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Laurie in ON

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Posts posted by Laurie in ON

  1. Heather,


    I think that the table of contents is on-line. I liked the book, and its arrangement. I used it in grade 10, but I did have to be pretty involved. There is lots of analysis and it moves fairly quickly - to get through our history in one year it needs to! We needed to stop and discuss things frequently, and part of me thinks that waiting a year would have been helpful. I was trying to dot the i's and cross the t's in case our daughter went to school for grade 11. (Canadian History is compulsory in grade 10 here.) I think you could easily assign the text for reading, and then use some small portion of every chapter or two for writing assignments. The text is well suited to outlining, and it does a good job of highlighting famous persons and significant events. There are lots of maps and great visuals. There are lots of Reveiw/Reflect/Respond questions in each chapter that make excellent assignments or discussion topics. I noticed when I looked around on the web, that some high school teachers use this text, but they do not use the whole text in a year - they leave out large portions to make time for larger research projects etc.

  2. Ruth, I felt the same way about Canadian History and wanted a full survey for my highschool daughter. I think that Janet Lunn's book is very nicely done, but for younger students. I used it for my younger daughter in gr 7/8. For high school we used Defining Canada: History, Identity, and Culture. It is published by McGraw-Hill for use in gr 11/12. It is thorough and very useable, although many of the assignments are classroom oriented. There is no teachers guide. I had my daughter do lots of outlining and many short papers. We watched some of the Canada: A People's History videos; we are able to get them from the library. I had her read some Canadian literature, also.

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