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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. Oh man, I'm scheduled for an IUD in a couple of weeks. Now I'm definitely rethinking it! I'm glad you are on the mend!
  2. We should probably do the 3 chemistry kits that are sitting on our homeschool cart, but all I can think about is that I want to paint said cart. :laugh:
  3. Anyone else? I have a goal to finish a chapter in Jousting Armadillos and get to lesson 150 in GSWS. Other than that, all bet are off.
  4. I think it would just need to be really flexible and non-traditional. Use projects and ways of teaching where DS could go to a challenging level. Possibly allow DE. I'm honestly looking at a farm school! I think right now, on the cusp of puberty, he needs to be outside and working physically. :laugh:
  5. In the US - Mill Valley, CA, about 15 minutes north of San Francisco In the world - Australia
  6. Is there a paper version of this? I love the idea of it, but electronic planning doesn't usually work well for me.
  7. My kids go to a Montessori school, and they bring home very little work, maybe 3 projects a year, and I think it's just to appease some of the parents who miss the normal preschool art projects. They bring home a big roll of papers from the art easel at the end of the year that are completely their own creations, and it's so fun when they explain what they painted. DD usually says "I just liked those colors."
  8. I thought about listening to it with DS 9.5. He's not a middle schooler yet, but I think he could relate to some of it.
  9. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/449/middle-school Thought some of you would enjoy. :)
  10. Hate mine too, we'll hopefully be out this time next year. I'll join the pity party.
  11. Check your iron. I get the same way if I'm anemic. I've also had that happen when I'm dehydrated. I use electrolyte tablets in my water once a day to help.
  12. DS 9 loves music, so he has loved music lessons. He plays baseball as well. Hated soccer and swimming, but we make him take swimming anyways. (Until he shows us he knows how well enough.) DD 5 loves soccer and swimming. Does Gymnastics and tee ball too. (only 2 at a time) DS5 loves Tee ball.
  13. We are doing a low key lake vacation this year. Has anyone been to Lake Michigan? Where I'm looking at Sleeping Bear Dunes. We can go after Labor Day, so that helps with the prices. Any recs? We'd like a cottage. :)
  14. My boys sleep in boxers and hanes tees. I certainly hope they don't think we live in poverty. I've also bought second hand. Not tons, but I'm not opposed to it. I'm just too lazy right now. We are middle or upper middle class depending on the criteria.
  15. I'm glad to see this thread is still going, I need help! DS 9 and I had a learning meeting today. I explained my non-negotiables (math and writing, reading is too but it's a non issue with 3 voracious readers.) then I asked him what else he wants to learn. He communicated that he's interested in so many things, he just doesn't want to write about them or read boring books about them. Understood. :) He decided to keep music at the core of our school, he plays around in garage band on on his DJ mixer and listens to music. He plays the double bass which he's kind of sick of, but he loves the Suzuki program so he agreed to stick it out a little more (and actually practice!) to see if he can get over the hump of having to pay so much attention to mechanics and move on to songs he's interested in playing. He's also been asking a lot of geological questions lately and expressed a lot of interest in exploring that more. I don't know where to start with that! Any ideas? He wants to know about continental drift and plate tectonics. Also....my 5 year olds! I really was not planning much for them, just Jot it Down and SM. I had toyed with maybe doing SOTW but decided against it. I'm over it and older DS never really liked it. This is what I would like to have a loose plan for DD - loves geography. She wants to travel to Brazil, Africa and Paris. I was thinking of maybe those Little Passport things but I would obviously need more. We have a pretty good library system, but I like to have reference type books for topics they are interested in. Any suggestions? DS - OBSESSED with Minecraft. I know there are some programs that use Minecraft for history and things like that but I don't know we really need that kind of thing for 1st grade. He's my mathy kid so I'm also on the lookout for fun math supplements. For the twins I don't plan on anything too in depth unless they really want to go on rabbit trails. I'm just concentrating on transitioning them to home schooling from Montessori. I really want to do a morning basket too, with FUN stuff that they will be excited about.
  16. I love Beautycounter. I just signed up to sell it, I love it so much. (I'm not a sales girl and I always hate MLM products.) I've tried lots of different brands, either they end up not being as safe as they claim, or they don't work. As far as your list, I'd watch out for fragrances too because companies can hide unsafe things in them and not disclose it.
  17. It's not that it's allowed, it's that we've given up
  18. following, I have a similar 9.5 year old. He's been enjoying the Wrinkle in Time series
  19. My friend just sent me this, I don't know anything about it, but it seemed relevant to the discussion. http://members.healthyhabitshappymoms.com/four-fat-loss-habits/
  20. I am totally on board with this mindful eating idea. I eat a lot when I'm bored, and I also read or scroll my phone if i'm eating alone.
  21. For working out try Tracy Anderson or Kayla itsnes. For eating I'd do the Whole 30 or something similar. I just try to eat mostly vegetables and no sugar. It's working so far. I am 5'4" and at 114 was my happy place but it's hard to maintain. I now weigh more but I'm distance running and need the muscle mass. It took a while to get over the stupid number, but now I don't mind.
  22. Yep. I agree on all counts.I swear, I try really hard not to use God or Jesus before anything because I feel like it's disrespectful. I'm not particularly religious but I know those are significant words/names. I wouldn't use Buddha, Krishna, Ali, etc either.
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