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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. This, but also take a look a bike and walking paths. I would actually ride with her two or three bus runs so she has support. One option might be to look at community college apartments. While some schools reserve housing for only full time students, other will allow first come first serve to anyone taking a class. Maybe they could each sign up for one class a piece. Another option would be to actively loom for roommates to share a duplex or larger apartment. One of my sons is in a large, three bedroom apartment. He has a room, there is a married couple with a room, and then his best friend has the other room, and split three ways, it is affordable.
  2. I do not know. What I went through with my parents was beyond hell on earth. I think I ran on pure adrenaline. I do know that at night Mark forced me to get into the bathtub before bed, and put music on my kindle, lit a candle, and turned out the lights and told me to keep adding hot water and stay in their for an hour. It may have been the thing that allowed me to sleep, so I did that multiple times per week. One thing that I do know helped too was quality food, and nor falling into the trap of running through the drive through or eating crap in the hospital cafeteria (which was, by the way, garbage...they really did not care what they served in that place 😠). I think if I were going through it now and didn't have time to pack food, I would be ordering the Mediterranean chicken bowl from Panera Bread quite often. When commuting, put an audio book or music on and try to concentrate on that as a way of not over focusing on the problems at hand. 💓
  3. I am so very sorry. My condolences and sympathy to you and your family. 💓
  4. Check your parents' policy. If the other driver is underinsured for the magnitude of the injuries your parents received, you may be able to recover from their policy if they and coverage for underinsured motorist. We did that with our insurance company because the woman who t-boned us was only insured for $100,000 personal liability per incident. Ds's medical bills for the first year alone were $350,000. While our medical insurance company was the primary biller, it was still problematic because BCBS is a piece of sh#t and disallowed a whole ton of therapy and medical treatment he needed. But between the other driver's policy and ours, it was covered plus a settlement for each of us. If necessary, have your dad get a good attorney. Ours was worth his weight in gold. We were getting nothing but the run around from both car insurance companies as well as medical insurance. Once he became involved, all the jerks at the insurance groups fell in line and got with the program. It is so stupid to actually have to get an attorney to make them do what they are legally required to do, but since healthcare is for profit in this nation, insurance companies have a vested interest in screwing their customers.
  5. Around here cemeteries are strict on what is allowed. The card would be confiscated by the township volunteers because only plants that are actually planted or in a very heavy secure pot next to the headstone is allowed along with grave blankets or properly installed plaques. Nothing that is unsecured, paper/cardboard, things that will not weather well are allowed. There are strict guidelines, and usually every other months volunteers go through and grab up all the stuff that isn't supposed to be there. Picnics would NOT be allowed and especially because people so often leave trash laying around. In my part of the state, the general public tend to be real litterers. As for how I would feel about it, I have no sentimentalism concerning graves. If anything, I regard the practice as a very poor use of land, and all of the embalming fluids are pollutants so expensive, cement crypts are required to contain the body, and well, this isn't a very earth friendly thing. So in general, I am not a big fan of cemeteries. I would prefer everyone was cremated and then memorial walls with engraved plaques provided. Preserve the land for the living, and keep it natural. All the mowing is an issue, all of the cutting down of trees because the roots can disrupt their crypts.... Therefore, it doesn't bother me. And if I am at the local cemetery and see a card, envelope, plastic items, things that are not allowed, I will pick them up and throw them in the garbage receptacle provided because the neighbor of the cemetery my grandfather is buried in gets sick of all the contraband stuff that comes loose, blows onto her property, and then she has to go fetch it and place in her garbage. People leave crap they aren't supposed to leave all.the.time. Stuffed animals that get all mold and mildewy from rain and snow melt are some of the worst. I can honestly see my eldest son thinking a cemetery picnic would be great. He is such a family history nut. I could see him munching on cold pizza while making tombstone rubbings! I don't have a problem with that so long as he isn't violating township rules. But locally it would be a civil violation. The sexton had had enough of cleaning up crap, and one of the township police officers parks in the cemetery drive way regularly for a sneaky little speed trap. It would be one way to earn a uniformed lecture!
  6. I hope the Monolith's caretakers go bonkers decorating for Valentine's because I will really need that to help me get through February!!!
  7. Tractor Supply company is the local source. Not doctors. It comes in massive single doses for horses and cows, and people are just sucking it down guessing how much they should take. No monitoring. And folks, it treats parasites. Parasites. Not even close too the same organism as virus. It does not treat viruses in animals. So there is no reason to believe it works on this virus. It has to be used very judiciously in humans because there are some pretty darn awful side effects that can occur. I do not blame any doctor for refusing to use it off label. There are safer anti-parasite meds than ivermectin, so it is mostly used for river blindness.
  8. This. If one more person say, "but they had pre-existing conditions", I am going to scream. This is NOT a reason to just write people off like " collateral damage", and that is exactly what they are doing. Someone even said this to me about our six year old grandson. I guess she thought it was acceptable for him to be a human sacrifice foe the sake of "economy" and "freedumb". You can imagine my response!
  9. I don't have a lot of suggestions except that the zinc lozenges may really help her throat, and stay hydrated big time. It seems like around here even mild cases often dehydrate without the fever because they sleep a lot, and are isolating from family often not being reminded to drink or not fetching it for themselves.
  10. We have seen this here. Soooo sure that over next in will do it that they wait until it is too late for anything else to have a hope of helping, and melting their insides from the high doses over many days. The stuff is NOT to be messed with, and Tractor Supply locally had to take it off the shelves and require proof of owning livestock in addition to having an already established farm account in order to purchase it at the customer service desk. Just crazy.
