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Everything posted by Daisy

  1. Scrubbing out the shower. It is small, cramped and small tiles that were installed 50 years ago. 'nuff said. :(
  2. I have a normal white board and I buy 4 Expo Markers in Sept. and 4 more at Christmas time. That does it for us and we use them everyday. I cannot buy off-brand markers though because they dry up way too fast.
  3. Having read the passage, I have no problem with these being classified as "dinosaurs", but I'm a young earth creationist. I'm also a literalist when it comes to Scripture.
  4. I love your blog Jessica. I'm over there more than I ought to be. LOL.
  5. Well, I started finally blogging because my family wanted me to. I'm mostly attracted to really incredible writing (i.e. Holy Experience) and like-minded individuals (fairly normal occurance, I would assume). That said, I love a visually appealing blog and it is fun to check out blogs of folks who are incredibly different from myself. I love hearing what you all enjoy! Guess I'm sticking to a 2 column blog for now.
  6. That's sounds really neat. I can't even figure out how to alter my template to make three columns much less figure out "floating" stuff. LOL.
  7. I'm noticing a lot of 3 column blogs but don't know if that is visually appealing to most people or if the 2 column looks less cluttured?
  8. I need a picture of Christian Bale looking all scruffy. He's too "clean" in that photo. LOL. :D
  9. I'm just interested in knowing what kinds of features, posts, etc. attract you to a blog site. For example, is it the way the person writes? Is it the layout of the blog? Do you appreciate that they focus completely on homeschooling or do you like more variety? I'm a newbie blogger and just curious.
  10. My Father's World: Adventures and it was Beautiful Feet before that. We are going to do R&S 4th grade History with MFW ECC and then we'll probably either continue with MFW or go back to BF. I loved BF so much!
  11. I'm using MFW Adventures this year and the hyper structure is driving me nuts. I'm tweaking it to death. So I'm going back to my own thing next year. Although I did buy ECC used so I can rip it apart and add it to my own history studies. I just like to plan my own rabbit trails.:rolleyes:
  12. I think I'll get used to it. It is quite a learning curve though. This board is soo busy it is hard to follow what is going on. I also am having all kinds of "server busy" problems so I've been checking in less often. I'm hoping things will settle down a bit and hit a groove. Until then, I'm not spending much time here. I've got too many other things to do, like blog. LOL.
  13. DS8 is reading an Encyclopedia Brown book, Mary Poppins Comes Back, Great Illustrated Classics Little Women, Five Little Peppers Midway and The Only Sister (Rod and Staff). She's like me and has to have a bunch of books going at once. DS5 is reading any Syd Hoff book he can get his hands on.
  14. Your idea of city (40K) and mine (300K where I live) are very, very different. I'd choose #1 and think I was in a village. LOL.:p
  15. That's an awesome idea!! LOL. Now that I think on it, I look great for 44!
  16. Christian Bale (Batman) and Penelope Cruz were born in 1974. Thanks for the heads up on my signature line. I had a typo. Duh.
  17. I plan early because I like to buy with our tax refund and while R&S is having their yearly sale. So I'll buy in March. That gives me the summer to work out pacing, lesson plans and supplimental resources.
  18. For Kinder - MFW Adventures Science For 3rd grader - R&S Science 3 (which we ALL love)
  19. I would absolutely love to walk into an airport, plunk down a credit card and just go anywhere I wanted for a weekend. :)
  20. Oh, Board Fairy, I want to be younger than Christian Bale and Penelope Cruz. My birthday is coming up and it just isn't looking good for me. :D
  21. Okay, lame, I know, but I just wasn't expecting that. I mean I have a crush on Christian Bale. He just cannot be younger than me! My DS asked me yesterday if I was alive when Lewis & Clark went on their expedition (what we've been studying). :eek: Either I appear ancient or I need to work more on his time line. Either way, bummer. LOL. :p
  22. Dh uses Houghton Mifflin at his school and he HATES it. He teaches first grade. They are due to get new math curriculum in the fall but it appears it will just be updated Houghton Mifflin. :mad:
  23. I cannot believe some have already posted 79 times. LOL. I couldn't get on the board half of the afternoon. It just about drove me MAD.:eek:
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