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Everything posted by PineFarmMom

  1. I believe, at this point, my children are spoiled to eating what they enjoy rather than what is economically wise, kwim? I don't feed them unhealthy foods (well, sometimes, but not the majority), it's just that I haven't been as careful as I'd like, requiring them to just eat what we have, planning wisely, etc. We learned some huge lessons a few years ago about financial wisdom, through a crisis and prayer. I don't want to think it didn't stick, so I've decided to make a change, whether they like it or not. ;) So what are some good, healthy, inexpensive breakfast, lunch, dinner & snack ideas. We are particularly having problems with lunch and snacks. Breakfast is usually cereal of some type, a bagel, frozen waffles & fruit, oatmeal & fruit, or some eggy thing. I could probably use some breakfast wisdom, but it's not quite as bad as our other two meals. I've just gotten lazy in my planning & spending. Ideas?? Teresa
  2. From the article: "While my generations' parents are only "partly tainted" (which is bad enough), my generation is totally screwed up. Not having grown up with the sound values of our grandparents, but instead with those propagandized by the nanny state, the grandchildren of the welfare state have no understanding whatsoever of economics." My 21yo nephew spent a year abroad last year. He's a keen, mean, political/economical machine for his age. This is much what he saw in Sweden. It looked good to him upon his first arrival, but then he saw the truth after spending some time there. Interesting. Socialism is bad for everyone, it's just been proven too often in history. T
  3. Since you quoted me here, I thought I'd have to throw out that I didn't even watch the video in question. My name and quote seemed to be attached to something I had nothing to do with placing out in cyberspace. T
  4. hehehehe I know!! People hate it that there is FINALLY one news network that is not a liberal mouth. It is funny how that works!:lol::lol::lol: Teresa
  5. Change for the sake of change, though, often isn't the best. I definitely see him making changes, but will they be for the best, since he seems to be such a socialist? I don't think so. T
  6. I guess I'm really surprised by the responses. Yes, as far as a potential black president, I believe we have come a very long way and there is much to be joyful about on THAT. BUT I don't think very much of the character of the man, despite his race, nor do I think much of the character of Hill'ry, despite her gender. I'm afraid that there is still so much blindness in this area that people will vote that direction JUST so we can have a black president, as they would have JUST so we could have a female. I know I'll get tomatoes. Throw them if you like. I wish the people had had more to choose from democrat as well as republican. T
  7. No, you are not a lone dissenter here. I think Sam did the right thing. I am wondering...I may have missed the age of J. I didn't see that he was 7. Situations like that are what bravery is about, fighting for females and children. He got a combo of both. I'd be proud of him. :) T
  8. I've finally learned...after a few mistakes...that I'm best to not divulge our education choices unless I am asked. For the ones that have asked (or I've told without thinking), I have had a variety of responses from good responses to bad responses to "when are you going to put them in school?" I had a family situation last weekend where my sil's mom was there, very sweet woman, asked me about homeschooling, and it seemed that her main goal was in pinning me down as to when I was going to put them in school. She knew several people who homeschool and didn't seem negative, per se. She just seemed convinced that there would come a time in the near future that I'd end it all and put my oldest (now 7th) into ps. I am very vague when questioned to that end. I just don't feel it my job to nail a date nor to explain our convictions, etc. I usually say something that would equal, "well, so far we are enjoying it." I've had that question several times, actually. I've discovered, though, that there are several pleasant people out there who are just interested and not negative about it. I just never know when I'm going to run across the random negative person. :tongue_smilie: T
  9. I'm game. I have done some of this already, the preschool bags. We do have fun with them...I just forget sometimes we have them. If I had an even larger grouping of them, that would be helpful, switch things up a bit. Teresa
  10. Yes. I was thinking of that scripture, but couldn't remember the words exactly. It is difficult for some people when they don't have enough to occupy their time. That's why God's word tells us to teach the younger women to be "busy at home." I should probably heed that and get off my hiney. :lol: But your response made me think of a family member's mil. She has nothing to do all day but sit and let her mind wander from situation to situation where she may or may not have been offended in her 75 years of life, and she's made all around her miserable. I could see her making a snide comment to someone in a grocery store. It has taught me that I have to let God gird up my mind and renew my mind and keep my mind and mouth from wandering. :)
  11. Eleni, I'm struggling with this myself. We spend most of our homeschool year very structured. We use the MOTH chart, have a list of chores to do before we get to video games, tv, etc. I have an inconsistency gene or something, though. Right now we are going through a heavy-duty dose of disorganizational chaos. I can see, sort of, how we got here, but my mind swims when I try to think of how to get out. My 2yo is constantly wanting a snack or to change shirts (this is a whole other post). They fight a lot. My older kids have become lazy. It has been building for about 2 months. It seems, right now, that every time I make attempts to move forward and get back on schedule, I have one or two failures and I give up. I'm praying that God will assist me and get us on track for the summer so it doesn't stay this way. I'm thinking of looking at Flylady again, just for some encouragement. T
