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Everything posted by Shoeless

  1. No one in my house has had it. DS masks at indoor activities, but he only wants to wear a cloth mask, so 🤷‍♀️. I'm a sometime-masker now. Pharmacy and doctors? Yes. Grocery or Sam's club? Probably not. We get our next COVID vaccines next week.
  2. Ha, I always thought she was older than him. Being mean ages you, I guess.
  3. They're super sweet and kind of slobbery. I don't think I've ever met a mean Great Dane. Big Dog Life is a whole thing. You really have to be into having a Big Dog. Everything they need is more expensive: food, heartworm meds, flea stuff, antibiotics if they need them, (and eventually they will). Bloat is a real risk for this breed; if you get a Great Dane, ask the vet to do a gastropexy when the dog is spayed/neutered, and familiarize yourself with what bloat looks like. Even after gastropexy, it's possible they can bloat, (although unlikely).
  4. Removed myself from a few fb groups that only end up annoying me.
  5. No, no, no, the crust is merely a vehicle to deliver the filling. I'd happily eat cherry pie filling out of the can if left to my own devices.
  6. Pumpkin pie is trash. Cherry pie is where it's at
  7. I disliked her from the moment she said she didn't want to marry Will and cried and cried on her wedding day. Then why marry him? No one cares that she was pregnant; it's not 1900 where she would have dealt with stigma from being an unwed mother. She keeps building this story about how deep everything was with Tupac and how they were soul mates but never slept together, because it was just so other worldly and special and beyond. And they both had alopecia, which further bonds them! And he proposed marriage, but she said no! Because soul mates! Tupac isn't here anymore to contradict any of that, so she can say whatever she wants. She's full of 💩. I wish she'd shut up and/or Will would dump her.
  8. I'm not sure what you are looking at. When I put the stats in for a 6'3" 250 lb male, age 55 (guessing since I don't know exactly how old Scarlett's dh is), I get maintenance calories of 2466 per day. Scroll down to the "cutting" tab. That shows 1966 calories for weight loss, which is a 500-calorie deficit for a sedentary man. 1500 calories is way too low for a man his size. He won't be able to get enough protein at that amount. At 1500 calories a day, he'd be below his basal metobolic rate, which would be bad for his overall metabolism. I'm over a foot shorter than him and 100 lbs lighter and can lose weight on 1500 calories with moderate activity.
  9. Free to download. I've been using these with DS15 for Astronomy this year. Astronomy Lab Manual ALTs — Center for Astronomy & Physics Education Research (caperteam.com) Textbook by the same publisher. I'm using a previous edition that I picked up cheap. Investigating Astronomy These are texts used at local colleges for intro Astronomy for non-majors. Light on math, but not completely devoid of it, either. I'm not sure whether we'll add in Welcome to the Universe: The Problem Book for extra math or A Student's Guide to the Mathematics of Astronomy for more math practice. I'll see if DS15 has a preference.
  10. If he starts logging his food intake now, I bet he will be surprised at how much he really eats. Those sauces, gravies, dressings pack a lot of calories. Good luck to him. I lost 70lbs over the pandemic while hypothyroid and perimenopausal. It's not impossible to lose weight.
  11. I know that ebooks are "real". The entire point was that children, when given a choice, choose physical, ink-on-paper books rather than a screen, which was me riffing on the comment about electronic textbooks. And it's a lot quicker to type "real" book than "physical, ink-on-paper" book.
  12. Where are you getting that number? I get just under 2000 calories for a guy his size. 1500 is way too low. https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=male&age=55&lbs=250&in=75&act=1.2&f=2
  13. Measure and document everything he eats. He probably under estimates his intake. Get a food scale, measuring cups, etc. Log it all in an app like chronometer or MyFitnessPal. Calculate his daily calorie needs on tdeecalculator.net. 1500 is WAY too little for a guy that size. He'll lose too much muscle mass on that amount. I am 5'2" and 1500 was *my* calorie needs to lose weight! Most doctors don't know much about weight loss. Starving yourself won't lead to keeping weight off long term. When I plugged his numbers into the calorie calculator, it says he should eat 2000 calories a day for weight loss, assuming he is sedentary.
  14. Absolutely! As it turns out, we don't host much anymore because all of our people have other plans they prefer not to change. That's fine; I'm happy to host if things change. The invite stands. I grew up with women that deeply resented holidays. They either yelled or sulked from Halloween until New Year's, and while some of their complaints were probably justified, some of it was just drama. They didn't feel like they could say "This is what I want". Instead, they rushed around making everyone else's Christmas dreams come true and then held it against us. I didn't want to be one of those women that seethes with resentment about holidays. Mom gets to have the kind of holiday she wants, too.
  15. I didn't say it did. I was responding to another poster. Enjoy your evening.
  16. I think there's lingering harm from getting in over your head financially on a car payment, (and ruining your credit), or paying for a divorce from a person that just wanted you for TriCare and BAQ. The military can't stop them from doing these dumb things was my point. Once they get to their duty station, they're free to make as many bad choices as they like. All the military can do is say "That's a bad idea", but they can't stop them.
  17. There's only so much the military can do to reign in dumb decisions in the newly enlisted. When I arrived at my training station, I had to sit through a class on why it's a bad idea to buy a car and/or get married right then. There was a big trend of brand new airmen rushing out and getting a car they could not afford and/or a wife they didn't know well. My roommate got married after knowing a guy for 6 weeks. Another friend married a woman with a kid from a previous marriage. They divorced after 4 months. There's something about the combo of new freedom plus a steady paycheck plus the high of making it through basic training that leads to very bad decisions for a lot of new grads.
  18. Ok, well, I didn't mean "Decide now for the rest of your lives and never change". My advice is for new or soon to be parents for the young family years, not grown adults in their 80s. Anyway, this is a drift from the original topic, so I will let it drop.
  19. Why is it difficult to decide? I see so many complaints from parents at the holidays due to travel expectations. People hauling kids all over, having multiple dinners because each Grandma insists on having Christmas her way, with all the grandkids. Everyone is exhausted and stressed. Why do that? My DH and I have been firm on the "no travel for holidays" stance. Everyone is welcome to come here and I will host to the best of my ability. Some years have been simple, other had more elaborate hosting. If people don't want to come, ok. We'll see you another day. My people are all guilt-trippers and throw fits if they don't get their way at the holidays. I'm opting out of that. The point I was making is that new parents should think about what they want THEIR traditions to look like. When they picture the perfect Christmas, is it at their own home or waking up at Grandma's? Or something else?
  20. I overheard a conversation between two librarians a few years back. They were discussing how adults like ebooks but the kids always ask for "a real book" when offered an ebook.
  21. One piece of advice I give to new parents is to decide if they want to be a family that travels for holidays or a family that hosts. Figure out what you want your major holidays to look like and manage expectations right away because it's hard to reset expectations later.
  22. Visit whenever I can. Not insist on every holiday needing to be at my house.
  23. I see more people interested in DIY and cooking from scratch.
  24. You might try asking about interest on some of the national homeschool groups on facebook, too.
  25. I'm kinda-sorta interested in this. This is a topic where I don't know what I don't know, so having a very laid-out intro program would be appealing to me.
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