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10 Good
  1. That's a great idea! What I loved about these cards was their flexibility. I feel honored that this method struck a chord with you because there are some wonderful suggestions that have come forth. For me, this was one of those things that, in retrospect, I would have used more extensively. My dd graduated and I had loaned her timeline book to a dear friend. When my friend recently returned it, my first impression was how much empty space there was in the timeline. My second impression was how creative those little picture cards were; my dd had used richly colored markers for most of them. They brought back good memories. You can always add the cards to a book timeline later if you ever feel that you must do a timeline. We actually didn't glue the cards in, but just slid them into picture protectors in the proper place. They would probably make great scrapbooking material as well. One more thing: these cards store well in an index card holder (you can get the long holders if you accumulate a lot of cards). I used index card dividers (like for a recipe box), and labeled them with dates every 500 to 1000 years for BC and then closer increments for AD dates. It makes them easier to store and find them as you progress. Hope this is clear. Have fun!
  2. I have used a timeline book before, but my favorite way of dealing with timelines was to use 3 x 5 index cards. When she was younger, my dd would color a picture on one side and write the infomation on the other side. (You could probably use printed pictures if you don't have an artistic child.) One great thing about doing it this way was that when she got a stack of them, we would scramble them up and see if she could lay them out in correct order on the floor. And if we didn't get around to making cards all the time, there were no empty sections in the timeline book to make me feel guilty. Later on, in highschool, we did a regular timeline book and then glued these pictures onto the pages. My favorite part of this book is still those beautiful little 3 x 5 cards.
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