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Everything posted by PineFarmMom

  1. I would love a situation like this so long as the people around me had the same goals and morals that I hold. This sounds like the description I hear of my parents' small-town upbringing. No public transportation though.
  2. I'm unaware of the mental health situation there. My niece just moved from living there for a few years and she had great things to say about the way they manage children and the respect and lack of crime. We were all awed at the age of children taking buses and going to the store by themselves, etc. She seemed to think it would be a good model for other countries. Our crime rates would keep it from being ok here. I'm very very much for less government involvement in, well, everything, so...
  3. I don't know the answer to this but I'm pretty stunned at the number of people who are in favor of giving this kind of power over to the government. They are notoriously poor at planning and spending. They have done poorly on the education system. I don't trust them with even more.
  4. I'm just starting with flylady (again). I downloaded the app. Are the videos helpful? I started it once many moons ago before things were more high tech.
  5. My son is using DO algebra 1 right now and really liked it!! We switched from Saxon and he is so thankful! We are doing the half-price option and another thing that has been nice is that there isn't a ton of homework for me to grade. He does a lot of practice problems that he grades himself and watches explanatory videos when he gets them wrong. There is homework just ancouple of times a week so far. This was a definite perk for me. 😂
  6. Spelling workout (my oldest is 22 and my youngest is 7...we have stuck with this for 17 years of homeschooling.) Singapore math (this has proven itself in a huge way) Tapestry of Grace (I am on my 8th year. My only regret is that I feel I don't utilize it like I should...do much awesome in one curriculum) Apologia science Memorial press Latin Explode the code 100 ez lessons
  7. I agree!! It is all stealing and it is all wrong. It is looting no matter your skin color.
  8. Yes! It is unbelievably narcisstic. I won't participate.
  9. That is truly one of the coolest stores ever!!! We spent a lot of time in there last year buying furniture. Our kids spent a lot of time on those bouncing beds. :) When you walk in the door you get blue bell ice cream, soft drinks, cake. They have bowls of fruit also. Then in the middle of the store is a tall cage with monkeys. We had the best time shopping for furniture. There were Mackaws and a playground too. They know how to run a business!! And I will add there are a ton of people who are huge fans of his and will always remember his kindness to people and his going beyond the call of duty!! That he considered people's pets!!!! :)
  10. I looked and can't find a place on this thread that said only Christians were helping.
  11. Don't forget to add that it is "false" to the list. I love what I'm seeing from my community and from my brothers and sisters in Christ as so many around me are coming together to take care of those around us. 😊 I'm not a fan of JO because his teaching is not Biblical. He wants money and fame. There are plenty of false teachers out there like that. None of this shocks me about him. Babylon Bee had a humorous take on this yesterday but I thought their timing was too soon because it is all too raw.
  12. This was taken care of. They are super helpful!! So glad we found this.
  13. They sent me the solutions. I really wonder if there was a miscommunication. I am wondering if the secretary thought I wanted written-out solutions and not just an answer key?!? DO emailed me the answers and was nice about it, saying they thought I had already received them. I'm going to update the original part too. I'm happy. Do really likes his teaching!!!
  14. Just sharing for all. I'm not good at linking. On fb, there is a group called Hurricane Harvey Homeschool Donations. I haven't perused it fully. I just joined it today. The page was created to help homeschool parents in and around the Houston area. obviously this is a very specific need but some of you May have curriculum you want to give.
  15. I emailed back and told them I am requesting the answers to homework, tests, and semester exams. I hope they will provide them. My son told me he really likes the videos and the work so far. We used Saxon 8/7 last year. He did well, but oh we were so so weary of it!! We were thankful for this change.
  16. I know this may be of less importance but there is a fb group that I am on that is all about homeschoolers donating curriculum and books to those who have lost their curriculum. We are in an affected area, and I know Samaritans Purse is doing work in this as well. At this point, you can throw a stick and hit a good place to share your resources for the flooding. Our last large furniture purchase we bought through Gallery furniture. The owner of that store has been so awesome through this!! He opened both of his warehouses to evacuees, allowing them to bring their pets, providing food and beds!! It's just how he is. Buc-ee's has been pretty amazing too.
  17. I also found a website where you can enter your address and it will tell you your elevation. We are in an affected area near Houston. Our house is high on a hill and I know we are high enough to not flood out.
  18. They are telling me that the only way to get the answers is to sign up for the full-price option.
  19. Just FYI to anyone interested in DO, they emailed me and told me the only way I can get answers is for them to do the grading for me.
  20. We started this last week. I was under the impression that if I chose to grade it myself, the answers to the homework and tests would be there somewhere. I see solutions to practice problems but not the homework or tests. Do I have to go back and pay the full price and let them grade in order to not have to work all the problems myself? I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!!
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