her at all. So I grey rock my brother because he will not shut his trap even though he knows exactly what kind of woman he is married too, and has destroyed his relationship with all five of his children who as adults have NOTHING to do with him or her and also grey rock the crap out of them. He has seven grandchildren and when the last one was born, he didn't know until someone he works with saw his daughter in law in passing in a grocery store with the new baby. You could say we all are doing this to manipulate him to leave her. And truth be known, we would throw a gala celebration in his honor if he ever did do that. But, ultimately no on even cares anymore about it just so long as they keep their drama and her narcissistic evil bitch behavior on their own property.
  11. I am very, very sorry you face this! These decisions are not easy. I have no advice. I will say for me the marriage buck stops at the safety buck, so if we had young children and making sure our kids got the vaccine was a deal breaker for the marriage, then so be it. I know that sounds harsh, but I personally feel that strongly about this issue. However, I can also appreciate that not everyone does. For me, it falls under a moral issue, the issue of doing everything possible to stop the death and mayhem caused by this virus, and being fiercely protective of my kids' health because kids do get long covid, and that is scary. Best wishes as you navigate this very difficult mess! 💓
  12. I eventually see myself without any of my dressy clothes. Once dh retires in 4.5 years, we won't have any formal parties for work. Covid has gutted my just getting off the ground again music career, and I have decided not to try again since this virus is not going away any time soon, and most of my venues are going under, the fish arts center I worked for is going belly up. In retirement, we are going to do a lot of van camping and touring the country, hiking, swimming, etc., and putting pool in at the Alabama house. My guess is what I will need many multiples of will be hiking clothes and bathing suits, not all the business attire plus performance clothes I own now.
  13. This. I have a black gown in my closet as well. It is my favorite performance dress so if the party was black tie formal, I would be prepared. This in black, and hemmed to the tops of my shoes. I have black, velvet shoes with rhinestone toe buckles to go with. https://www.jjshouse.com/A-Line-V-Neck-Floor-Length-Chiffon-Bridesmaid-Dress-With-Ruffle-007105575-g105575#/ I also have this in dark burgundy. I used it for a lot of Christmas Eve performances and Biscotti with Bach events. https://m.jcpenney.com/p/melrose-sleeveless-evening-gown/ppr5007186580?pTmplType=regular&catId=SearchResults&searchTerm=womens+burgundy+gown&productGridView=medium&urlState=gender%3Dwomen%7Cunisex%2Badult&badge=fewleft
  14. I hardly wore jeans when I was thin in college. I was a size two with a little curve and they just didn't make anything that fit except a girl's 14 (I was a size 2 in "adult" pants) and those weren't long enough for a 5'4" woman with somewhat longish legs. Finding pants was a huge issue. I am still not a fan of going and trying on pants. Ugh!
  15. This. I really want to A. Not contribute to overwhelming hospitals B. And delay getting it as long as possible in order to hopefully allow tike for better treatments to be developed, and more info on long covid to accumulate.
  16. Yes, most narcissists are never going to be in a psychiatrists office for evaluation of their problems because they don't think they are the problem, ever. But occasionally some how tangentially there is an official diagnosis. One of the narcs on my side of the family is officially diagnosed. We all KNEW what she was before the official label was on it. However, she was applying for a job that required a pretty extensive psych eval in order to get, and had a hard time getting character references because she burned every bridge she ever had. I think the leery wording of former co-workers and a local pastor when called about those references triggered a deeper evaluation, and she was turned down for the job. She actually then exploded all over her kids.about how the psychiatrist told her she was a narcissist! She went bananas. Meanwhile her teenage daughter rolled her eyes and said, "Tell us something we didn't already know!" And yes, this is the person we eventually had to 100% cut out of our lives though she lives two blocks from our current home.
