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Posts posted by water2wine

  1. Stumbled on this today. http://www.attachmentcamp.com/ It is run by Marie the same person that runs and writes The Great Commission The Easy Spanish/French. Who knew she was trained in psychology and specialized in this? This camp is funded by the proceeds. I know my friend used a camp recently for attachment disorder and it was $5,000. This one is much more reasonable (well under $1,000) and they have a lot of US clients. Wanted to pass it along in case this is helpful. You will find Marie is very generous with her time if you have questions. :001_smile:


    Hope it helps someone!

  2. Been racking my brain what to do for Spanish 2 after we finish The easy Spanish level 1. http://www.theeasyspanish.com/ Searched WTM boards and still not finding it so it occurred to me why not just call Great Commission Languages and ask will there be a level 2. Yep! Coming out probably about Summer, pretty much done just a few more areas to finish. It will have more of a written component than level 1 did. However if you have level 1 and want more written you might be excited to know that there is now a supplemental e-book that will add more written component. Level 2 will include more formal grammar and written in the program. Still CM based which I love and still christian with the same focus of learning the great commission in Spanish. Really want my children to learn Spanish ultimately for ministry so I am thrilled with the focus and was not finding anything like it in a level 2 with the same kind of focus the same CM type learning. So I am thrilled!:)


    Hopefully this will help someone with their planning for the future.

    BTW I found out the proceeds of this program fund a ministry that helps abused or otherwise emotionally traumatized teenagers. Here is the link to the camp she runs http://www.attachmentcamp.com/ if you are an adoptive mom or a mom of a teen that was otherwise traumatized, you might want to check it out.

  3. Right now my 12 year old ds with moderate CP is doing the 3rd grade social studies book from this nonfiction reading comprehension series: http://www.rainbowresource.com/search.php?sid=1297213919-1532006 , but it's a little too skimpy---and the analogies are near impossible for him.


    However, my kindergarten dd (no special needs) is using the Pathway 1st grade reading book and workbook. It does contain some phonics, but I see that around 3rd grade the phonics is pretty much phased out. The content is similar to R&S and CLE but the written output required is just less intense. They contain exercises like putting events in order, writing the name of the person next to the words they said, etc. You can see samples here: http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com/list/Pathway_Readers/ .


    When my ds with CP finishes the nonfiction reading comprehension book he's working on, I think I'll switch him over to Pathway.


    Good luck!!!




    Hallelujah confirmation just ordered Pathway readers today.:) Got them on the 3rd and 4th grade level. Thinking she might actually be able to do the 4th but practice some fluency in her reading with the third. I saw the same thing with the phonics kind of phasing out. She is more than halfway finished with R&S 3 so I thought that was a good guess. If I end up needing the work books for level 3 there is a store local where I can run and get them. They seem online to keep what she can do from R&S but lose what she can't. So I am so happy to hear you say that as well. I figured couldn't lose if nothing else they will be great readers. I did like that they had them go to the paragraph and page number for some things. I know she tricks herself into thinking she is reading when really her brain is not seeing the words that are actually on the page so I thought that might help.


    Thanks everyone for the help! I guess we will see if this helps a bit.

  4. I think that is a great question. I have no idea but I am glad you asked it.:) I am wondering the same thing. I have a 13 year old that is no where near middle school in capabilities. The best thing I could think to do to sort of ease my fears and concerns a bit is to look at what the best case scenario is for my dd (or the best I could hope for maybe is a better way to say it) and map that out to the end. What that did was help me see a possible path and how long that might take if it were possible to achieve and what we need to change now to make something like that seem possible.


    I guess that is a complex I don't know but I am trying to find out.:lol:

  5. I am looking for something like R&S which requires a written component/ answer but perhaps a little less intense. I want it to be specific to what she has read and perhaps have some ordering as well as comprehension questions. This is my best guess on what something that would work would look like.:) I am not sure it exists.:001_huh:

  6. I am looking for a new reading program for my dd who has moderate cerebral palsy. She is 13 and currently doing R&S level 3. She can do the reading and can orally narrate what she has read. She has issues with the written comprehension and the phonetic part of the written as well as the putting the story elements in order. I am wondering if there is something that has a written compression part to it but maybe is not so much on the written. She is not great at composing her own sentences, we are working on that elsewhere. BNut she is able to write. I want to be able to advance her actual reading level and ease into the written comprehension portion of it. Language is one of her big issues. Any ideas? I would prefer Christian programs if possible.



  7. Just looking at all the options out there I am trying to narrow things down a bit to know what we should focus on in high school. It seems it is worth taking the pSAT and the SAT and or ACT. Then it makes sense to me to CLEP out as much as possible. But then there is AP exams and I am wondering there should you just focus there on what validates for the child's future major like for instance science and math or should we be looking at history as well if we feel our child can do that?


    Anybody willing to share their plans or advice? Trying to keep focused.:)


    If it helps our plans are to try for scholarships but if that is not enough then we plan to CLEP out of what we can and do the CC route before a university.

  8. My son has been diagnosed with ODD, ADHD and a general NOS which basically says from my understanding we do not know what it is but he is depressed. The two best things we did was have a complete psychological evaluation and get those things treated. For him that meant medication although I was very against it turned out he really needed it. And the other thing was to find a really great counselor. The thing I did not know is you can interview them. My son was adopted and some of his issues are attachment disorder related. I needed someone that understood that. Also I wanted someone who was a Christian and worked using the Bible as his guide. Found someone who is really great at all that and is really on our team to help our son. I believe prayer answered that and part of that answer actually came through working through the insurance social worker, a service also I did not know was available.


