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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. Of course her body is hers.


    Of course my body is mine.


    Some women, such as myself, also think their body is their husbands too.


    Fwiw. I also think my dh's body is mine.:)




    Always great to find that some folks have to take a nice story and wring every bit of perceived nasty out of it that they can.


    I'm just going to take it at face value and assume the girl developed some respect for herself and her husband. I'll respect her enough not to knock her decision or google her underwear ads.

  2. I think it is important to USE a timeline but not necessarily to make one. I have a timeline at the top of my children's history notebook pages and they fill it in weekly, but I think they learn and retain just as much by simply referring frequently to our pre-made timeline.


    We are really enjoying our new timeline from Master books.



  3. Well, I'll eat my words...the blocks on the clockface is a wonderful idea. I'm going to do that with cuisenaire rods with my little guy.


    LOL. Well, I agree with your post also, but when it still wasn't sticking with my son, the blocks helped. :D

  4. Do you have base 10 blocks?


    You can see an example at my blog. Scroll down and you'll see how we built a clock out of the blocks. This is what FINALLY helped my son "get" it. Math U See teaches it this way. They use five-blocks to build the clock (minutes) and the blocks on the outside are the hours. Worked amazingly well for my very hands-on visual son.




    Time is tough for a lot of kids because they just don't need to know it until they are older. It isn't relevant to their lives yet.


    My kids picked up money much faster because I had them count out their money for church, for shopping, etc. We played store. When I taught counting and skip counting, I used pennies, nickels, and dimes from the very beginning so they associated the two together.

  5. We do four full days and a light Friday. On Fridays we do Bible, math, and make-up work. We go to the library or to the park with our homeschool group in the afternoon so keeping Friday lighter works well for us.


    My kids are getting older but we are still able to work this schedule. It just means we really have to be diligent on those four full days.

  6. How old is too old for Playmobil? 9yo DS wants a playmobil set for his bday.... DH and I are debating at what age we will cut him off from buying stuff like this.




    BTW...this is what he wants for his bday..




    Why would you decide? I guess I'm thinking he'll know when he is no longer interested.


    My son turned 10yo on Sunday and still plays with all of that stuff.

  7. Maybe the mom freaked out a little bit. I'm thinking maybe...


    My child is walking willingly with this lady.

    My child is walking willingly with this lady outside the play area.

    My child is walking willingly with this STRANGER outside the play area.

    My child is walking willingly with this stranger outside the play area and I didn't even NOTICE.


    Freak out.

    Embarrassment at lack of parenting.


    Or as evidenced by the fact that she previously threatened to punch her kid in the face, it is entirely possible that she is just a jerk.


    I do try to avoid touching other people's children. I think even a normal parent is going to have some variation on the first reaction above.

  8. What I would do...


    1. Talk to the church about the social issues in class. That HAS to be resolved. Ask for ways to help integrate your daughter.


    2. Explain to your daughter your church's stance on women in areas of leadership. There are plenty of ways women vitally contribute in churches that don't allow women to hold pastoral or eldership positions. Explain it to her in a POSITIVE way, because it IS positive. However, you have to believe that if you are going to teach your daughter to. If you don't understand it, go talk to the ministerial staff. Maybe work through a book together on the subject.


    3. Personally, your daughter is 7yo. I'd do a subtle drop of classical mythology. I do NOT mean I would forbid it. I would definitely replace it with something else though until your child is much older and firmly rooted in her faith (post-catechesis). The ladies on this board have given you plenty of options. Strong woman in the Bible, saints (though as a Lutheran Missouri Synod, I don't really see you going this route), and/or famous women of the Reformation.


    4. I'd probably also do a Bible study on Acts 17.


    That's where I'd start.

  9. Rutabags never last in my house. My kids like them peeled and eaten raw.


    Parsnips are amazed roasted (just like other root veggies).


    A great way to eat chard or other leafy greens when you are unfamiliar with them is to add them to a soup for the last 5 minutes of cooking time. Any broth-based soup works.


    Baby bok choy would probably be made into an Asian salad or used in stir-fry here.

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