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Everything posted by PineFarmMom

  1. I wouldn't want any of my children riding a kayake on the ocean without my permission and/or my presence no matter how much practice the adult had had. Even with a skilled person, the ocean is a dangerous place. BUT I will say it sounds as if, given the situation with them, that they have overreacted. I agree with the others that you should back off a little and give it time. Just be kind in your responses, and I'd let them make the next move towards getting together. T
  2. We want it too. Tell us all about it!! It sounds great!! T
  3. Any desire or interest I had to read what you said before or after this statement is out the window since you sink to such a level as name-calling. I just had to get onto my 4 and 2yo sons a while ago. I expect it of kids. sad.
  4. I'm reading "The Last Jihad" right now, on recommendation by my dad. Interesting. Teresa
  5. Oh, you'll love it. We went last May. I have to say that Dollywood was one of my all-time favorite amusement parks. The atmosphere is just neat there. They put so much into the "feel" of the park. If it's supposed to be a 50s area, it has that feel; the mine area had this one guy who walked around and helped you find where you were going. His name was "Ole Coot" and he so looked the part. It was just fun. We loved it!! It is beautiful there. We didn't have enough time to do all the things we wanted to do. Have fun!! I want to go back. Teresa
  6. Yes. I had forgotten those...ridiculous is what they are. No redeeming qualities at all!! Teresa
  7. Stephen King Anne Rice Those are two specific ones I wish I hadn't wasted brain cells on. I never read anything back then that exalted Christ. I regret that. It definitely affected me negatively. :( Junkin; junk out, as they say. Teresa
  8. That is what homeschooling is right now. I am so. very. ready for school to be done!!! Each day, I say tomorrow I'll be more enthused. It isn't happening. I've been doing anything to sidetrack myself from the school at hand. I give them their work and leave the room because I'm so sick of it. They aren't uncooperative or anything...we're just tired!!! We have this week and one more week left. What do you do to finish well? I feel like we're all getting lazy and that our school year is going to end badly because of it. Any ideas? T
  9. I think they would be: Jesus (He is always with me, but in person would be great.) Corrie ten Boom Ronald Reagan (THE best president ever. ever!) Mother Theresa My grandmother who died 7 years ago
  10. We're going camping this weekend, and I'm looking for some camping recipes. I'd also like fun ideas for things to do with the kids while there. I mean, other than the obvious fishing, swimming, hiking, etc. I was thinking of maybe a craft or...something?? Any ideas? Thx T
  11. You know, my mother and I were discussing this yesterday. I agree. We are not overpopulated. It's interesting to hear the cries of this, that there is a food shortage and too many people on earth, etc., when the govt. pays my parents NOT to farm the 50 acres they inherited from my grandmother here in TX. They plant a certain type of grass to keep the land up, but have an agreement with the govt. that they won't farm. I feel we need the farms at this point due to the ethanol mess we've gotten ourselves into. This has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. I have my own opinions of the Duggar situation that I choose to keep to myself at this point.
