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Everything posted by Sandwalker

  1. Doctors even prescribed amphetamines to pregnant women in the '1940's-1950's so they wouldn't gain too much weight.
  2. And the high-heeled shoes so we can't run away
  3. Oh it's the best for vegan food! We are vegan and have the 8 qt size so we can make extra and freeze. Dried beans cook soooo fast and well, amazing. And so many one pot meals!http://instantpoteats.com/20-instant-pot-vegan-recipes-that-everyone-will-love/ https://www.rawtillwhenever.com/epic-vegan-instant-pot-cooking/
  4. I did post a link above. Here's a portion of it. ..."Alarming as this trend is, though, there’s no need to be worried about a lice uprising just yet. Recently developed prescription medications like Natroba and Ulesfia do appear to still work tremendously well against them, though the threat of eventual resistance is certain the more of them we use. Elsewhere, there are other OTC products like LymeMD, which don’t use insecticides at all, that have shown some promise as a reliable anti-lice treatment. Rather than chemically attack their nervous system, as pyrethroids do, the treatment, a silicone-based gel often used in cosmetics, physically prevents lice from excreting water and lubricates the hair so lice and their eggs can be more easily removed by a specialized comb, the latter treatment still being an important part of combatting a lice infestation. Just don’t count on any natural treatments that promise to “suffocate†the bugs — those definitely don’t work. Source: Gellatly K, Krim S, Palenchar D, et al. Expansion of the Knockdown Resistance Frequency Map for Human Head Lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) in the United States Using Quantitative Sequencing. Journal of Medical Entomology. 2016." http://www.medicaldaily.com/super-lice-are-now-rule-not-exception-what-happens-next-394363 Edit to re-post link
  5. I'm glad it worked for you; these studies say that smothering them with home remedies is ineffective, and so are the usual over the counter pesticides. http://www.medicaldaily.com/super-lice-are-now-rule-not-exception-what-happens-next-394363 http://www.pediatricnursing.org/article/S0882-5963%2804 Edit fixed link
  6. Is it an electric toothbrush? Maybe someone was playing with it and didn't want to get in trouble...
  7. Some of today's head lice are resistant to the pesticides used for them, so parents just shave off the hair in despair. Hair is a big thing for women, including teens. Many religions, including Christianity, mention it in their writings. Trigger warning for mention of spells. http://magicguru.org/self-development/about-hair.html
  8. No he likely wanted to punish his ex-wife through the teenager, and the stepmother didn't stop him. Hair is a huge thing to women, getting it cut off forcefully is horrible--almost like losing a body part. "Hair and beauty is a multibillion-dollar industry, and the average woman spends approximately $50,000 on her hair over her lifetime and almost two hours a week washing and styling her hair. This is not just because many of us believe that appearances are important, but also because our hair represents our personality, thoughts and beliefs. For centuries, women have been able to play different roles by changing different hairstyles, and from their stories, we can see that hair contributes greatly to women’s self-esteem, actions and motives."https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5567365
  9. Encouraging people to wash their hands, to disinfect surfaces, to keep hands away from the face, to get enough sleep, healthy food, and water, to stay away from sick people, to get vaccinated, and to stay home if they're sick seems like common sense to me rather than hype. Edit for grammar
  10. I'm a nurse who works OB, and our doctors advise women with blood pressure that is rising during pregnancy to cut down on the salt and eat good lean protein to help flush out the edema. And of course watch for preeclampsia signs, especially after 32 weeks gestation.
  11. Strep is a bacteria that needs antibiotics in children. There's a small chance it can affect the heart. Your little one may not have strep, as for some reason those under 6 years old aren't as susceptible.
  12. "The most common symptoms of strep throat include: Sore throat, usually starts quickly and can cause pain when swallowing A fever Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus Tiny, red spots (petechiae) on the roof of the mouth (the soft or hard palate) Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck Other symptoms may include headache, stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting. Someone with strep throat may also have a rash known as scarlet fever (also called scarlatina). Strep throat symptoms typically do not include: Cough Runny nose Hoarseness (changes in your voice that makes it sound breathy, raspy, or strained) Conjunctivitis (also called pink eye) These symptoms suggest that a virus is the cause of the illness."
  13. How high are the fevers? Any coughing? Body aches?
  14. Rice and tomatoes and beans with avocado, lentils and potatoes with onions and carrots, black beans and sweet potatoes with hot sauce, or split peas, carrots, and potatoes. Spice away and add greens to everything. We cook extremely low salt-- you need spices. Ginger, turmeric, curry, spicy peppers, black pepper, etc to get the flavors. Try Mrs Dash at first to see her no-salt spice mixtures. Your taste buds get used to low salt after a time.
  15. Well yes, I meant commercial soups.
  16. Most people will recover fine, but there is the small percentage who die. A doctor at our local hospital was on shift and went out to his car to rest--and never woke up. Influenza at 54.
  17. I am receiving an amazon delivery today of a $25 (!) bottle of elderberry syrup. I bought it for $15 earlier in the season...Price gouging!
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