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  1. Bjup life science, there’s a lot of similar throughout,
  2. i Agree 30 is too long, but 11 is too short for a rigorous biology course. 6th is now 18-20mins and the teachers are great. Just about perfect course. 11 mins for chapter introduction plus only day on mammals isn’t quite enough when Mrs Vick’s version was 30mins. Hers were great even at 30 because she’s engaging. They’ve also added “guided notes†for 7th and up for science.
  3. Bju and Abeka are decent quality and the sound is good.
  4. Yes, English 6 is 11 minutes and moves very fast, and hard to follow.. 7th grade science is 11-13mins, as is history. I’m just confused as to why the cuts are so dramatic. 15-20mins per subject isn’t unreasonable for a video based program. Thought that’s what the $900 was for.
  5. Yes, the new Abeka is still filmed in a classroom, however they have improved the shooting so it only shows the teacher most of the time instead of the classroom
  6. As a side note one of the lessons on bacteria ends with this statement with no reference or Explaination or scripture reference. “God created bacteria with many helpful uses. Any harm they cause is the result of sin"
  7. The lectures have been cut in half, you’ll be happy with that. :) I’m not because I rely on the lecturers as I cannot teach at the moment. The Mrs Vick excellent ones have been removed and the newer ones are just a teacher reading off words and definitions. :/
  8. Abeka just released the life science. It’s s new textbook and new teacher. They’ve expanded some chapters and added a few new ones. I’m deciding between the two as well. Abeka spends much more time on body, animals and plants compared to Bju. Bju has more on cells/microscopic. I am not a fan of the new Bju videos as the teacher is basically reading words and definitions from the text. She’s not adding explaination or engaging. The video is very short, so the cost seems too high. I’ve watched just about all of the Bju videos, and most of the old Abeka. (Content is very similar, teacher is very different) I can’t get more of the new Abeka to trial. :( Topics covered are very different. I’m on the fence too. Would love to hear what you think and your choice. :)
  9. The video lessons have been cut down by half in most subjects, life science being one of them. The new versions are very stiff, not at all like Mrs. Vick or Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Bullock is very good, too. I just posted about this (didn’t see this thread). Life science is a very rigorous course so I’m confused as to why they shortened the teacher lessons. I’ve watched most of the life science videos and it’s a lot of information without explaination crammed into 10-12 mins. It’s much more of a textbook course now. I’m so disappointed that Bju has done this. Half the teacher time! Mrs. G also does grade 8 science, same 10-12 minutes.
  10. Hello. I had planned on using BJU online videos (out of necessity) I really liked their 20-30min teacher videos, but they’ve changed their format. They’ve cut the lessons down by half. They are now 10-15mins. I don’t understand why they would cut them so drastically. Anybody have experience with the new short videos? English is down to 11mins, as is science and history. (Price hasn’t changed) I’m confused why they did this when their method has such a good reputation. Any input/opinion is appreciated! Thanks!
  11. Hello. I had planned on using BJU online videos (out of necessity) I really liked their 20-30min teacher videos, but they’ve changed their format. They’ve cut the lessons down by half. They are now 10-15mins. I don’t understand why they would cut them so drastically. Anybody have experience with the new short videos? English is down to 11mins, as is science and history. (Price hasn’t changed) I’m confused why they did this when their method has such a good reputation. Any input/opinion is appreciated! Thanks!
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