  12. I looked at Growing with Grace and it sounds pretty good. I'm trying to find a sample on there and will check it out further when I find that. Strider, I appreciate your comments on CDG. It sounds very good. The price is steep for our little church, but if I feel God is leading us to that, I'm sure He will make a way. At this point, we have around 15-20 children, total, 2-12 years old. We are going to purchase the curriculum and divide them, for now, into 2 main groups, 7 and under and 8-12 (this has most to do with the lack of willing teachers). I was wondering if the curriculum would fit well to pick one of the older levels for the 8-12 group and pick maybe the kindergarten curr. for the youngers? Would I be better just picking another curriculum entirely until our church grew enough to divide the ages more? Thanks for the help. Teresa
  13. My bil is in the oil industry..he's a patent lawyer for an oil company. It is my understanding that even some chip bags are a petroleum product. I think I remember him pointing specifically to a Doritos bag one time. I didn't know that before. Teresa
  14. I am seeing Children Desiring God being a big hit here. I have a couple of questions: First, I don't want to treat the Bible as a textbook. I want it to be very spirit-led. I am getting the feeling that is what CDG would be but I want to make sure. It's just like certain curriculum for homeschool we've used...some of it, yes, we have gotten Bible facts, but the heart was missing. I am desiring heart AND depth. Second: How easy/difficult would it be as a pick-up-and-go curriculum? I am very interested, myself, in preparing and studying ahead, but any of our volunteers may not feel the same. There are only a few of us and I know a couple of them are fairly new in their faith. How would that curriculum jibe with what we have? I'm grateful to all of you for your help! Teresa
  15. I do agree with you that things do happen. I have to say, though, that my sympathies would be much stronger if they had not taken steps to lessen their own abilities to be responsible parents. If, say, I go to the bathroom and my child walks out the door, that is a very different thing than me making the choice to get totally shnockered, dropping comatose in my bed, and my small children (who I am legally obligated to protect and care for by the way) walk out of the house and get lost somewhere. I don't think it's judging, it's just common sense and my obligation to avoid getting in a situation that I'm unable to function like the adult that I am. Btw, I am not unsympathetic to those who make mistakes. I just have a very hard time sympathizing with this. Teresa
  16. Dh and I are heading up our children's ministry at church now. I'm wanting to make some changes. We are an evangelical church, a mission of a Baptist church, so I'm looking for something that would line up doctrinally but not be fluffy like some of the curriculums I've seen in that realm. We were previously involved in a Bible church and LOVED how they taught the kids. It was thorough, solid, enjoyed by all the kids and not a bit fluffy. The problem is that they created the curriculum themselves and I don't know if they'll sell it. I feel very led that I am to research and find something really sound that they will learn the Bible, spiritual truths, and how to follow the Spirit's leading. Does anyone have suggestions? What has your church done, even in addition to the curriculum, that have deepened your children's walk with the Lord? Thanks Teresa
  17. ...but as an adult, I can easily look back and see some of the problems they had. I think it's just healthy now to be able to know where I and my parents get some of our quirks. ;) I have some of the tendencies that both my grandmother's had. They both had insecurities that affected my sense of worth as I grew up. They were both dear and loving. They would have flown me to the moon if I'd asked and they were able. I love them to pieces, still, even after they are gone, and have grace for their weaknesses. I also refuse to live in denial of their frailties and shortcomings, because looking at those things has helped me to confront generational issues and pray about them and that they won't affect my own dc.
  18. Strider, that post was so very helpful!! I didn't even post the question and I feel blessed from reading your responses. I had to laugh. I haven't been very good about giving rep points. I decided to add to your reps on this and it said "You have to spread more rep points around before adding to Strider's again." That is a paraphrase of it. I guess you're just too darn helpful for your own good and I need to go saying good things about others before I say anything else positive about you. :001_smile: BTW, is your study on OT and Christ something you'd offer to the masses? My dh and I have just started having a say in what is taught to the children at church. This sounds like some of what I'm trying to do in our children's ministry...I so want to give these kids a solid background in the Word and not just fluff. Tips? Teresa Teresa
  19. I always know that there are people here who just know more than me. ;) I was completely unaware of the other tests y'all are talking about. I'll look into them. How are they in comparison to Iowa or Stanford? I mean, do they give an accurate idea of how a child would be doing grade-level wise? Why does the Iowa & Stanford require a bachelor's anyway? I have an associates...seems like they should allow people to administer this to children without a degree of any kind. How does a degree assist in administering a test anyway? You don't have to answer that...it's just me pondering in irritation. :glare: Teresa
  20. In the past, we have done Iowa testing. This year someone in our homeschool association offered to do the Stanford test. We signed up, the woman e-mailed a mass e-mail with all the people signed up, but even after numerous e-mails to her on my part, would never send the info as to what address to send the tests to. You have to order 4 or more weeks in advance, the test is scheduled for mid-May, the woman never sent the info, and it's too late to find another test. Can you tell I'm irked? So that's the background info. Are there other ways to test? I don't have a bachelors so I can't administer the tests to the dc, and I'm not that interested in giving them one of the past TAKS tests. I just want a standard test and a way to find out how we're doing. I figured some of you might have some good advice for me on this. Is there one I'm not aware of? Thanks so much for any help!!
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