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Everything posted by LMD

  1. My approach would probably be informal and jokey and in the moment, to avoid a knee jerk defensive reaction. Something like "girls? Gee grandpa, what century are you in? Professional women don't need to be infantilised." Delivered with a warm tone. Otherwise Yeah, you'll get a reputation and he'll write you off as hysterical. That's misogyny/patriarchy for you. Must always be nice. **big stepford smiles**
  2. Not really. I have one with more sensory stuff and he's my pickiest. He will gag at some smells, hates banana and tomato sauce, and really only likes eggs fried. He'll still usually be able eat a little of most things. He just baked a blueberry ripple cheesecake! He loves berries.
  3. My son just completed order of operations in chapter 2 of grade 5 maths.
  4. It also gives a good overview of the method and philosophy, as well as brief outlines of logic and rhetoric stage writing. You don't need it to teach wwe. I really like it though.
  5. If your child is turning 6 soon and has had no previous problems then I would just ignore it. Does this organiser come every time? Sometimes homeschoolers can be weird about this stuff, I had someone make a snarky issue over something similar. I would try to be willfully oblivious and super nice, it will blow over. This is the perfect age to focus on making connections, before school takes more hours of the day. I find it works best to meet individually with the families you connect with, that one on one time bonds the children and mothers better.
  6. I wouldn't skip it. Dd did most of BA5, as well as some other preA things, but we still found ch 1 interesting, challenging and important. It really introduces a new way of thinking about math and has their usual challenge questions.
  7. I have some Beast books coming too!!!
  8. I ended up going straight no sweetener in coffee and was stubborn about it until I got used to it. Now I don't like sweetened coffee at all.
  9. Make it with cream instead of milk and lots of butter in the pan. That works with making scrambled eggs not stick to the pan too. I cook the underside, add fillings, fold, turn off the pan and let the heat cook it through. Yum. It's my go to keto breakfast. Delicious with some mushrooms, spinach, cheese and toasted sunflower seeds.
  10. Composing music? Origami? Combining gardening with cooking/baking?
  11. I would take a 3 pronged approach. 1. Consequences as usual for bad behavior, discussed in a way that makes him want to raise himself to expectations. "You want to be the kind of honest/respectable/hardworking man that x deserves, don't you?" 2. Inviting her over. Welcome her into your home, be kind to her (she's a scared and lonely teenager!) She may or may not hang around long term but you've had an opportunity to inject positivity in her life too. Or, you'll scare her off! 3. Keeping ds busy with big, fun, worthwhile activities. Does he have a job? I would go so far as trying to organise a trip abroad for a few weeks/months. Space for him to mature and get to know himself without her. Lots of discussion about the future, his vision of and hopes for. I would never say a bad word about her. The only things I'd comment on is HIS behavior.
  12. Are you talking about assigned/literature books or just general free reading books? Any content objections? My 12 year old is currently obsessed with James Dashner (Maze Runner and Mortality Doctrine), they're hardly high literature but decent stories.
  13. It looks great! I am looking at doing pine like that in our kitchen/open plan area, except vertical, I haven't seen it horizontal like that but I like it!
  14. Confiscating electronics. Denying time with people around whom she can't behave herself. And long talks... sometimes they just get stuck on the wrong thought track and carried away.
  15. Bless you for taking them in (from someone who spent nights at shelters with my mum), now she and her son know of one safe place. Be prepared that she may well go back again, leaving is very difficult and dangerous.
  16. I'd do it. Double pay and an extra day weekend would be worth it to me. My dh currently does rotating shifts (one week each of day/night/afternoon) with a 40min commute. He's on afternoon right now and we had our main meal at lunch together before he left. In June he's moving to a different shift that pays more- 2 x 12hr day shifts, 1 day off, 2 x 12hr night shifts, 4 days off. I'm looking forward to it.
  17. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations!
  18. Many families I know started out by having the kids take over one bill. So, they'd be responsible for paying the electricity bill on time, knowing when it was due, keeping track of the fluctuations, calling the company over any issues. This bill was a few hundred every quarter, not a huge amount weekly to save for but a big enough bill to impact how the kids viewed living rent free...
  19. It's untidy to me, not messy. Untidy means things are just out of place. Messy to me implies actual cleaning, rather than just picking up/tidying, is required. It's also tidier than my house is 95% of the time...
  20. I assign 10 literature books, about 1 every 4 weeks. These are not easy reads usually. I assign about 2 more books each 12ish weeks, science/biography related usually. Free reading is not structured, though she can go through a book a day sometimes... She's in 7th. The books are getting more difficult and more complex, I'd rather she savours them than rush.
  21. I would think that each item could be done in about 15-20 mins. All of your list - which I agree is a heavy load for 1st - should be under 2 hours. Maybe 3 with decent breaks. For reference, my 2nd grader (started 2nd in January) does - Bible reading and copywork, he reads 5 or so verses, we all discuss, he copies 1 or two short sentences. About 10 minutes. Listens to history reading and gives an oral narration of around a paragraph that I scribe. 20 minutes. Art/drawing - 10 minutes Singing - folk songs to help memorization and language. 5 minutes. Maths - 20 minutes maximum Language arts - 15 minutes. Independent reading- 10 minutes. That's about 1.5 hours. He flits in and out sometimes listening in to science/Latin but they aren't required. He spends a lot of time outside and in imaginative play with his little brother.
  22. Nice!*adds to basket* Eta- also I forgot Keys To books on my list above...
  23. No study is perfect but it's what we've got to work with. The most credible studies put it as largely a male violence against women problem. Which is in keeping with other violent perpetrators (overwhelmingly men) Female victims are still often disbelieved and their cases ignored. I would like to see studies on the sex based stigma and how it effects reporting... I'll have a Google around later. That doesn't mean men can't be victims and women can't be abusers - physically or otherwise. And of course, all abusers should face consequences.
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