  17. They are for the people they abuse. They do not know any other way to relate and are u willing to learn so long as their victims hang on hoping they will change. A rare few, hitting rock bottom and alienating to the point of no - contact with all of their family, their neighbors, their co-workers, etc. may eventually make an effort to become tolerable out of sheer desperation, loneliness, lack of love and affection in their lives becoming overwhelming. I have ONE relative for whom that happened. But the other two narcissists and the spouses that enable them are zero contact now, and I would assume the apocalypse is right around the corner if either of them ever turned into a passably safe human being. Maybe someday there will be enough knowledge of human development, neurology, and personality disorders in order to form treatment plans, but for now most therapists say there is nothing to be done but protect yourself and your family.
  18. Agreed. Health things trump other things. In this case, growing children need to be fed period, and making children miserable for 36-48 hours of being very hungry is NOT healthy emotional or mentally. Yes, they will likely survive that short time of lack of food -unless one of them has failure to thrive or other health issues (and I get that because my 2nd son was a failure to thrive baby and then went on to thriving but medically underweight to the place that even at 23, he has to eat 5500 calories a day in order to not lose weight, and still has 12 lbs to gain to be at the bare minimum his doctor wants him to be)- but there are other considerations. I cannot imagine being willing to do that under any circumstances and if I was going to be vilified for taking my children out to eat or bringing food, or if my kids were ridiculed for eating the amount of food I said they needed, this grandma would not be visited in her home EVER at meal time. AirBnB, and all the meals are at the rental without grandma or with grandma being given a huge warning about being bounced if she mentions my kids' food consumption? Sure. That would work. Meeting at a restaurant with the same warning? Sure. But an absolute not happening, the end, at her house if there would be no way to feed my children without drama from grandma or eating out with them sans comments from grandma. I am probably sensitive about it since every time my son is home, I spend a great deal of time working out meals and calories/nutrition for him. He does an excellent job of it on his own, but it can be so ooo tiring working and grad school plus that. I like to give him a break from worrying about it.
  19. I can totally understand this. My mil and til were very, very quirky and WEIRD when we visited. They even worse house guests. So as the kids aged, it just got tougher take in more than a short spurt. Then fil died. Mil moved near us, and man, at first that was rough, but she did also make a lot more effort, and eventually things got a lot better. Distance is a very good thing for many adult children to have. Mark and I feel that the first 10 years of our marriage spent living more than 1500 miles from each set of parents was very good for our relationship, and helped us form the necessary boundaries. His dad in particular was an opinionated interferer.
  20. Oy!! I am furious and don't even know these people! That is freaking awful parenting!!!
  21. I was just thinking about last spring when Dd kept two of her best friend's children while friend had surgery. She had them along with her two for 10 days. 2 five year olds, a 3 year old, and a 1 year old. She made oatmeal and fruit for breakfast every other day, and scrambled eggs and fruit the other days. The she made up huge fruit and veggie trays with cheese, sliced turkey, and salami, and had pretzels or goldfish crackers for the afternoon snack. Those kids played outside all day and ate those trays just about dry, always. I think she said she went through 3 kiwi, 3 oranges, 1 lb of grapes, 3 bananas, 2 apples, 8 oz of cheddar cheese, 4 oz salami, and 4 oz of turkey, 1 lb of baby carrots, half a red pepper, half a cucumber, and 6 oz of grape/cherry tomatoes every day plus 12 oz of the goldfish crackers or pretzels. Then she made supper at night. One evening she made tacos, and they ate an entire can of black beans, almost a lb of ground beef, a serving of Spanish rice a piece, 8 oz of sour cream, 8 oz of cheddar cheese plus tomatoes lettuce, and green onions. Within a few days of the 10 day stint of feeding these little critters, she reported our grandsons grew an inch a piece in height, and half shoe size, and the same for the other two! It is hard for me to fathom that some grandparents have forgotten what it means to feed hungry, growing children. My three stare step boys ate enough for a small basketball team when they were young, and enough for a platoon when teens.
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