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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. No judgment--just curiosity. What is the motivation for your thought-out decision, if you care to share?
  2. I will say that merit aid ain't what it used to be. Both kids have stats within a point (or same as) mine and dh's, and we both qualified for full rides at big state schools (& elsewhere) 30 years ago but chose the local uni. Both kids qualified for tuition elsewhere but not housing. It makes me a little sad, but that's just the way it is. We have always instilled in them how helpful it is to not start adulthood behind financially, so I'm thankful that at least they absorbed that message and seem happy enough to be where they are for free.
  3. My kids LOVED Wild Kratts at that age.
  4. Just wanted to offer my support, once again. As you know, I have lots of OCD experience, and it is a beast.
  5. Thanks for the insight, everyone.
  6. So far--none. Both my oldest got full rides to our local university. Knowing how much NOT having student loan debt helped me and dh get started in young adulthood, this has always been something we encouraged them to work towards. One got all merit aid for tuition to a state university that would require her to go away to live on campus, and after counting the cost of housing, child decided to go local. We were holding our breaths but allowing child to make an independent decision about it, and child eventually did choose the no-cost solution.
  7. Now I am personally interested in the Christmas village. 🤣
  8. This TICKLES me! I have coveted that set but never really verbalized it for fear of what happened to you happening to me. maybe it should be a family project!
  9. I tie off. Many full coverage (every square stitched) stitchers will carry their threads. I tried a little on this one but found it awkward and unwieldy. ETA: I will try to remember to come back and share a pic of the back.
  10. Youngest of 4, no littles, here. He has some in his (shared) room, also. may be time for a hard conversation 😬
  11. Finished my Narnia piece! Now for framing.
  12. DS10 has many sets that are complete. He did keep a lot of them on the shelves of a console table that was behind the loveseat in our living room. For me it was kind of "out of sight, out of mind" because I rarely noticed them and I doubt many people would due to the location of the table. Yesterday we got a new-to-us living room suite (suit? Set?) and the console table will have to go, so currently the legos are on our kitchen table. what is your Lego solution?
  13. This is an interesting conversation, and I have a very sincere question. I have tried to research it a little, and my very minimal research tells me one thing, but I want to put it to the Hive. One of my book clubs is for the BFG, and I am looking at a related craft. Would it be inappropriate cultural appropriation if we make a dreamcatcher and talk about how the Lakota (?) have this belief and practice, using the BFG as a jumping off point? (Kind of as a crafty-aside--not the point of the club at all.). My research tells me it's okay as long as you don't profit from it or do it disrespectfully. I am here to learn.
  14. Chiming in to say with a boatload of btdt experience that there is no reasoning with a 7 yo in the throes of panic and anxiety. In my experience, the anxiety activation alone is enough to hijack a child's will to make it nearly impossible for that child to make a reasoned decision in the moment. ETA: Agreeing with other posters that "being the rock" and insisting on the desired action is the best you can do and will hopefully (eventually) reach the desired outcome. big (((hugs)))
  15. The Met is my #1 can't-be-missed. A Broadway show is a must-do for me if you can swing it.
  16. I used to make falafel, freeze it, and air fry it. yum. Now I want to go to our favorite Lebanese restaurant, but it's several hours away.
  17. Wow! That's impressive! Thanks for sharing!!
  18. Here you go, ma'am: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08W547JH2?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_EGSHD5QATNBSH1QJYE6R
  19. Cookware that a friend who's staying in a cabin at a state park used there and highly recommended
  20. 49 here and can attest to this. I hate it but can't muster the energy to make it different (in whatever ways I could).
  21. Libraries might be able to use them. We have various kid events at mine that we have make-shift lanyards for.
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