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Everything posted by desertstrawberry5

  1. D has done it. 1. It takes a LOT of fruit and veg to make enough juice. You need like 16 ounces of juice per meal. That's like a small shopping basket of veg depending on what you use. When he first started, he was only doing 6-8 ounces and it was just not enough. 2. He was never hungry, but he had terrible cravings. Hes a fast food junky, and it was really hard for him. He was desperate for some fries. 3. It takes a long time to finish the juice. It's a large volume to consume. 4. Look into some flavor combinations. D's juices were not palatable. There are a million ebooks, websites, etc with yummy flavor combos. He did not use them, and it was disgusting. He didn't mind, but I could NOT drink that stuff. Celery jalapeno juice is not for me. 5. The texture i weird. Nothing like bottled juice at all. More like a thin smoothie. Good luck!
  2. Well, we don't have a dining table yet-just a small folding table. But ideally, we all sit together and eat one meal. D and I can't always eat what the kids do, so we might have something different. But dinner is an event.
  3. It's refreshingly cool. We went from above 100 to highs in the 80s in like one day. We had a really hot summer. I'm so glad it's finally cooled down.
  4. I found the religion I actually do believe in. Buddha and I came to a lot of the same conclusions without really knowing each other at all. So once I opened myself up to the idea, it became clear to me that I had been Buddhist all along, I just didn't know it. I had always struggled with the mystical side faith. Any faith. I was raised Deist, so there wasn't a whole lot of magic involved, but still too much for me. But Buddhism IMO is more fact based-if you stick to what Buddha himself said, and avoid all the other stuff that was added by various cultures later. I don't much care about the afterlife, if there is one. Buddha's teaching improve my existence right here today. Maybe look into other faiths outside of the big three? There are lots, you might find one that speaks to you.
  5. D and I have similar conditions. We debated whether or not to pass on our genes. Years ago, when less was known. We decided that our lives, while not perfect, were worth living. We did not think our parents should have chosen not to have us, based on our health. We have done a better job parenting our children with needs than our parents did, because knowledge is better now, help is available, and we understand. Of our five, two have our problems ( one each) and two have something unrelated we could not have predicted. Their needs have been handled infinitely better than ours. We did feel a bit like we were rolling the dice. But I am glad we have the children we do. They are healthy and have a positive outlook.
  6. We did one to two activities per year (dance for me, sports for my brothers), and swim lessons. I was in the school play. It was a good balance.We had fun experiences, exercise, and lots of free time.
  7. My whirlpool crashed out after less than 2 years. I bought a Roper. I've never heard of it, but it was the stripped downest model I could find.
  8. Soy sauce, garlic, brown sugar (or whatever), ginger.
  9. I just reread the Op and saw that you don't lie ylang ylnag. the one I chose smells strongly of ylang ylang, which I adore. So probably not for you. But there are multiple other blends and singles that you might check out.
  10. I didn't know either, but I checked out ours today for the first time. They have a small section of Now oils including a few blends. I have had good luck finding oils Marshalls. Not a huge variety, but usually a few basics, maybe a variety pack, and couple of blends. I know I saw NOW brand blends, but I had not yet tried them. Edit: the ones I tried were VERY strong, despite the low price. I would expect them to be quite dilute, but they were not. I was thinking that I might actually need to dilute this blend further as it was quite strong.
  11. I like to alternate by the month. If you make history or science a daily priority, you might be able to finish in about 5-6 weeks, and be fully immersed the whole time.
  12. I was at GNC today. I'm wearing this blend right now. http://www.gnc.com/essential-oils/051258.html?product_id=051258&flagtype=nonbrand&vendor=Now&channel=ppc&adpos=1o4&creative=189757865461&device=t&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItoKE2dWr1gIV0V5-Ch2MDAN6EAQYBCABEgKvVPD_BwE
  13. I was at Sprouts yesterday. They had a whole section of essential scent blends. I had a sandalwood and amber blend that I loved.
  14. Scrap, can you explain about the day pass? Where do you get them? Can't you buy it at the rangers station? I want to go check out the lake. It sounds lovely. I need to hit up goodwill. I'm hoping to go tomorrow.
  15. B and I took Luna Moon to a toddler bubble party then the playground, and then lunch at Smashburger- inspired by the burger thread. We'd never tried it. I wasn't impressed, but B liked it. Then we found a kids resale shop where I picked up a like new scooter for W in preparation for skate park adventures. And a pair of boots for Luna. Of course. Last stop was a trip to Sprouts. I haven't been to one in months, maybe a year. I bought snacks, mostly, doing a comparison to nature box. I think Sprouts is winning. We'll do a fr we trial to see if I love getting it in the mail.
  16. Eh. I use labels anyway, or don't bother labelling them. Most of them are holding extra paper ( wide ruled, college ruled, copy paper, construction paper) so the labels are accurate.
  17. My pregnancies were high risk. I started care late with a couple because of insurance, but once I started, I did what was asked, including weekly appointments and specialists. With my last one I asked for less monitoring, fewer appointments, because they were stressful for me. I ended up needing them anyway. With number three. I went to be with my dying mother, so I missed a few months, but that was extenuating circumstances.
  18. This is the craziest thread ever. Love to all your fish, and their green peas.
  19. I'm sure that if anyone is at work while sick, it's because they have to be. I don't know anyone who would rather shiver with fever while trying to work rather than be home in bed resting and getting well.
  20. At home: Mushroom stroganoff Veggie swedish meatballs Pad Thai/rad nah Bbq salmon Out: sushi Thai Crab anything and grilled lobster BBQ veggie burger
  21. Well, it appears I'm raising dragons. I should have figured that out sooner.
  22. I did before I was married. A 4 foot tall teddy bear named Stella. I got her when I was 8. I don't remember what happened to her.
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