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Sherry in OH

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Posts posted by Sherry in OH

  1. On 5/22/2021 at 8:46 AM, EKS said:

    Depending on the caliber of the school, I might be more concerned about having physical science on the transcript than I would not having AP Biology.


    3 hours ago, 8filltheheart said:

    I think the 2nd paragraph is true only for competitive colleges.  THe avg U is just not going to care as along as she meets/surpasses their admissions requirements.  I think the last paragraph is far more important for someone wanting to attend med school.  Typically students pursuing med school and who are eventually admitted are going to be the top 1% at any college.  They are going to be driven and have taken the most advanced courses their schools offer.  Physical science is going to have been a middle school science course and most will have taken AP bio/chem which meand that the into level bio courses (being taken by those students bc they are NOT going to be skipping the class with their AP scores) are going to be taught at a higher level bc that is where the students will be functioning.  

    What the OP does not need is an outsourced class in order to double up in science.  The class can be AP equivalent done at home.   Mastering the content of AP bio (and AP chem) would be my focus for a med school wanna be.

    I do not understand why so many on this board think physical science is always a middle school science course.  

    My son's college-prep STEM-focused high school not only considers physical science a high school level course, it requires that all students take it.   Students who take Algebra I prior to 9th grade may take physical science in 8th grade for high school credit.  The default 8th grade course is 8th grade science. 8th grade students who take physical science are in the same class as high school students with all students being held to the same standard.  The school requires that students complete physical science, biology, and chemistry before taking any AP science courses.  Students fit in multiple AP sciences by selecting science courses as electives thus allowing them to earn more than one science credit per year.  

    I do not have advice on which sciences a pre-med major should take.  I just wanted to let the OP know that based on the colleges that have accepted students from my son's school, having physical science on a high school transcript will in no way stigmatize a potential student. 


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  2. K - ancient

    1 - medieval - early modern

    2/k - modern with emphasis on US and state history

    3/1 - prehistory

    4/2 - ancient

    5/3 - medieval (emphasis on Europe)

    6/4 - non-western ancient and medieval, pre-Columbian Americas

    7/5 - early modern

    I planned to do modern in 8th/6th, but they went to school.  The school did topics in US and state history for 8th and ancient history for 6th.  7th grade is geography.   The high school requires 1 credit US history, 1 credit (modern) world history, and a half-credit each in civics and economics.  Students may take additional social studies courses as electives.   

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  3. 4 hours ago, BaseballandHockey said:


    What is your idea of relaxing?  I'd make different suggestions depending on whether you want to tae a walk in a beautiful part of the city, or sit by a lovely outside pool, or try some restaurants with varied cuisines.  

    All of those sound lovely.  

    I find parks and other green spaces relaxing. I also like visiting museums.  My tentative thoughts are an excursion to a garden, possibly Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Garden or the National Arboretum, and visiting some of the museums and gardens along the National Mall.  The National Zoo is also a possibility.  My plans are subject to change depending on what reopens, the weather, my energy level, and whether or not I can get tickets for what is open. (I would really like to go to the Botanical Garden.)  I do not like to be out alone after dark in unfamiliar areas, so expect to spend a fair amount of time lounging at my hotel with a book.   I will have four entire days plus most of an afternoon and evening to myself.   

  4. 1 hour ago, BaseballandHockey said:

    A few questions.

    Do you know if the camp is walking distance to a Bethesda metro station?  If not, are you planning on taking the bus, or renting a car?  PM me if you want to name the camp and I can tell you. 

    Are other family members coming?  I would, in general, say to stay walking distance.  The metro is great, but it's still time consuming.  If you don't need it that's even better.  On the other hand, if the plan is that your teen goes to camp and you take younger kids to places downtown, then I'd prioritize staying close to the other locations, and have your teen hop on the train.

    Also, are there amenities you'd use?  I know my kids would prefer a hotel with an outdoor pool.  Some people might like to be close to lots of restaurants, or a tennis court, or something.  

    The camp is at a conference center about two miles from one of the Bethesda metro stations.  We will either take a bus or the conference center shuttle to get my teen there.  The camp is residential, so once he is checked in, he will stay on site.    

    I could stay at the conference center hotel, but would rather have easier access to mass transit and meal options.  Teen will be with me for the first night, after that I will be alone.  I plan to do a few touristy things and a lot of relaxing.  

  5. Most grocery stores sell kitchen tools and supplies.  The store may only offer one or two brands, but if your daughter discovers she can't live without a larger frying pan, a whisk, an egg timer, or whatever, she can pick one up when she does her grocery shopping.   If the grocery doesn't have what she wants, she (or you) can order it from an online retailer and have it sent to her apartment.


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  6. I was vaccinated at a city-sponsored clinic.  The data was loaded to a state database, but I as I was not asked to provide insurance or primary care physician information, my physician was not notified.  During my last primary care visit, the nurse keyed the information from my vaccination card into my medical record.  I assume that if the doctor has reason to question the validity of my vaccination card she could verify it against the state database.

    Dh was vaccinated at his usual pharmacy.  The pharmacy reported his vaccination to both the medical insurance company and his primary care physician.  The same is supposed to occur with our teens' records.  I will take their vaccination cards as backups when I take them for their annual physicals.  

