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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. I'm looking for something to help my dc memorize the states. If you've done this, care to share the song you've used?
  2. We're enjoying Getting Started with Latin. I also started my fifth grader on section two of Treasured Conversations this week, and I definitely think it's the right curriculum at the right time for her.
  3. I'm getting the feeling that I need to perhaps bump something from our schedule to make this happen regularly, but I'm just not sure what. Our schedule feels pretty tight already, especially when I figure in Benny's naps. We're out of the house two mornings and one mid-morning until afternoon a week already.
  4. I'm getting the feeling that I need to perhaps bump something from our schedule to make this happen regularly, but I'm just not sure what. Pour schedule feels pretty tight already, especially when I figure in Benny's naps. We're out if the house two mornings and one mid-morning until afternoon a week already.
  5. For those of you whose children are not participating in organized sports, do you intentionally put exercise on your schedule?
  6. For those of you whose children are not participating in organized sports, so you intentionally put exercise on your schedule?
  7. We're finally coming to the end of a long hot streak here in the Deep South, so my children have been housebound for a while. Exercise for them (& me, too, honestly) has been nonexistent for too long. Neither girl is participating in a sport currently, either. I'd like some ideas on how to add a bit of movement into our already full days. Anyone? :)
  8. Might I suggest just sending him over to the high school/college board here? I always find it inspiring!
  9. I, too, have heard the 1 hour of work per grade level, but I assume the student surely must "top out" at some point. It's yet untried in our homeschool, however.
  10. Oops--I guess I should assume it's your 12 yo. I didn't notice your siggy. :)
  11. I'm listening in, too, because I think I need to up my expectations for my fifth grader. How old is your dd?
  12. I'm sitting on the front porch to de-stress myself after a particularly angst-y writing lesson with my ten year old. I'd love to come up with a go-to list of suggestions to help her get a handle on the frustration before it overtakes the lesson. (And yes, I realize I probably need this as much as she does.). Links to past threads are also welcome!
  13. I'm not sure about this year, but TODAY's motto is "I CAN survive this!" ;)
  14. After watching that video, I started saving my "brilliant" stamp for my girls' work that they really struggle through.
  15. Does your library have Overdrive? We listened to an interesting narrative about ice through our library's.
  16. I read The Children's Homer to my girls when they were six and eight and wrote about it here: http://www.hopeisthewordblog.com/2012/10/18/read-aloud-thursday-the-childrens-homer-by-padraic-colum/
  17. Thanks for sharing this link! We'll add this to our to-do list for tomorrow!
  18. I just looked at the writing sample, and I think it's completely on target (& even quite good!) for a 9 year old.
  19. I haven't read the other replies, so take this for what it's worth. I think 9 is young to expect application across the board. Listen to SWB's lectures on writing in the elementary years.
  20. Another thing for me, and this sort of echoes what others have already said: it helps me tremendously to pull back and consider the big picture. Sure, maybe today wasn't fabulous, but overall we've had a good week, etc.--that sort if mindset.
  21. How about the Flavia DeLuce mysteries? They are murder mysteries, but Flavia herself is a very precocious tween/young teen and very entertaining.
  22. I started on section 2 yesterday with my 5th grade dd. I decided to skip the grammar section since she has been through FLL 1-4, MCT Island and some Town, and is now working through R & S 5. However, I could probably be convinced to go back to the beginning with her. Anybody who's been through it care to weigh in? Would it be overkill for a student who has a pretty good grasp of parts of speech already?
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