    Truly we have been to the depths of the darkest and back with him. There are still struggles but we have our son back for who he really is. Body chemistry can play a big part. Some things need to be treated. Another thing that really helps him is a great deal of structure. I had someone tell me this and I never understood it but my son needs a job. He needs to have something to do that he values all the time. School is a huge one there. He actually does very well in school but falls apart if we take too long of a break. Other things he has really enjoyed are puzzles, and recently drawing. He likes getting books from the library that lead him to do something. Drawing is a good example. Having those things and a regular schedule where he can depend on me to do my job in teaching really helped us.


    Hope something there helps!:) It's a hard road.:grouphug:

  9. Thanks guys! I do agree completely something that is a skill is important in the end and in truth my dd might struggle with even that and ultimately that could be her big goal. I can accept that really just don't want myself to be the reason that holds her back and to take her to the best, best God has for her.:001_smile: Hard to know what that is as a mom sometimes.

  10. Thank you for all the information. The NCEO link really helped. My daughter was on an IEP when she was in ps. I took her out because they were not following her IEP in sort of a protest actually. She was in 2nd grade and barely knew her letter sounds and knew literally no math. I homeschooled her for a month and she started to read 3 letter words. The special needs teacher was the one who suggested I hs her. So if nothing else this reinforces what I know that she is better off not following the standards of an IEP which pretty much sought to show they were making progress instead of she was actually learning.


    Anyway I know I am asking a question that really is an answer that can only be by the individual but the links helped so I really appreciate it.:) I also made myself a goal list year by year of what could be the best case scenario knowing what I know about how my daughter learns and listing out the curriculum I know is working to the end of what would be an acceptable best circumstance goal, not impossible but a stretch. Sort of a reach for the stars land on the moon type thing with a goal that reflects where her gifts and interests are ultimately. Then I looked at requirements for that and worked my way backward to where we are. That sort of gives me a reality under the best of circumstances we are looking at high school until 20 or so. Just want her and me on the same page on that one. I don't want to limit her and I don't want to sabotage her. It is hard to know what the future brings when you have learning issues that really do not fit a neat pattern with a predictable outcome. I guess that in a way is good because it does not limit us either. :)


    Thanks for your help!

  11. I don't like to think in terms of minimums for my dd but I am thinking I need to map a plan that has some minimums and ideals. My dd has moderate CP. Her brain is affected in the areas if language math and memory. So LA,and math are our huge hurdles. She struggles with some complex reasoning as well. She has some motivational issues as well. We are putting the big push on her this year to get more on track with where I feel she is really capable of being if she would just work consistently and try to do well. She is 13 and we are calling her 6th grade loosely. She reads R&S 3rd grade. Math is almost 4th grade CLE (starting). Actually applying language is lower. She is mid CLE 2nd grade. History and Science we are able to keep her on track.


    So that is a little background but I am wondering do you all have minimums in terms of what level must they achieve to graduate high school. She is very strong headed as many kids with CP are so I do not trust she will go on in school after we are done. So I am thinking a minimum completion is a good idea for her. Any advice, links or threads you could point me to that show some "standard". I know it is hard because learning levels are different but hoping for some information.:)

  12. His site is http://www.caringbridge.org/pa/jeremiah/ And from FB this message was sent.



    I just wanted to take advantage of the accessibility of all the believers who are fans of Queen Homeschool Supplies to ask you to pray tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept. 14) at 10 AM EST for our youngest son, Jeremiah.


    Jeremiah is a cancer survivor, having been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age 3, enduring 3 1/2 years of chemo and treatment, and having been off treatment for 2 years. Now 8 years old, he had some tests done on Saturday that have caused us to seek further testing. That testing will take place tomorrow at 10 AM.


    Please pray for accuracy in testing, as well as for God's will. We selfishly ask that His will would include no new cancer.


    Thank you for your willingness to lift our little one before the throne of grace.


    In Christ,


    Keith & Sandi Queen

    Queen Homeschool Supplies, Inc.

  13. Just starting a new thread off my last that leads me to ask about Principle Physics from Kinetic books. I see a lot of people really like it and it is good prep for CLEP. I like that it has video component but am a little worried that the answers are given to the odds but no solutions. Has that been an issue. I had physics but I was hoping not to have to refresh my memory quite so much that I would need to be working out solutions to the tough questions. Another question I have has anyone tried to correlate the video component of Kinetics with the written portion of both Apologia physics texts?


    Thanks so much for your help!:)

  14. Would you mind sharing a bit what the Saxon physics text is like? Does it cover physics concepts and labs' date=' or just the math? I would guess that DIVE covers the labs? Thank you!!! :)[/quote']


    I don't know a lot about it. I like the DIVE for science but this particular DIVE uses only Saxon as an option and I have read negative things here about Saxon Physics and the spiral nature not being a good fit for physics. The DIVE cd has labs I believe and there is a CLEP DVD that covers what is missed for the AP exams supposedly but the pp makes me question even that now.:confused:

  15. Or at least liking it.:) I have read the reviews about it being spiral but I love DIVE and this one according to the DIVE teacher is just for Saxon because of the way it is written. I want a one course book the way it is as opposed to Apologia and something that will prepare for CLEPs as this one does. I am hoping someone out there thinks the DIVE makes up for the spiral aspect and the text seems clear enough even though it is spiral. Any thoughts?

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