  12. The whole "summer break" thing is an issue for us here also. For some reason, I wind up feeding myself a lot of guilt when they aren't using their time wisely or are blowing a period of time playing the Wii or tv or computer or some other useless time-waster. The alternative requires me working harder to help them occupy themselves than I do during homeschool. It makes me weary because I look forward to some time just organizing, reading, planning, without the continual looking over their shoulder. sigh We aren't done with school yet. This is our last week. Dd wants to run a marathon next year, so I'm thinking of creating an exercise schedule for her. I need to create some type of schedule and stick with it so we don't just waste our lives. I just wish I was one of those extremely driven people who required some new skill to be perfected over the summer months. I have really good intentions, but... T
  13. Yes, that was rude...I'm with you there. Taking it upon herself to guide a total stranger on how they should dress, well, that's stepping out of line to be sure, particularly in front of their kids! T
  14. We have 4 kids and we buy 4 gallons a week. It's just life for us. I've tried 3 and it never works. If someone scrutinized me based on my milk purchase, I'd have to wonder if maybe they need something new to consume their time. :lol:
  15. I've been overweight and I've been tiny. There is a very big difference in the comments for either of those two. I'm sorry. I just can't sympathize with you on that one. It is very much different for someone to make comments about how large someone is than how tiny they are.
  16. If they are, I don't know. It was the first I had heard of it...I just think it's wrong!!! T
  17. Ds' best friend goes to the ps here in town. He is a 4th-grade straight-A, gifted-and-talented student. His TAKS scores are awesome. He has missed quite a bit of school this year, mostly due to sickness, some due to some days they just didn't get there (I think his mom said they had 4 or so days like this, and she admits she failed on that end). Anyway, she is being taken to court by the school system and is potentially/probably going to be fined for it. I heard $500, but I'm not going to quote that amount because that came through children, and I forgot to ask her about that sum of $$. Anyway, the school district is doing this because each day a child doesn't come to school the system doesn't get the certain amount of $$ for that particular child. I'm just...appalled!! IF he was failing or doing poorly as a result of these missed days, I think I'd possibly...that is a big "possibly" feel differently, but he's undeniably ahead in school. It just. makes. me. so angry!! Ummm, last I checked, she DOES pay for her son to go to school...it's called taxes. GRRRR. T
  18. :iagree: to all that you said!! Govt. dependency is at an all-time high. I think my eyes were really opened to it when Hurricane Katrina happened. I'd have to really sit and think about the details of it to go further, but the need for EVERYONE to feel the pinch is a necessity for intelligent decision-making in this matter, that I agree with wholeheartedly. T
  19. I am with you. Quite frankly, I get extremely annoyed when any minority group grabs something like this and creates a bunch of hubbub over it when it's nothing to get upset about. I think people are overreacting to this. I just want to be sure of the things I'm crying foul about, carefully pick the hills I want to die on. This is not one of them. I mean, come on...I honestly believe that a public school has more use to $5,000 worth of sports equipment than I do.:confused: I don't know...the whole thing annoys me! I love this homeschool life, but I mean, really!!!:rolleyes: T
  20. Are these the same people that do "The Way of the Master" radio show? With Kirk Cameron? I can't tolerate that show. It is so very legalistic. It may not be the same people. It's like you've got their version of "The way of God" and that's the way it has to be done or your wrong. I get the feeling when I listen to them that if I'm not standing on a pedestal outside my local Target store evengelizing the world then I'm not doing things the way God wants me to. Ick! T
  21. dh has a brother who has creditors calling us. What chaps me about it? His EX-WIFE gave them our number, telling them that we'd be the best ones to talk to to find him. I told them last time that she is the one who talks to him all the time and that we never see him. I re-directed them back to her. I now hang up without further conversation.
  22. OH my gosh!!! ROFL!!! Barney Fife at your service, ma'am. :lol: T
  23. :lol:Oh wow!! I was thinking the same thing....watch out with that question. I'm on the side of the OP, though. Chivalry...where has it gone? I think you were very kind to that boy. T
  24. I've read The Great Divorce 3 or 4 times and I get some wonderful new nuggets each time I read it. I LOVE that book!! To me, though, it doesn't seem to ever get the recommendations that it should. I have nothing new to add to this. As a Christian, like others, my recommendations would be the Bible first & Mere Christianity second, but The Great Divorce is definitely one I'd add, though I hadn't thought of it until this poster recommended it. T
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