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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. Here's my question, which may be off topic-- how do I know what my child's "highest level of achievement" is?
  2. All I can say (which is no help) is that why you've planned sounds great!
  3. I second the cookbooks-especially the DK one--mentioned above. My eldest dd is involved in sewing and cooking clubs through 4H in addition to what she does at home.
  4. Thank you, Ruth. This is giving me much to consider.
  5. I love it when veteran homeschoolers give their advice/experience. Thank you!
  6. This is wonderful advice. I think I'll print it and hang it somewhere that I can see it every day.
  7. I'm not the OP, but I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who are farther along the path and have shared your wisdom. I'm learning a lot!
  8. Lori D., I <3 you! Thank you so much!
  9. I started choosing our poetry selections based on what poetry was included in First Language Lessons and then branched out into other things--mostly just what I like. :) There's also a book called Living Memory that is a good resource. http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/andrew-a-campbell/living-memory/paperback/product-4080865.html
  10. What's your aim for memory work? My goal is more along the lines of poetic instead of pure facts, and that informs what I choose.
  11. I'm thinking about starting a literature study with my 5th grade dd. She is a voracious reader who prefers to read a book straight through. I really don't know what I'm looking for, other than that I want to spend some focused time talking and writing through a book with her. I think every other week might be all I could manage. Has anyone done anything like this? What resources are available out there? Because both my girls have always read so much on their own, this is something I don't know much about, curriculum-wise.
  12. I have no advice as my children are still young, but I just wanted to send you a virtual hug.
  13. I can feel your pain, Kirsten, with the little disrupter. My 4 yo is very attention hungry and it just about drives me bonkers sometimes.
  14. I think it's okay to go through seasons of just getting the basics done. Your children are still young. Can you read aloud after lunch and cover some of the "extra" bases?
  15. In this particular case, it was probably my unrealistic expectations. :huh: However, in general, there is a fine line between frustration that causes her to shut-down and frustration that spurs her on to a breakthrough in understanding. I'd like to keep on the friendlier side of that line, hence the question. :thumbup1:
  16. My girls do their co-op work on the weekends. My dh used to do science with them while I worked on Saturdays, and we found that ideal.
  17. A return to swim team is a possibility for us in the future. We did go out and briskly walk the block twice after a few lessons, so there is hope! :). (The heat's not as bad, but the humidity is killer right now.)
  18. I might try this! :). Thanks for sharing!
  19. Yep, I'm gonna just have to Just Do It. Lol
  20. We do swim a good bit in the summer but don't own a pool. We do have open access to relatives', but it's a production (20 minute drive, plus schlepping all our stuff) so not feasible of we want to make progress on any other front that day. My girls were on a swim team last year but it is at a terribly inconvenient time for my boys' schedules, plus it really cramps our school day. They have done soccer and basketball in the past, too. I think the real problem is that I have a hard time managing it all, and the only time dh can help is late afternoon and night (unless he's traveling, which is semi-frequently). Where's the whiney icon? ;)
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