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Everything posted by laundrycrisis

  1. I remember reading East of Eden on a road trip when I was eight. My mom finally noticed what I was reading and said maybe no .. I said too late, one chapter left 🤷‍♀️ I read a lot of adult books at that age. Now I’m middle aged and read mostly teen sci fi 😆
  2. I would pay, because I have failed on my own. I gave up and started quilting instead.
  3. I would have laughed at her and said I already know what to do with yarn 😂 (I personally don’t, but I am guessing that you do ! )
  4. Bake at home Lou Malnati’s pizza and a frozen key lime pie. That’s it .
  5. I am allergic to almost every oral antibiotic, and I had a full body tendonitis reaction to cipro, so I really want to avoid all oral antibiotics to prevent developing an allergy to the last one that I can take. When I get any kind of infection starting, respiratory, ear, throat, uti... I use vitamin D3 and raw garlic. I smash the garlic and put it on top of any food and eat enough each day to make me stink. For uti, I also drink a tbsp of Bragg apple cider vinegar in hot water several times a day and make the Traditional Medicinals Cran Aid tea. I also have a concentrated supplement called Clear Tract, and Schiff probiotics. White vinegar and water 50-50 in a peri bottle also helps.
  6. If you dislike your name, it’s okay to change it. My dad legally changed his own first name - from a shortened name to the longer form of it. Everyone still called him by the short form, but it made him happy to have the legal name change. At least Abcde doesn’t mean anything bad. I once had access to a list of student names in a data file I had to fix. There was a kid named Tedious and also one named Grievous. Those poor kids 😔
  7. Bucket under sink, rags over side to dry, then into the bucket. Bucket rags get washed with bleach whenever I do a load of whites. We also have some white bath towels and washcloths for upstairs, so this load happens once or twice a week.
  8. It’s fair. I would apply with zero guilt or apology. https://www.google.com/amp/s/newsone.com/3822712/hbcu-enrollment-white-students/amp/
  9. I’ve recently switched and I’m really impressed. Surf powder from WalMart combined with a little Persil proclean liquid. It’s working great. Also direct treatment with Persil liquid is getting out spots that Grandma’s magic and spray and wash didn’t get out.
  10. This is all why I’m not “a skeptic”. I’m just skeptical. I question things, especially popular things, including higher than thou science and people who present as smarter than everyone else and calling everyone who doesn’t automatically agree with their position as fools. If the numbers don’t work for me or something doesn’t make sense or seems off, I question it. Skeptical - no group to join.
  11. Judges have a lot of power and the ballots cast to retain or not are one of the few ways to get a bad judge out of that position of power. I research each judge on my sample ballot and decide if they are someone I would like to not be retained.
  12. I am so sorry- what a shock and so sad. It’s not just about your kids - you have lost a friend in an awful way. I would take some time. Hugs.
  13. I would just call her “she” or always use her first name, no pronoun. The rest is baggage. It’s ridiculous language pretzel twisting and people looking for offense. People are gendered, and there are two. Pick one for the day and we’ll go with it. Change it tomorrow if you want. But no they, it, zhe, zhim or other silly made up words that get a 1000 pounds PC weight attached to them. Just no. For the record, I am not anti gay or anti trans. But I am opposed to having language about this dictated, especially since what is dictated defies all reason. Anyone who opposes this kind of thing is usually labeled with many mean terms. It’s a runaway train. I’m not getting on.
  14. IMO what you are supposed to do is be an example of loving kindness and higher moral behavior for your husband to learn from. Make up your mind not to give any room to anyone who is going to shame her for being gay. I would walk away from the church in a heartbeat and never look back if they are anything other that 100% accepting. He could make his choice to follow me out or not.
  15. I think it was to be able to have a place where posts won’t be accessible to search engines and general people who are browsing around the forum - privacy?
  16. Hugs. She didn’t change - she just gave you information you didn’t have before. She is the same daughter you have always loved. There is no failure and no mistake. Your challenge and your husband’s challenge is to grow in acceptance and love. Ideas you both may have emotional attachments to are being challenged in a way that is close to your heart. So you have the discomfort of that to get through. The hard part is coming from your own growth, not anything your daughter is doing. Your mental position, and his - these are the things that are changing, because she was already gay. For me, if religion influences views on an issue in any direction that is less loving, the religious ideas should be what changes. And you don’t need anyone’s permission to do that.
  17. Time Left: 7 days and 9 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    I am selling our Charlie's Playhouse Giant Evolution Timeline on Ebay. Here is the link to the auction: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=302934782116&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111


  18. I would like to ask if it is acceptable to post links to homeschooling items I have listed on ebay anywhere in the forum. I am selling one discontinued item that I think a lot of people might be interested in.
  19. Did the previous owners do repairs that might be off gassing - new paint, floors, carpet ? Last time I bought paint I saw fragrance additive for wall paint and I thought what a horrible thing to do - the walls would make me sick.
  20. I shouldn’t be amused, but we recently had a local one cancelled due to fears of corruption. Yep, that’s how it is here. Can’t trust anyone.
  21. I would mash them, discard the seeds and then freeze the mash into ice cubes.
  22. You are right - some actions are okay, and some are not. Suggesting that large numbers of people not see a movie is fine. Attempting to shut down a company's website through attacks or preventing their employees from getting into and out of their place of work, or exposing employees' personal information and encouraging personal attacks on their character would not be fine (I'm not saying these happened - they are hypothetical examples.) Not buying a burrito is fine. Encouraging others to not buy a burrito is fine. Forming a human blockade around their place of business daily so they cannot run their business is not fine.
  23. Regarding cultural elements and how people relate to or use them - to be an axxhole or not is a choice that a free person can make, but the freedom to make that choice is important. To be nice or not is also the choice of a free person. When there is an attempt to force these things on people, through either legal or social means, IMO a line is crossed. Also there is the question of who gets to decide what defines an axxhole or nice ? There will be different views. So, I have an idea of what is axxhole behavior, though it may not be illegal, just mean. I will not like seeing someone behave that way, but I will defend their freedom to make that choice. If a company wants to make a movie that appropriates elements of a culture, fine. If people choose to not see that movie because they don't agree with that, fine. If white women want to sell burritos made with authentic recipes, fine. If people choose not to buy the burritos, fine. But mob-like outrage over any of these is crossing a line.
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