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Everything posted by Cricket

  1. We've had success with Airborne (we usually use the Walgreens generic version). Plus what Beth said: wiping everything with disinfecting wipes and lots of hand washing.
  2. My 6 yo tested for his orange belt on Saturday and my 9 yo tested for his senior brown belt. Only three more belts to go for him until his black belt. That will probably be next fall. They both love it.
  3. My boys' tae kwon do gym wants them to hand in a report card with their application for each new belt. It's a way for the instructors to see how they are doing in school and encourage them to do better if they need to. We tend to go over material until they know it. We don't do tests in the traditional sense. I wouldn't even know how to give grades. I guess I could give them all A's. :) This last time I wrote a few sentences about how they were doing with their school work. At each belt test, they usually read the grades if the student is doing well. (They never embarrass any struggling student.)
  4. We had a little leftover chicken from last night. Warm the tortillas, roll some leftover meat in them, fry until crispy. (You have to hold the rolled tortilla in the hot oil for a few seconds to harden it or it will open and spill the filling in the oil.) The kids love them. Rather full of fat so I don't make them often.
  5. does Jacob's cabin appear and disappear and change places? Remember when Hurley tried running away from it and then saw it again in front of him? Then he closed his eyes and it was gone. weird. Jacob really creeps me out. :) But Locke did find the ashes so the cabin should have been there. I thought Locke knew Hurley was there. Didn't Locke look out of the hole in the door when Hurley was peeking in?
  6. Did we ever find out what happened to all the children that the Others had? It's been so long, I've forgotten!
  7. I wish they would classify them in another way. There is a huge difference between a boyfriend and girlfriend a few years apart and a grown man or woman preying on young children.
  8. Not fancy but good comfort food. You can freeze meatballs and meatloaf before you good them or after they are cooked. Twice-baked potatoes freeze well. Soups are good but if you have potatoes in the soup, they usually turn to mush.
  9. Normal people sitting in their houses just think up this stuff? There seems to be such a focus now on not just murder and violence but torture. Like all these new horror films out. It's just so twisted. It bothers me a little that there are people sitting around thinking up this stuff. :)
  10. As long as you follow the directions, you will be fine. I made jams and jellies, salsas, onion relish, corn relish, canned lots of different fruit. I only canned meat once. It was before I had a baby and I thought it would be easy to just open a can and heat it. I miss having a garden!
  11. On our first anniversary we spent most of the day cutting and splitting firewood. Days like that aren't important to dh. This year though he is the one who remembered and I forgot. I think dh would like to do something special since he knows I would like it, but in reality we are so busy. Flowers would be nice though even if we can't go out!
  12. It worked! (I couldn't figure out how to resize it on my computer at first.)
  13. If I have a photo I want to use, do I have to upload it somewhere? Do I have to resize it? Help!
  14. They take the daily medication which works very well. They also avoid caffeine and decongestants--anything that is a stimulant.
  15. and like others have said, I think some people have a strong feelings about the issue because of who is presenting it and what Al Gore's and other politicians' remedy for it is. And I believe there simply isn't enough data out there. I laugh when I hear meteorologists say "This is the warmest summer ever!!!" Sometimes they remember to add "uh, on record." Umm, haven't we only been keeping records for just over 100 years? If the Earth really is billions of years old (or even 10,000 years old), I think we need to keep records just a little longer to know what we are talking about. If the climate is changing, and it probably is, I don't believe we can do much about it. I think it is natural cycles the Earth goes through and not man-made. There is evidence that the Vikings used to farm in Greenland, in many places that today are covered with ice. There are fossils of ocean animals found in the middle of Minnesota. We will always have hurricanes in the southeast and sometimes they will be severe. I tend to shrug my shoulders at it and figure future generations will deal with it by moving, changing their lifestyles and farming habits, whatever. Nothing ever remains the same. Isn't that the one constant in life?
  16. I started breaking out into hives whenever I got hot. The sad thing is that it still happens (4 years later!). What is weird is that the dd I was pregnant with at the time is the one who had food allergies.
  17. This is what I think too. I want to start planning their quilts already (and my youngest is 23 months!) My mom made a quilt for each of our dc. I want to bake cookies and play games. All the things I want to do with my dc everyday but life tends to get in the way. I don't see my children's children as "other people's children." They will also be my grandchildren. (Not that I will be telling my dc how to raise their kids.) I think extended family is important. My mom is a great grandma. She is already ready to give me advice (but only if I ask). She takes an active interest in our kids. She and my dad love to talk to the kids on the phone and always ask about things they have been doing. She loves to sit and do puzzles with my 23 month old. She treats my 9 yo ds like a young man. She lets my dc have soda. (grrrrr.....:))
  18. Dh said, "Oh, that already started. It's on tonight." I freaked out just a little. He didn't realize it was last season's finale. Don't scare me like that!!
  19. So far I've had two children volunteer to take the sheets off of my bed and then they argued over who got to take the pillowcases off the pillows. (Volunteering and arguing over chores?!) My oldest who hates to read and write has written the first chapter of a book he is making. He also paid his 4 yo sister to fold and put away his clothes. And she is happy about this. On the way upstairs, after putting her own sheets in the laundry room, she asked for more chores because, as she put it, "I like doing chores like this!" My oldest also cleaned the bathroom without being asked...and it's not even his day to do it. This should be an interesting day!
  20. There is one for the toilet and one for the bathtub. That might make it easier for your older kids to help with the cleaning of the tub/shower. My 9 yo ds helps clean the kids' bathroom three times a week. He wipes everything down (with wet rags followed by disinfecting wipes) and I scrub the toilet and tub. I don't want him spraying chemicals. If I had some of those scrubbers, I'd let him clean the tub. I might have to put some on the grocery list (but we are trying to get by with only necessities for the next month or two).
  21. lol We've gone through that with ds9 too. That was part of his probation. We told him specific things we wanted to see improved in this next month. One was his handwriting. It was so sloppy. Not due to inability but an attitude of "If I hurry up and get this done, I can go play." His handwriting has improved greatly. His spelling too has improved. I was so worried because his spelling was so awful! Now that he actually takes the time to think about what he is writing, his spelling has improved dramatically.
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