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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. I think it is something each family must decide for themselves.


    My husband and I are both preacher's kids and were raised with a Sabbath rest mentality. We try to limit our Sunday activities to church- or worship-related.


    We won't miss a church service for a sports game and unfortunately, there was no way to know in advance if the kid's games would be scheduled during a morning or evening service time (they have games ALL DAY long on Sunday). So we've not participated. It is also why my children cannot participate in a second fencing practice each week. It falls on Wednesday night and we have church.

  2. As Crimson Wife said, this is a hot topic in the US right now, and I would prefer to spare the moderators. :tongue_smilie: But just to clarify something: for a Catholic college, it would go against the tenets of their faith to provide someone else with contraception, even if that person weren't Catholic. They know that many of their faculty likely use it, but "tolerating its use by others" is considered to be in a different moral category from "giving it to them."


    (This is assuming that it's going to be used as such. Off-label use, to treat a medical disorder, presents a different and more complex situation.)




    And the point is that is should be up to the institution to decide. That is what religious freedom is all about.

  3. Our group doesn't really limit field trips by age unless the location requests an age-cut off or limits the numbers. One that comes to mind was the juvenile court house. The judge said 12 and up (understandable given what they discussed). But the vast majority of our field trips include babies in strollers all the way up to teenagers.


    I wouldn't have had a problem with a 6th grader going on a K-3 trip to the grocery store if they were polite and well-behaved. They may have even been helpful.


    The mother went about it the wrong way though. Her attitude unfortunately is common. I frequently run into homeschool parents who think rules don't apply to them.

  4. I have a little different take on it, and I really, truly don't mean to offend those on the board who are in that kind of relationship, so I hesitate to share, but... I will. :D


    I believe in keeping the vow of marriage, even if the other person can't (not discussing divorce for other reasons right now--just in the medical cases given). I vowed "in sickness and in health."


    I don't consider marriage a right. I don't consider sexual actions as a right. I see them both as a gift, and I believe God gets to determine how to use them, and I believe he's given the Church the one-woman-one-man form as best and even as Holy.


    If Dh was disabled to the point of these folks we are talking about, I would stay married til the end. I would not seek relationship with another man. I would expect the same for him. This is because I don't see my happiness only coming from a relationship with a man--I know I could be happy as a single, because of God. Even if I could not be happy, happiness is not the point of my life--holiness is.


    It seems the right thing, to "release" someone from their vows if the spouse is sick like this, but how much could be gained by staying together? What sort of work could God do in the heart if someone chose to stay? As far as financial provision, I've always believed God will give enough. Of course, that's sometimes thru the support of the community.


    I do believe it is the Church's business, because I believe the Church/Christian life is not just about Sunday am, but about all of life.


    I agree 100%

  5. This may be an odd question, but I will attempt it anyway.

    We are Young Earth Creationists, but I want to make sure my kids get a very solid understanding of evolution, being the current, widely accepted, prevalent scientific understanding of things. I was taught science using aBeka, and thought I understood evolution, but it turns out I was completely misinformed about what evolutionists believe or accept.

    Is there a good science curriculum out there that does a solid job explaining both evolution and Creationism /Intelligent Design?




    It is VERY tough to find books that do what you want because most evolution books sound like the below quote. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. I finally gave up when I realized every children's evolution book I'd found didn't encourage real thinking. They just stated the science catechism and expected you to revere it.


    Evolution and creationism/ID are utterly mutually exclusive. If one is right, the other must be wrong. There is zero debate among scientists about the reality of evolution. The theory of evolution is as universally accepted among scientists as, say, the germ theory of disease or atomic theory or gravitational theory.


    Accordingly, you won't find any real scientist writing a text that treats creationism/ID as anything other than religious mythology. Scientists are simply not capable of adopting that mindset or of writing convincingly about it. Conversely, anyone who writes in support of creationism/ID, regardless of what supposed scientific credentials that person holds, is simply incapable of covering evolution properly.


    In other words, you're not going to find both evolution and creationism/ID presented in one book, at least not one that does justice to evolution. I'd recommend that you use Jerry Coyne's book _Why Evolution is True_ to present evolution to your kids. It's not overly technical and is written to be accessible to non-scientists.

  6. The option of "personality at that moment" kinda cracks me up. Are any of us married still to what that man or woman was BACK THEN?


    It's been 17yrs. My husband and I are very different from our 25 and 21 year old selves. We change every day and every day we wake up and say the same thing, "Today, I decide to love you."


    "Soul" doesn't quite capture it either. I married a flesh and blood man with a personality and a spirit.