  7. I would look at a kitchen in a box set as a starting point, adding in 2-4 drinking glasses, a colander, a baking pan, a glass measuring cup, pot holders, kitchen towels, chip clips, dish cloths/sponges, and ziplock bags. 

    Think about the foods she is most likely to prepare. Rice?  A rice cooker is handy.  Sheet pan meals? She may want two baking pans. Casseroles? Add a couple of casserole dishes.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

    We are scheduled at Riteaid. They specifically say they want a photo ID. I hope it’s just a formality. 🙏


    8 hours ago, forty-two said:

    We're scheduled at Walgreens, and while they say they want a photo id, they also say they won't turn anyone away for not having one.

    My teens were vaccinated at Walgreens.  They have state-issued ID cards but were not asked for ID.  The only ID the pharmacy tech wanted to see was our insurance card. 

    If you are concerned that you might be turned away for lack of ID, take your children's birth certificates as their IDs.  Chances are, however, they won't be needed.  

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  9. 40 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

    Right! Given that the biggest indication of being against the vaccine is being a Trump supporter, you'd think having him vaccinated would help! Do they not know he was vaccinated, I wonder?

    See, for me I think it would be having the places like Publix, Walmart, etc be no appointment needed, like flu shots. So you can be picking up your prescription, be offered it right then, and get a coupon off your groceries. 

    No appointments are necessary at many of the sites in my area.  Last week when I was at the local Walmart Supercenter, there were annoyingly frequent announcements that customers could just walk over to the pharmacy for free COVID vaccines.   

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  10. Immediately after the vaccination mine stated that compared to the HPV vaccine, the COVID vaccine was practically painless.   Waiting to get the injection was the most painful part.

    This morning, they said their arms were sore, but both declined offers of Tylenol.  


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  11. Regarding patio versus deck - I would keep at least part of the deck.  That way you aren't exiting the sliding door directly onto a flight of stairs.   At a minimum, you want enough room so you aren't balancing on a step while turning around to close the door.  A deck large enough for a table would be better, that way you have place to set items when you open or close the slider.  

     I would not make drastic changes to the yard this year.  I would remove or trim the shrubs threatening the house and maybe try to transplant some of them. Otherwise, I would observe the yard and gardens, taking photographs and notes.   The evergreens screen your backyard from the neighbors.  Are you sure you want to give up that sense of privacy?    Think about how you want to use each space before cutting down or removing trees.  

    I would hang a hammock between two of the trees close to house and put up a few bird feeders.  Let your children work out the slack line details. Could they play catch between the evergreens and cherry trees?

    How big are your family gatherings?  I would make cardboard cutouts of the approximate size and shape of fixtures you are imagining and move them around the yard to get an idea of where you want to put them.  Depending on the style of fire pit you want for example, it could go on a deck or patio, or in front of the St. Francis statue, or you could rework the garden area into a paver patio with the fire pit and seating as a focal point.


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  12. MLA's 9th edition was released last month.    

    Search his college library's website.  Many provide links to online style guides.  The library will also have up to date copies of most style guides.  It is a good idea to have your own copy of the one you use most frequently, but he should be aware that professors usually expect papers to be formatted in the style used in their disciplines.

    • Thanks 1
  13. One child did independent work while I did math with the other, then they switched.  

    Independent work for a 5 year old could include Kumon cutting book, puzzles, and other fine motor skills activities; reading or listening to an audiobook. Basically practicing not interrupting sibling's lesson while waiting for his turn.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

    This is something that's repeated so often I think it's universally assumed to be true. But for us COBRA was significantly less expensive than going through the marketplace, and it was fabulous insurance. It really is an individual thing. I suspect many people are doing themselves a disservice if they don't at least check it out.

    Doesn't COBRA only apply when a person previously insured on any employer-plan has lost eligibility within the past 60 days?  Under COBRA the person remains on the employer sponsored plan for up to 18 months by paying both the employee and employer portions of the premium.  

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  15. 2 hours ago, eternallytired said:

    So jumping off from here...  Are there similar resources that are truly secular (or at least do a better job with the science)?  We used one of the CPO textbooks this year, and it was fine--lots of additional resources, several labs/investigations for each chapter--but there was a lot of dry reading, and while there was some new info, a lot of it was review.  I have the old freebie download, so I hesitate to switch to something that I have to pay for, but I also don't want science to be a drag.  (This year we read MW and did labs/investigations on F each week, but we got really tired of the textbook by about halfway through the year.)  The thing I liked about the Ellen McHenry unit I did years ago (The Elements) was that it was both conversational and interactive.  We do a lot of discussion-based learning, so the writing style really worked for us.  I guess I don't even need it to be particularly hands-on, just engaging rather than dry.  Next year is going to be our Life Science year.  Any suggestions?

    Not a program, but my children really liked the Max Axiom graphic novel series.  For human anatomy, the three volume Survive Inside the Human Body series is a fun supplemental read.   My oldest also liked The Manga Guide to Biochemistry.

    This may sound odd, but for basic science, BSA's merit badge pamphlets are resources worth considering. There are several that relate to life sciences.  

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