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Everything posted by hippiemamato3

  1. My DD is 11 and uses this one: https://www.target.com/p/vera-bradley-venus-designer-women-s-razor-handle-2-razor-blade-refills/-/A-75662667?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Local&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9002476&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjw0_T4BRBlEiwAwoEiAV5j_T5LuR2H4XBnCewiZ_MYFpUtIXa63kaEXxfvwwNtvmlEmgpK3xoCcZMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds She has never cut herself with it. She does use EOS shaving cream.
  2. I live in a fairly HCOL area. A single parent with even one kid couldn't live on that here. Maybe I'm way out of touch with 'average' in this country, but it's definitely low for where we live.
  3. Wow. It seems really low to me....
  4. I'm pretty sure you cannot support a family on $22 an hour.
  5. A lot of them were. And $22 an hour isn't great.
  6. Can you blame them? If they are living in poverty, no wonder they are enjoying being able to breathe a bit! The employers need to increase the amount they are paying their customers so they don't HAVE to rely on government support.
  7. I agree that the unemployment situation is an issue, but that's mostly because many Americans are not paid a living wage.
  8. After a year of serious mental health struggles and some physical issues as well, my DS17 finished the high school equivalency exam yesterday (with flying colors) and will start at a community college in August.
  9. I'd err on the side of politeness (not wanting to hurt her feelings) and just try to keep my body angled away.
  10. I truly think that she only meant that if he experienced a moderately severe case of Covid that he'd be more likely to encourage others to use masks and take precautions. If he gets a mild case and goes to tell his constituents that it's no big deal - more people are going to die.
  11. I would toss them right in the trash and wouldn't think twice about it.
  12. My DS hated it. He hated seeing his half and step brothers abused. He was there only a couple days a month, and it impacted him (negatively) profoundly.
  13. I'm not sure, but I think so. My DS is 17 and his TSH was 6.5 (high) but his T4 was normal, so the ped isn't concerned.
  14. At age 14, my son did. After a particular egregious offense from his NPD father, we went to court and took away his custodial rights. After that, DS blocked him entirely on his phone, social media, etc. and didn't respond to him for 2 1/2 years. Since then, he acquiesced to one 1 hour lunch visit and then decided he still doesn't want contact. I don't know how this impacted his father's other children, but they are adults at this point. ETA: Oh and DS never had to 'realize' he was his father's golden child - he literally referred to him that way. Disgusting.
  15. DS has to keep his "location services" turned on his cell phone so I can track him in case of accident or emergency.
  16. If your sils call you by first name, why would it be different for your dil? Just curious since there was a caveat on that being "fine."
  17. It does! It's actually recommended to get your child off on a good credit start to adult life.
  18. My DS has a credit card (authorized user on two of mine) and we pay for his gas, etc. right now. We also pay for insurance and bought his car. He is planning to get a job soon, and at that point I am hoping the credit card will be mainly used for emergencies, but for now he uses it for whatever he needs when he is out.
  19. We will probably get DD's put on before the end of the year. We are in a low numbers state for COVID and most people are wearing masks and socially distancing in public. Her braces are only for mild cosmetic reasons, but we will still do them.
  20. I think Writing and Rhetoric might be a good one to look at.
  21. There's pretty much never an "everyone." There are people who don't even begin puberty until age 16. Oh wait - you're talking all growth. Yeah, that's true. But the puberty growth spurt may not begin until closer to age 16, or even after.
  22. We never eat food at things like this, so I would just allow my DD to play and we'd head out when she got hungry. No biggie.
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