  11. MIL.had JnJ and then followed with Pfizer. Mild sore arm, mild headache for one day.
  12. The dubious moral behavior was leaving behind litter that is going to blow around in the wind containing messages celebrating treason and slave holding. THAT is the dubious moral behavior!!!!! Good grief.
  13. This could be fun. Quill could leave secret messages behind for her whenever she takes away a tribute. The this one, Quill. "I was wrong!" Do it up right. Get some aged parchment, write with quill and ink, seal it with wax....just give it some flair. 😁
  14. !y guess is to keep it from progressing. The MAB only work in a narrow window which is basically before a person gets pretty sick. I think they have looked at the data and found that once having significant symptoms, they aren't very effective at preventing a person from getting worse, but work well if given early. That said, here they are rationing them because the healthcare system is so overwhelmed in Michigan right now. I doubt either of these people would be able to get them in my neck of the woods.
  15. Michigan logic is equal to the task! We have an epidemic of stupid here as well.
  16. Wow. The tyrants were the ones who wanted to end slavery, not the slave owners? I have words for her, and most of them aren't particularly civilized! I can understand how you feel. I don't know what the answer is other than contacting the sexton for the cemetery to see what the rules are. Here plants and flags are all that can be left, and the flags allowed are the standard U.S. one, small (I think 24" tall is the limit) and up close to the headstone so the section doesn't have a mowing headache. Something like cards or pottery, glassware, plaques not authorized by the next of kin of the gravesite owner, etc. would be removed. But, I think these things are very individual to each cemetery except military cemeteries which have DoD rules.
  17. I am going to blame it on there not being all that many true cake decorators left. Seems like independent bakeries are few and far between, and now people get cakes Walmart, Kroger, etc. They just train people on really basic trim patterns and writing, then top everything with plastic pieces. So to Wal-Mart any baby cake=baby shoes.
  18. My friend, years ago, had a pie reception after her daughter's christening, and she also had chocolate eclairs and cream puffs. I highly approved of that!
  19. Hmmm...I have not seen that. Shoes here are often baby shower cake toppers. What I have seen here is usually white main icing, pastel colors for trim and writing, usually a bassinet basket, or cradle with a cross on it, or a white cross in a flower garden type setting with a baby's that kind of thing. The last infant Christening cake I saw - 2019 since we have been hunkered down now for almost two years - was similar to this.
  20. This is where I wish they would consult some seasoned homeschoolers about simplifying and hang the damn state requirements. Seriously. There are just so many way to get a lot out of good books and simple writing assignments, Khan Academy videos to tutor in math, etc. I see the hoop jumping and complicated lesson plans school boards and supers still demand despite the circumstances and I just want to scream. Keep it simple and easy to implement in the home with quality books and consumables, good videos, no test prep, and children will learn a hell of a lot more than the current nonsense. Now is not the time to make things difficult to figure out or require weird software, and all that jazz. Sigh. I weep for kids. But at least their parents can keep them out and not have their child face punishment! Here it isn't an option. It is INSANE!! 😠
  21. I truly think we need another March/April/May 2020 style shut down. Hand out KN95's to every family, strictly enforce the masks when at the grocery store or pharmacy, and allow in person school only for a limited number of children - first responders, HCW's - bring in National Guard in PPE to staff grocery stores. There is no political will for it, and people are just nuts. But that is what is needed if we want to not entirely gut our healthcare system. It is breaking and can't stand much more. We are a wealthy nation, and this is doable. But the wealth is concentrated in such a way, that it does not benefit 98% of the people, and the elite 2% don't care what happens ultimately so long as they hold on to control of the wealth. So it isn't going to happen.
  22. Our local district went back today, no masks, no testing, no nothing, and they won't be calling parents when students are exposed. It is the Wild Wild West. I predict utter chaos! This is what the majority of parents wanted here, so if I hear any of the nutters complaining or see it on social media or see it on social media, they are going to get a hell of an earful from me! My two post-undergrad students are taking a semester off, and won't be starting up grad school until next fall. My college senior is going back to a campus with an 80% student body vaccination rate (the unvaxed are mostly commuters), and that requires twice per week testing of unvaxed. Faculty and staff are at 92% vaxed. But this is omicron so I think they may need to do a twice per week testing of vaxed folks. That said, I do not think Michigan has the testing capacity for all of the college campuses to go to that level. They do require masks indoors and when in groups outside, and I have to say, they have excellent compliance and enforcement. They are also in the U.P. where cases have been lower even during peaks just because population density is lower, and yoopers live there because they like to be outdoors a ton and love winter sports as well as being folks who like peace and quiet and naturally distance. It is not peak tourist season, so I am clinging to a little bit of hope that they will survive the semester with in person classes, and then have commencement outdoors. Normally it would be in the stadium, but they could manage an outdoor one if they keep the special speaking brief. It isn't balmy warm on April 30 in the U.P. by any stretch! However, I am also preparing myself for the fact that this may be like March 2020 when I was battling a blizzard to get to him and move him out of the dorms before they closed them. The college went to virtual and gave everyone one week to get out except for international students and those who petitioned for special cricumstances. It was a horrific drive, one of the worst of my life! I was really scared. We didn't have any one for him to stay with, and the local hotels would not let anyone under 21 check in alone. The mamagers check i.d.'s He was only 20 at the time. At least now we could get a hotel room for him, and have him walk or take an uber. I am just really hoping we don't have that mess again!
  23. It looks like Simply Organic was okay for most of them. I need to replace my turmeric so I will look for that. My basil was home grown, and the rest of mine are simply organic at the moment because I hit a good sale at a time when I needed to do some replacing. Ginger is one I am missing. Maybe for now, I can use fresh ginger and hope for the best because there wasn't a single tested brand that was okay on that list.
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