    I'm committed to him. Period. I'm not committed to just his looks or his personality or to some nebulous spirit. I married all of him.


    And as he changes, I change. As I change, he changes. We are one. Anything else is beyond my reckoning.

  7. My husband and I had the exact same response. Neither of us would hope that we'd take that route with a disabled spouse. We believe in married until literal physical death parts us.


    We have a friends who have no qualms about saying they'd divorce each other if one of them came down with Alzheimer and was institutionalized.


    That BLOWS our minds.


    My husband actually responded with, "Man, it makes me glad you are not...so-in-so (the friend we know would divorce her husband)."


    That said, the story is a very sad one. We feel compassion for this family and realize that decisions are a lot harder to make when you are actually living through that kind of a trial.

  8. It bothers me when people mock my Faith, particularly in a school setting that is supposed to be inclusive and nonsectarian. I would rather that they didn't refer to Christmas at all than mock it, and I have so often heard the word xmas as part of that mockery that it offends me.


    I also think that slapping the Christian title on prosperity gospel books to make them sell is pretty disgusting--have to agree with you there!


    And I understand how frustrating it can be to have your faith mocked. ;) That gets very old.

  9. I know that X can symbolize Christ.

    However, most of the people I have seen say 'xmas' accompany it with an eyeroll referring to Christmas as offensive. That usage is insulting, and I am offended by it.


    Actually I don't get this. Wouldn't it be just as easy to argue that it is good for those who are offended by Christ to drop the usage of Christ in words such as Christmas? At least they aren't breaking the 4th Commandment by using the name in vain.


    I sometimes feel like its danged if ya do and danged if ya don't. A nonchristian offends folks if they use Jesus' name and they offend folks if they don't.


    I'd love for people to treat Christ's name with respect. I'd love for Christians to realize that it is much more of a violation of the 4th commandment to slap the title Christian on a health,wealth, and prosperity book than it is to write xian in a tweet.

  10. We eat a lot of it frozen especially during the summer.


    Make smoothies.


    Mix with yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta. My kids say it almost turns into ice cream if you mix it with yogurt.


    On top of cereal.


    Bake with it for cobblers and crisps.


    Heat on the stove and use for topping ice cream or desserts or oatmeal.

  11. I agree. It is the extremeness that I find troubling. This man commits some sexual sin and I am guessing loses his fiance over it. I think it is perfectly acceptable for him to go somewhere else for healing and restoration. I do not understand his needing to remain at Mars Hill for it to be real repentance.


    I completely agree.


    I'm not sure I can word this properly. These mega churches do a pretty good job of making people feel "welcome". Because of that members often think erroneously that people KNOW them. They hit a period in their life of trial whether illness, finances, marital problems, temptation, etc and they think the church will be there for them. In reality the church was never there for them individually. It is impossible.


    I think Driscoll's church is trying to do something they are truly incapable of doing CORRECTLY because of their size. I think this guy really wanted help and he realized he wasn't a member of a real church being mentored in real relationships but rather a cog in a vast machine. In the end they didn't even know him well enough to know if he was truly repentant or apostate. How sad is that?

  12. I think it's only one side of the story. An assumption is being made that Andrew is telling the truth about his interactions with the elders. Driscoll can make himself an easy target, but unlike many, I don't automatically assume he's wrong. There is a plan laid out in Scripture for church discipline when a person is in sin--I'd be interested to hear the elders' side on how they feel Andrew behaved when confronted.


    I guess I don't put much stock in only a partial story, especially one where the author has an obvious bias against the man he's painting in a bad light.


    :iagree: I'm not a huge Driscoll fan and yet I'm all for church discipline. The problem with a church of this size is that something that is meant to be a personal one-on-one mentoring and loving discipline of a person becomes impersonal and business-like. At least that's the perspective we are seeing in this post. Instead of really having an intimate sit-down with this young man and helping him through the process of restoration, they treated him like one more issue to be filed away when all the boxes were checked. That isn't pastoring. I think it is IMPOSSIBLE for a pastor to truly pastor people in a mega-church.


    The other side of that coin is for a church to do nothing. That's what most mega-churches decide. Then you wind up with an usher having an affair with a married woman who then gets pregnant with his baby. She divorces her husband, marries the usher, and the only thing that changes is that she now attends second service while her ex goes to first. And yes, they were in our Sunday School class and I wish for their sake and the sake of all those around them that the church had addressed the problem biblically.


    There has to be a proper biblical church discipline response that falls in between those two extremes.


    The most troubling aspect for me about the actual paperwork was the request for intimate details about the sinful behavior. I find that completely unnecessary and really unhelpful.

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