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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. In my never-ending research regarding my dd's first foray into high school next year, I came across a recommendation for this series of books. I've been around the world and back again regarding what curriculum or resources to use for her study of ancient history next year--from WTMA to MFW to Biblioplan to Sonlight. Each of these has its merits but also its own particular challenges to me. I'm really intrigued by The World in Ancient Times series as a spine and am wondering if it is too light to be considered high school level. Does anyone have any experience in using this as a high school resource?
  2. Thanks! This is the first time I've ever seen this particular resource.
  3. Thanks! I’m unfamiliar with this but will give it a look.
  4. Thanks, Farrar. I’ll try to find a copy and give it a look.
  5. I’d thought of that but hoped for something random (“mixed”) and already done (“bought ready-made,” as my granny used to refer to her clothing).
  6. My 8th grade dd is using Foerster's Algebra I with success but we learned when she took a mid-book exam that she would benefit from some spiraled review. I'm thinking about something like Math Minutes, only for Algebra I. Does anyone know of such a resource? We've tried to use Khan Academy for this purpose but have been unable to make it work the way we need it to. We need something simple and quick.
  7. Both classes use SWB’s ancient history book. I’m looking for some feedback about how the classes are different. This will be my dd’s first yearlong online class. (She is enrolled in study skills through WTMA this semester.) I’m mostly doing it because I need to outsource some with three younger students. Ancient history is her choice. I intend to pair it with a homegrown lit class that will likely utilize some EIL modules for ancient lit in addition to some other things. Edited to add: After realizing it’s Potter’s School and not Wilson Hill that has this class, I also realized that it’s billed as an 8-9th grade class at TPS. Does this mean it’s not high school level at all? I’d appreciate any input anyone can give. The main reason I’m considering TPS over WTMA is because I’ve been unable to find any reviews of the class/teacher for WTMA but I have seen some positive reviews of TPS teacher.
  8. My dd (age 13, grade8) is working her way through the text. We’ve flip flopped between it and AOPS a couple of times and have finally come back to it for good. Now she needs to make up for “lost” (not really lost, but for Foerster purposes, lost) time. She has done well with Foerster until the last chapter, chapter six, on the quadratic equation. She made a 78 on the chapter test. Then I had her take the mid-term (chapters 1-6) and she made a 75. I’m not a fan of grades in general but she wants grades. I also think it’s instructive for our purposes. My question is this: how should we proceed? I did have her rework the missed chapter six questions to correctness. Should I just do the same on the midterm and call it good? Most of what she missed is careless kinds of errors (she will rarely check her work) or definitions that she didn’t memorize—that sort of thing. What would you do?
  9. I love the idea of making lunch the eighth grader's home ec! Also, the thinking in one hour increments is very helpful. Thank you! I've tried this in the past but need to be more diligent about it. It seems like the kids are as busy as I am!
  10. Yes to the regrouping! We attend a weekly co-op (at which I teach several classes), so I try pretty hard not to schedule other regular things out of the house. However, it is inevitable that things crop up, it seems--especially in the late afternoons. I'm going to have to think long and hard about long-term commitments that affect our days. This is the first year that I've really felt like a working mom, so I can only imagine that it will feel even more like that next year!
  11. Thank you! This is very helpful. As I responded to a previous poster, I am outsourcing a good bit for my upcoming 9th grader this year. It is very helpful to think about how much you're *actually* teaching.
  12. This is a great question! My K-er knows his letters,mostly, and his numbers, colors--all of those things that can be picked up atmospherically. Generally my "must dos" for K have been OPGTTR, RightStart Math level A, a bit of handwriting, and reading aloud. I aspire to do more but haven't really had time since my eldest was in K. LOL
  13. I honestly feel like that's almost where I am, too, some days--probably because I haven't combined enough. I'm trying to be proactive about next year.
  14. It's the "bit chaotic" part I'm dreading. Ha! I tend to work with my younger students first and then cut them loose to play. It seems to work better around here than trying to round them back up again.
  15. I should've clarified that I am outsourcing several things for my eldest dd next year. If all goes as planned right now, she'll be doing DO geometry, history with WTMA, and my dh (a science educator himself) will be teaching a weekly biology class for homeschooled high school students that she and her sister will both take. I will oversee her work but he will meet weekly with them to discuss and do labs. The only things I'll actively teach her are her writing and literature. We haven't fully decided on electives yet. Keeping your littles up later is a great idea!
  16. As my children have gotten older (especially my girls, who are the older pair), I find it harder to combine. I think this is mostly my issue because they're so close in age (18 months apart). It feels like if I combine them too much I might as well put them in the same grade. I find it challenging to NOT do that, though my younger daughter is pretty much on the same level as her older sister except in math.
  17. Thank you, Freesia. Seeing your schedule is helpful. I feel like I shouldn't need this help since I've already done this a few times (adding a K-er), but it feels more daunting than ever. I think you're right about actually writing out a schedule that EVERYONE can see at first, especially.
  18. Thank you all for you replies. I'm taking it all in! I apologize for how long it has taken me to come back and respond. I have tried and tried to log in from my phone but have been unable to do so. Getting on the actual computer is one thing that has fallen by the wayside as I've had more children. LOL
  19. My baby turned five yesterday (sniff, sniff), so I guess next year I will be adding him into the official homeschool mix. Although I know that K only takes a little bit of time, I’m still nervous about making that time. Our schedule already feels overstuffed. The only thing I can figure for it is to start school earlier in the day, but that’s going to require a whole new level of organization on my part. (Either that, a housekeeper, or an increased tolerance for clutter and mess, and that’s already pretty high.) I will have a 9th grader, a 7th grader, and a 3rd grader next year, in addition to the K-er. Anybody out there want to talk me down, share their schedule, or link me to previous threads where this has (surely!) been discussed?
  20. Trying out my login on the new forums
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